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God Is Sabotaging The Large Hadron Collider


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  • 4 weeks later...
Am i the only one massivly interesting in this experiment?

Science doesnt come cheap and our knowledge is priceless.


Not cheap, no, and a big waste of money.

I am happy to predict that when they do the full power runs in 2013, they will fail to find Hoggs Bison, sorry, the Higgs Boson.

I am so confident I am prepared to put a wager on it, with a bookie... I wonder what odds I'll get?

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Who's to say it did work and proved that the higgs boson doesnt exist and they are busy trying to think of a reason why it doesnt exist???

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If there is any "sabotage" going on, there is no need to make up exotic reasons to account for it, although that is normal practise with the standard model, it is easy to explain, and much more down to earth:

Someone, I suspect, at the LHC knows with absolute certainty that it is a big waste of time, it is based on false assumptions, it will not find anything of the so-called super-massive sub-atomic particles ,.... isn't that an oxymoron?, I mean, how can sub-atomic particles be much more massive than particles?

So this person is quietly going around putting small spanners in the works, to avoid embarrassment for the whole Theoretical Physics community.

IMHO, that is a much more likely scenario.

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Am i the only one massivly interesting in this experiment?

Science doesnt come cheap and our knowledge is priceless.


Oxford English Dictionary


• adjective 1 savagely cruel. 2 primitive; unsophisticated.

I am very interested in this experiment, can't wait to see what they find but, and I think this about most of our worldly achievements, its all very barbaric, we find out what stuff is made of by smashing it to pieces, we provide most of our energy by burning and destroying when there is a star that has provided the planet with all its energy for millions of years, we cut people open with metal objects to heal them, we even kill peeps by propelling objects into them at great speed, we let peeps loose on the streets after letting them intoxicate so much they lose control and then wonder why some many peeps get hurt, we attack and kill each other for no reason, we let people starve to death - starve to death for fucks sake !!! and throw food in bins to rot, gonna stop now or will rant.

If the future exists and they can see what we are doing wouldn't you want to stop us ?

I know we need to progress and some things are better for the research but surely we (humans) are capable of more than just banging things together ?

Id be amazed if any god that exists is still bothering to look at us.

But they must know something, that much money (and we only know about what we have been told) doesnt get spent on a maybe ?

J lol

Edited by Jay1911
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But they must know something, that much money (and we only know about what we have been told) doesnt get spent on a maybe ?

J lol

Oh dear.

I can honestly tell you that your "maybe?" is on much firmer ground than the science that the LHC is based on.

It's called a paradigm shift, it is happening now, soon anyway.

Todays Standard model science, which is the very basis of the LHC experiments, is at the same stage as British alchemy was when we got stuck looking for phlogiston, almost a century that idea dominated our minds.

A Frenchman provided the paradigm shift that was needed back then to get us out of the rut we were in.

Today we are in the same position, for around 80 years we have been stuck in this rut we now call the Standard Model.

How much has been spent on the various "nuclear fusion" research experiments, like tokomak? Billions.

How much power has any one of these massive devices generated? 0 watts.

How much power have they put in up to now? Gigawatts.

I well remember one of the scientist talking about this technology years ago, claiming something like "we will put 20MW in, and we will get 200MW out".

Sounds like a free energy device to me, or a perpetual motion machine, both of which are impossible according to their own laws of physics.

They will be massively embarrassed when this LHC fails.....

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both of which are impossible according to their own laws of physics.

They will be massively embarrassed when this LHC fails.....

According to the Standard model - what if the experiment changes all that?

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I had a good feeling this was going to fail, the americans failed and gave up after spending 12 billion dollars.

I believe they tried to build it in texas and they did alot of work over 20-25 years, they told congress it could be completed for 4.4 billion in 1987 but by 1993 it had already cost 12 billion.

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Yeah, but aren't they trying to confirm standard model particle physics - by finding the Higgs. And (they hope) some insight into gravity (one of the main areas standard model falls short).

I can think of worse ways to waste money. All your digital grow equipment works because we have an understanding of quantum mechanics.

I'm surprised at the "bang the rocks together guys" attitude tbh. Love this stuff myself.

Edited by DD2001
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