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Coco Thread!

Guest peace&quiet

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Guest peace&quiet
Thats not aimed at you mate,Stan was replying to a post by Gn that was edited. :)

:yep: - Sorry about that - I got a bit loose...



Not a problem Stan :yinyang:

Cheers for that ssc.

Ive still got the ones in question under a 125wt enviro and still in their first pots (1.4 litre).

Ive only just run out mate and will be making another purchase in the very near future..this time Ill go with the 5 litre bottles so I dont run out again.

I cant compare at the moment as this is my first attempt but what I can say is the plants are healthy been topped and the roots are still going wild..they are at every drainage hole in abundance and only being fed on hesi tnt.

So alls well so far.


Eta: a picture of roots without rootstim added.


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Thanks folks - I'll see how they go with the cannazyme and being left in peace for a few days...

Just following-up on the post above

Well - the growing tips on the plants picked-up a bit and are looking OK since I started watering regularly with ezyme, so I'm going to give it another week for them to pick-up some pace.

Otherwise the fan-leaves continue to turn yellow & fall-off - I don't think that's coco-related - I think once I'd topped the growing tips then the fan-leaves that were supporting them were no longer necessary and thus the first thing that the plant was going to try to get rid-of... I've heard of people trimming budsites and then trimming the fan-leaves a week later - I wonder whether that's why..?

Anyhow - if my trimming activities are resulting in die-back up-top then I imagine that they're having the same effects down below at the roots so I'll keep-up the enzyme treatment...

I'm a little puzzled as to why the enzymes don't digest the coco-fibres too lol

All a bit vague without a camera I'm afraid... roll-on Xmas! :smoke:


e2a: I've just measured my pots and they're 0.5ltrs, (not 1ltr like I said earlier :unsure:).

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hi all

just a few shots of my clones rooting really ....(white russian taken about 5 weeks ago now 100% success rate first time in jiffies )

tbh i am new to this potting up with only ever using proper hydro before (ie pumps and stuff)

these are around 2-3 weeks old now and i have been feeding them a mix of ionics grow and formulex with a ec of 1-2 and a ph of 6 ......

these have been in 4 inch pots so far

so what size pots should they be going into now ??? iam gonna mix coco and clay pellets 70-30

would it be worth putting a few small airstones inside each pot ???as i have a load of them and pumps and stuff !!!

peppi lol




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Guest peace&quiet

Nice roots Peppi.

Theres no harm in potting them into their final pots now..good thing about coco is you can miss out the middle pot whilst potting on craddle to grave style.

What final pots you thinking of using?

Not sure about the air stones tho..sorry.


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got some 6-5 litre pots here bud and some a little smaller ..... :yahoo:

might as well just go straight into the 6-5 litre pots then :wink:

once they have been potted on ill move them from under the envirolight and place them under my 400 w cooltube give em some proper vegging light for a few weeks probably top em at some point to !!!!

ill give the air stones try cant be much different to soaker hose i would have thought

should i be feeding them a higher ec at this stage ???looking at other grows i may have been a little under zealous with the nutes in the past ??

peppi :rofl:

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Guest peace&quiet
Thanks folks - I'll see how they go with the cannazyme and being left in peace for a few days...

Just following-up on the post above

Well - the growing tips on the plants picked-up a bit and are looking OK since I started watering regularly with ezyme, so I'm going to give it another week for them to pick-up some pace.

Otherwise the fan-leaves continue to turn yellow & fall-off - I don't think that's coco-related - I think once I'd topped the growing tips then the fan-leaves that were supporting them were no longer necessary and thus the first thing that the plant was going to try to get rid-of... I've heard of people trimming budsites and then trimming the fan-leaves a week later - I wonder whether that's why..?

Anyhow - if my trimming activities are resulting in die-back up-top then I imagine that they're having the same effects down below at the roots so I'll keep-up the enzyme treatment...

I'm a little puzzled as to why the enzymes don't digest the coco-fibres too :yahoo:

All a bit vague without a camera I'm afraid... roll-on Xmas! :rofl:



Have you tried upping their feed Stan as mentioned above? What ec are they running at? I topped my little ones 4 days ago and all leafs are still healthy.

Only time Ive had yellow clones in my limited experiece was at the begining when I was under feeding,however they green,d up in 4 days after their nutes were increased.

Without a pic Im just guestimating tho fella.


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Guest peace&quiet
got some 6-5 litre pots here bud and some a little smaller ..... :yahoo:

might as well just go straight into the 6-5 litre pots then :wink:

once they have been potted on ill move them from under the envirolight and place them under my 400 w cooltube give em some proper vegging light for a few weeks probably top em at some point to !!!!

ill give the air stones try cant be much different to soaker hose i would have thought

should i be feeding them a higher ec at this stage ???looking at other grows i may have been a little under zealous with the nutes in the past ??

peppi :rofl:

What ec you running and what age are they bud? Do they look healthy? No paling of leafs ext? Or dark green and clawing?

Trust you got a truncheon with your hydro background? Let it tell you if they require more feed or look at what the plants are telling you. Ive learned this grow from advice given about knowing what your plants require but the truncheon will tell ya whats what in the solution.

Yeah the 6.5 litre pots will be just dandy..used them myself.


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p and q

roughly estimate these clones to be around 3-4 weeks old now (tis a bit foggy tbh :yahoo: )

the ec is 1-2 with a ph of 6 ...... mix of formulex and ionics coco ....the ionics was only introduced yesterday up till then it was just formulex at a ec of 1 .......... i just mixed the ec to 1 with ionics and then brought it to 1-2 with formulex

ill pot them on early this week into the 6-5 litre pots see how we go from there ....... including a few airstones to ,ill put these at the bottom in a layer of clay pellets ............ :wink:

peppi :rofl:

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Silicon and Rhizotonic are added to coco so I wasnt exactly moving away from the Coco discussion I dont think.

Thats not aimed at you mate,Stan was replying to a post by Gn that was edited. :rofl:

Glad your enjoying the coco its goos stuff eh!


Oops cheers P&Q and sorry Stan, I didnt mean to sound off or anything, I was more worried I was going off topic or something :wink: :unsure:

Paranoid? Me? Never :yep:

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Peppi -

I like to pot up like this:

rooted clone in cube/root riot -> 3" round pot -> 1l square -> 3.5l square (often a final pot) -> 6.5l

But like P&Q says, coco is a lot more forgiving when it comes to potting up so you can probably miss out stages if you want. I like potting up because it gives me plenty of chances to inspect the rootzone and add granules, but in a small tub grow recently I planted rooted clones directly into the big tub and I got same yields (maybe a touch higher) than from individual pots that had been potted up.


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thanks for the info green ninja bud :wink:

tbh mate after reading this thread earlier i went and potted them up into the 6-5 litre pots , a mix of two thirds coco and one third claypellets to these i have added two small airstones into each pot buried at the bottom with clay pellets

(worth a go i suppose as the pump and stones aint doing anything else )...................... :wassnnme:

there still under the envirolight for a few more days until i can get the time to rewire my controller and relocate my carbon filter to gain a little more head room :wink:

e2a a quick question folks .... should i now wait until the roots fill the 6-5 litre pots before flowering ?????? :unsure:

peppi :smoke:

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Guest peace&quiet

I rekon about 10-14 days to fill 6.5 litre pots mate.

Are you planning on a longer veg maybe? Just keep them fed and you can go a fair bit longer.


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hi p and q ....

think what am gonna do bud is veg two until they are big enough to fill my square meter then flower and ill hold the other clone back for further cloning and to grow into a single large plant at a later date ...

get some serious veg time in on her !!! only under a envirolight though !!! training through out !!

tbh i think i could do with getting some sort of heating in my flower area now its getting cold and have been looking at a heat mat rather than a tube heater

peppi :stoned:

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Without a pic Im just guestimating tho fella.

Yeah - I know - this will be my last post on the matter without a pic...

I topped my little ones 4 days ago and all leafs are still healthy.

I think I overdid it... mine were topped twice at around the same time as they were potted-up. I was also sexing them at the time which meant more changes for them... generally over-stressed I reckon, especially in the root-department.

Have you tried upping their feed Stan as mentioned above? What ec are they running at?

I've been feeding them at an EC1.0 above my background of 0.6 for the last week. However, since they don't appear to be feeding, the EC of the run-off simply gets higher & higher - (I don't usually measure the EC of the run-off but on this occasion is seems to be a useful indication of rate of feeding).

To me, everything suggests that the roots are fecked & my choice is to either wait (effectively re-vegging which could take a while) or to quickly take cuttings and start-over with them before the growing tips run-out of nutrients altogether.

Ah well - onwards & upwards... Cheers for the help folks...



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I think I overdid it... mine were topped twice at around the same time as they were potted-up.

topping ?????? :wink:

how should a plant be topped ??? do you allow x amount of branches to form then top ???? .... bit sketchy on this one myself ....... read lots about it but its still a little fuzzy tbh

peppi :yinyang:

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