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Coco Thread!

Guest peace&quiet

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But my point is moving from drip fed pebbles, NFT, Ebb and flow, moving to Coco is simples!

That's it....I can't understand why everyone isn't on coco.... hydro benefits in pot culture. Welcome to the happy place lol


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yep gotta agree gn

ive done various types of hydro over the years

non as simple as coco though

just mix the nutes and water

how easy do you want it ????????????

reckon ill be sticking with coco for the foreseeable future

peppi :smoke:

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Guest hantshaze

Morning p&q fella.

I've been checkin out coco nutes and I'm liking the look of hesi coco range!

With these nutes, the full range, do you need to go by ec or is it just a matter of giving the plants, in different stages of growth so many ml's per ltr water?

Just looking at there feeding chart its all about ml per ltr ( pick below )

If so thats so fuckin simples :wink: just like there compost guide really.

you mus have to ph with hesi.

Really looking forwords to gettin stuck in to the coco vibe!

Cheers p&q bro for any help you can give me.

Gonna be asking a lot more questions in a few weeks or so.

Hope you dont mind me becoming one of the fixtures and fittings of this thread :rofl:

great thread p&q atb,


E2a picture :stoned:


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Guest peace&quiet

Morning mate..you well?

Good on ya! Another coconut joins in,more the merier.

Remember tho Im only on my second grow in the coco by no means an expert but Ill try and help were I can.

Hesi nutes are working a treat fella like you say "simples" but theres others out there too,I only went for this range because of the chart,its a good guide.

Dont worry about ec in veg mate as it dont show up propper on the truncheon,see this post http://www.uk420.com/boards/index.php?show...=193010&hl=

You can start using your ec in flower tho..

If your going to start from clones Id sugest 3ml tnt per litre for the first two feeds then 4 ml mate,just look at your plants,they,ll soon tell you if they need more (pale looking)

or clawing tips and dark green a little less (too much) I worried when folk said learn to read your plants,but in all honesty theres nowt to worry about,youll see what I meen when your doing it.

All the best with your coco adventure Hants.


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Guest hantshaze

high p&q.

Yeah not doing to bad mate.

You say I can start going by ec in bloom.

Could you though, do a grow without useing any ec and go by there guide and + or- nutes by just looking at ya plants.

Like very dark and starting to claw so - some .

And if going a lighter colour + some.

I supose going buy ec you can get it perfect.



cheers for the link. Very informative.

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Guest peace&quiet

To be honest mate Id say yes..with the hesi nutes anyway.

On my killers I used the veg nutes for one week of flower,then from week 2 went with the chart,I think it come out at 1.6 ec and never used the truncheon again,just followed the chart and kept an eye the plants.Maybe I got lucky Hants I dont know but it worked.So week 2-8 by the chart week 9 plain water.

The only tip burn I got was at the end and Im sure that was from the pk 13/14 wasn,t nothing major tho. And it was one of my best yields under a 600.

Im sure the crystalcatcher does the same with hesi..checkkout his diaries.

Heres a little more info on the veg nutes (tnt)




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Guest hantshaze

cheers p&q bro!

Gonna have a good look through your diary some time.

One other little question,

my plants finnish in 11 ltr pots in compost.

Do you think useing say 6.5 ~ 7ltr pots with coco, vegged for the same time, I would get the same size plants as I would in the 11 ltr with comp ?????

Just trying to work out how many will fit in the closet.

Have a nice sunday mate :puke:


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Guest peace&quiet

Your plants will be bigger in coco mate.They grow so fast in veg compared with any compo Ive used,pluss the fact you can go from craddle to coffin style = less veg than compost.Try finishing in the 6.5,s mate and take it from there if you wanna try the 11 litre.This time Ive went from 1.4 (3 weeks veg) To the 11 litres for 3 more weeks veg,just wanna compare 5 plants this way rather than the over crowded 13 killers I just finished in 6.5,s, trial and error and enjoying it at the same time..

Looking forward to seeing your progress mate..


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I just finished in 6.5,s, trial and error and enjoying it at the same time.

hi p and q

just wondering bud how big those plants ended up in those 6-5 litre pots

have a few white russians going in 6 litre pots now and cant decide if i should pot up again before flowering

only got 2 females under a 400w cooltube in coco ,these have beeen topped once only these are probably just shy of 2 foot tall

just wondering how big those plants in your pots ended up also what would you estimate the yield was /is ???

thanks bud

peppi lol

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Guest peace&quiet

Awrite Peppi

Around the 3 foot mark mate...flowered at 17" if my memorys serves me.

Yield was around an ounce & a half per plant. 13 plants got me 541 grams dry.

I could do better I rekon if I trimed the bottom 3rd better there was a load of cabbage buds.

Also it was jam packed with 13 plants and a couple dindn,t perform aswell as the others.

Just short of 2 foot you say..niceone they sound like they gonna be 4 foot pluss in flower mate.


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But my point is moving from drip fed pebbles, NFT, Ebb and flow, moving to Coco is simples!

That's it....I can't understand why everyone isn't on coco.... hydro benefits in pot culture. Welcome to the happy place :)


lol for sure!

Onwards - to see the difference, between 6.5 and 11ltr pots I have potted 4 in to 11ltr and kept the rest in the 6.5. I was originally going to use two sets of nutes as well, but that's to many variables to measure so will just have different pots this time and see the difference.

GN goes for the 6.5ltr and I do understand his stance on it and looking at his plants they are as rosy as can be

The Crystal Catcher uses 11ltr pots n scrog and they also look rosy

I am doing scrog - so will test the two pots and report back here which oen gives the best of there is any difference - if there is no difference, it will be 6.5 all the way

As its my first pop at coco, i thought i would play around a bit, and bought some Silicon as well as the growers Ark stuff I am using - lets see what that does as it will only go in to half the plants - two small pot and two big pot

Take care all


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Hants -

I don't like Hesi at all....not smoked a good bud grown with it yet. Maybe it's the taste, not sure...but I just don't like it. If it's ease of use you're after, check out the Canna UK Grow Calculator. It's how I started in coco and it changed my life lol

Canna is expensive though, am now on B'Cuzz but it's not easy or user friendly at all.


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Guest hantshaze
Hants -

I don't like Hesi at all....not smoked a good bud grown with it yet. Maybe it's the taste, not sure...but I just don't like it. If it's ease of use you're after, check out the Canna UK Grow Calculator. It's how I started in coco and it changed my life :yahoo:

Canna is expensive though, am now on B'Cuzz but it's not easy or user friendly at all.


wll check canna out gn.

It was just the ease of use i liked with hesi.

Must admit i did a compost grow a while back and used hesi comp nutes.

Like you say it was'nt as nice a taste as grows i had done with canna or biobizz.

Cheers for the info gn.



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Anyone used GH nutes with Coco, I'd to reverse osmosis the water at some point GH seems the nute for this.

If not GH which nutes would work best with RO water.

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