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I dont get night terrors, but it is supposed to be a common thing internationally. There are other threads on it somewhere.

This is a dream i had which put fear in me though:

I didnt have a dream for about 10 years, then early last year, i had a vivid dream. I was in a friends house, there were other people there, and it was like we were hiding out from something. The scene was like something from the zombie movies/world-ending movies. There was a fear that felt real, even tho i was asleep. A fear i have never experienced in real life. I was upstairs and looked out of the window, and i could see the playing fields behind my mates house, covered in fog, and i could hear and see a huge army stomping along in lines, armed with sharp weapons, like something out of lord of the rings.

We all ran down the stairs, and out the side door, then we seen another army, coming from the front of the house. They had cornered us. Next thing i knew, i was on my own surrounded by this army, and i picked up a rake, and tried to defend myself, then before i knew it, there were swords going right through me from both sides, and it felt so real. I fell to the ground, and as i fell, i thought to myself, shit, if i had a bloody suicide bomb on me, i could have pulled the cord, and taken these fuckas down with me.

Then i woke up, covered in sweat, and feeling my body down for stab wounds....

NWO coming your way....:wink:

Iv been havin the same nightmare for near on 19yrs iv been to the drs my parents even paid for a shrink to try help me

Details please...

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When I was younger I would have nightmare's about Door's not fitting and things chasing me and catching me.

Another was A gun that didnt work, everytime I pulled the trigger the cartridge fell out and the gun broke to pieces.

Another was never being to run fast enough and it was like I was in slow motion.

they ended when the door fitted the frame.

when the gun worked and fired.

when I was able to run very fast.

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my ex gf used to suffer from night terrors most nights,shouting in her sleep ,crying punching the air ect.

sometimes i used to wake up to her just standing still at the end of the bed :( i could never wake her as she would completely freak out and lash out at me.

one night i woke up to find her standing on the bed and reaching for a samurai sword she had on the wall ,i real one too :blub: she sold it the next day after I'd told her what she was doing :blub:

very surreal to watch indeed.

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Used to have recurring nightmares as a kid, most involved being trapped by fire, which was odd because I enjoyed playing with fire :wacko:

Havn't had a scary dream since I first tripped, which I used to do alot. I learnt to enjoy even the most horrifying of trips so I think that has alot to do with it, nothing scares me when I'm alseep now, it's all enjoyable in different ways (and a free high lol ), I can't remeber the last time I had a 'bad' trip either :)

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Dreams don't really scare me to much. Although I had one a while back which fucked me up proper. It's a bit on the graphic side. I think it was my subconscious expressing a fear I have. Basically, I don't want to hold tiny babies incase I drop them or do something stupid which hurts them. Cos I'm quite heavy handed and don't even know I'm doing it. So when asked if I want to hold a baby in real life I refuse. Some people don't like it but I'm sure they would like it less if I dropped their kid on it's head. Anyway, to my dream.

It happened in an airport. We were walking and this woman asked me to carry this kid. I remember saying "I don't do carrying kids" :) To which she says "you got one right now". So I look down and I have this kid in my right arm. Probably less than 1 year old. After that we're running through this airport, as we get to the checkin desk thing, the speed picks up and this baby is doing a proper bounce, still being held in my right arm. Then the baby starts slipping but I carry on running, until I get a few meters away from the desk, then I dropped the kid from about waist height and running really fast. It took a few feet for me to stop and turn around but when I turned around all I saw was this babies head rolling along the floor. There was no body, just a babies head rolling along the floor. Well, holy fucking shit. That one fucked me up real bad. Effected me for days man. That feeling I had was the worst thing I've ever felt, in any dream or in real life. Can't even describe it man. That's my idea of a nightmare, when I think it's all real and happening. I don't really get fake things in my dreams so much. Like man eating spiders or whatever. When I get those strange science fiction type dreams I tend to enjoy them, even when they should be scary. Not quite sure what that means to be honest. That one with the baby though, fucking hell. That was bad. Also, I tend to find good things in dreams, I'll hide them and then wake up knowing it was a dream. Like "fuck, just now I had a lamborghini sitting outside" :wacko: Now I'm waking up and it's gone lol Killer when that happens.

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Hi there felllow tokers and smokers i want to start a thread about knight terrors i at presant have this probblem where i sort off scream thrugh my sleep and its getting me down im not to clued up when talking about this and also im wanting to find soloutions apart from damb Pills.

The sort off dreams i will describe is all too often happining and i no sometimes not always i howle scream in my sleep also i talk too myself in dream state for instance i am going off too sleep and i start dreaming (I am sleeping at this point- bare with me im sleeping and i always dream about old school freinds and the people that had more than me or they where nuts as in pritty tough people they for any reason want to hurt me and decive me off somthing also recently i dreamnt about being under water swimming then i start too suffer from no oxegen (wierd one) also i when in this dream under water see all the marine animals very vivedly and then i iver dream about a big blue whale it apears or it could bee also arctuffis the (gient squid).

Well in some dreams about these grate big animals monsters what ever you want to call them well but in some dreams i am hunting them but i am dead against hurting animals (Iv perseved that because i dont understand them and there size i will be scared off anything i dont know.)Is this true?

I will say theres also the face off a witch with a massive mouth screaming at me very iraley like a banshee type scream then im scared and then i wake to find nothing there. Any help on these dreams would put my mind too rest so anybodie? thanks for baring with me on describing them i will try to post more dreams but thats the only onse poping into my head so thanks for any feed back -peace-all-

It could be the way you are sleeping. I have on occasion woken up from a very bad dream to find I am sleeping in a position where my breathing is through a pillow or my neak is compressed to cut off the air supply. At these times I dream scarry images and ideas that speed up my breathing and my heart races. I think this is natures way of waking you up and getting air to your brain. If you can remember this when you wake suddenly it helps.

For the record I have had drownding, images of the devil and red monster dreams.

It could be you should change your pillows.


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