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Coco Thread!

Guest peace&quiet

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Yep - what Sticky said. Most people stick to a 5.8/6 pH for coco. I tend to set my pH towards 5.5 for stuff in veg and towards 5.8 for stuff in flower but that's just a 'me' thing and probably no value.

Peppi - yep - you have very soft water coming out of your tap (if it doesn't register on the bluelab, it's close to EC0). You should get hold of some epsom salts to add into your feed to give a little extra Ca and Mg - which I think will work. Alternatively you might need to swap your feed out to a soft water specific one?


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hi p&q,

im really enjoying the Hesi nutes and coco experience so far, the roots coming out the bottom of the pots is insane, so strong and white, their almost lifting the pots up of the drip tray they are sat in, and it only seems to take a few days after transplanting aswell.

Once the cuttings were rooted in RootRiot cubes i transplanted them into 3in pots and fed them with 2ml/L (TNT)

and nothing else, after 7 days i put them into 1.5L pots and started them on 3ml/L for a few days and now they are on 4ml/L TNT and 2ml/L root stimulator. Its good fun with the coco and the pace of growth is very quick, 2 or 3 times quicker than a couple of cuts of the same age in compost i have along side as a 'control' group to see how im getting along.

It was your first coco grow p&q that inspired me to give it a whirl...cheers mate :yep:

Sticky, cheers for the info mate, it makes it a little more clear though i will stick to pH5.8 for a couple of runs untill i cut my teeth with the coco medium. :D

GreenNinja, thanks for your input, anything you have to contribute to growing in coco i am all ears as you sure know your stuff.. :)

Edited by Savage
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Hello All,

I want to devote half of my space to coco on the next run. I plan to put 4 plants under 1 x 600w in 11 ltr pots (can go bigger if there is any advantage). It won't be until after Christmas which has given me a chance to get all of the necessary together. I think I have pretty much got it all sorted in my head but some input on a couple of things would be appreciated.

I measured the ec of my tap water yesterday and it came in at a whopping .76 ffs! I put this data into the Canna calculator and had a look at the results and what really surprised me was that at a certain stage of growth they show an ec of over 2.0 and thats just with the normal feeding option. I am definitely no hydro expert but I was under the impression that an ec of that kind of strength is right on the limit and would probably fry my plants. So, I did a bit more digging and saw that Hesi nutes don't raise the ec as high as others because they have a lower mineral salt content. So, the question is- Realistically speaking will my background ec be a hindrance to growing in coco in the first place and will going down the Hesi route ease the pain of dealing with an ec this high?

As a soil grower I don't let my tap water stand for any time. I use it straight from the tap. This has never caused me any problems growing in compost. I know I have to leave the soil mentality behind with coco so is this an issue? Can I use my tap water without leaving the chlorine to vent off?

For the first grow I will be mixing up nutes as required but if all goes well I will go for a setup with reservoir and drippers.

Thanks for any help as I just need to get these final bits of info together before I take my first step into the dark side.

Edited by chrisesq
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Guest peace&quiet

Hello Chris.

Good on ya on having a go at coco... :rofl:

Your ec is roughly the same as mine 0.8. What I do is I half this to 0.4 & add it to my final ec reading. So for example if I wanted an ec of 1.2 it would show 1.6 on my truncheon.

Forget your ec with hesi tnt nutes,like you know it dont show up propper. If your growing from cuttings Id suggest 3ml per litre for 1 or 2 feeds and see how they go,thats usually plenty although hesi schedule says 5ml I find that just a tad too hot.I max out on 4ml per litre.

For flower week one I stay on the grow nutes for week 1 then switch to bloom..the bloom shows up on your ec truncheon! 5ml per litre gives me an ec of 1.6 & I keep to that all the way thro as suggested by the hesi schedule..worked a treat,only thing I would have a moan about was slight leaftip burn when I added the pk 13/14. Apart from that they where healthey all the way thro.

As for standing water..yeah its good practice,have you somewere you could stand a builders bucket or two? In saying that a few times Ive just added water (luke warm) straight from the tap when I forgot to refill mine after a feed. Not sure on the importance of this tho?

Atb with your first grow in coco.


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Thanks for that p&q,

my high ec was bothering me. Thanks for the guidance on the Hesi feed schedule. I'll kick off with what you suggest and see how they go.

I'm looking forward to this. I need to get my teeth into something new.


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Hi guys been growing in coco for a few weeks now all was going well now 3 weeks into flower and hitting some problems.i am using plagron nutes at a ec of 1.2 with there own boost ph between 5.8 and 6. leaves are looking weird hear are some pics any info much appreciated few guys on here inspired me to try this but now having probs and dont no what to do help :yep: . here is some pics

its not letting me add pics says the files are to big??

Edited by jammy79
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Right - its all rosy in the Z coco tent - I put 8 plants in to 6.5 ltr pots over the weekend and they are going like the clappers - using Growers Ark nutes, as soon as the roots are visible I will start bottom feeding - will post a couple of here and in my diary when I get round to buying a camera.

But my point is moving from drip fed pebbles, NFT, Ebb and flow, moving to Coco is simples!


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