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Hi there felllow tokers and smokers i want to start a thread about knight terrors i at presant have this probblem where i sort off scream thrugh my sleep and its getting me down im not to clued up when talking about this and also im wanting to find soloutions apart from damb Pills.

The sort off dreams i will describe is all too often happining and i no sometimes not always i howle scream in my sleep also i talk too myself in dream state for instance i am going off too sleep and i start dreaming (I am sleeping at this point- bare with me im sleeping and i always dream about old school freinds and the people that had more than me or they where nuts as in pritty tough people they for any reason want to hurt me and decive me off somthing also recently i dreamnt about being under water swimming then i start too suffer from no oxegen (wierd one) also i when in this dream under water see all the marine animals very vivedly and then i iver dream about a big blue whale it apears or it could bee also arctuffis the (gient squid).

Well in some dreams about these grate big animals monsters what ever you want to call them well but in some dreams i am hunting them but i am dead against hurting animals (Iv perseved that because i dont understand them and there size i will be scared off anything i dont know.)Is this true?

I will say theres also the face off a witch with a massive mouth screaming at me very iraley like a banshee type scream then im scared and then i wake to find nothing there. Any help on these dreams would put my mind too rest so anybodie? thanks for baring with me on describing them i will try to post more dreams but thats the only onse poping into my head so thanks for any feed back -peace-all-


Edited by smiffy22toke
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have a look at the dream dictionary site at the bottom, obviously you may need to add some buckets of salt ..if you want to look into it more seriously read some freud and jung ..also have a look here:



To hear a wail in your dream, symbolizes some sadness, pain or suffering of someone around you. If you are wailing, then the dream may serve as an avenue in which you can freely release such emotions that may not be appropriate in your waking life.


edit: look into some visualization exercises you can do before going to sleep ..5-10 minute excersise .

Edited by weed_G
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thanks weed g i will look into what you have ordered i think you are spot on when considering the whail.

sleep art.


Edited by smiffy22toke
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i suffer bad night terrors,i,ve gotten used to them now but some of them are so vivid i have trouble going back to sleep,i,ve found some light relaxation and exercise before bed helps

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hey smiffy. i've had bad night terrors. also am going through neuroleptic withdrawal which has my brain totally misfiring just before and during sleep. things i've done to help are making sure i have a good sleep ritual - meaning to bed at the same time every night, in a calm peaceful environment - meaning i got rid of the clutter in the bedroom, closed the door to the cats, stopped watching horror films (my favs) before bed, and only used low lighting. i do this and instead spent time listening to calming music and doing deep breathing before sleep.

the dream world is fascinating to explore as it really brings us down into our "stuff", and as others have mentioned it is helpful looking online at a dream dictionary. good luck!

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Sounds like youve got real problems tbh...

I will say theres also the face off a witch with a massive mouth screaming at me very iraley like a banshee type scream then im scared and then i wake to find nothing there.

This is the worst dream you can have its a sign of bad omens and that your lifes completely fucked. I had it years ago when i was abusing drugs and sleeping rough. Bad things happened after i had this dream, dont want to go into them ever again. :yinyang:

This site might help

Dreamsleep, it explains the dreams.

and theres a few nighterror resource sites...

Never had them bad, but ill always remember the witch/howling old women...they stopped when i changed my life. I still have pretty much the same dream every month about my first love, been going on for about 6 years, which is obviously a sign of regret and loss that i cant let go off etc...in fact i cant remember any other dream except that. lol

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The disparity between the conscious and unconscious mind isn't as great as some of the more 'pragmatic' amongst us would like to belive. I don't belive all dreams are analysis and assimilation.

I don't envy you.

I hope your nightmares stop.


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Hello again sice reading up on knight terrors i fell a bit more relaxed and fell it is a probblem i can solve.

By time, recently i have still been having some wierd dreams but i dont try to remember them the way i see it know is iff that is what this life holds for me then i will have to try and educate myself into submission.

Meaning i have to live with it soi want to thank everyone for there kind support and giving me feed back on this subject i commemorate you all and i will try to write about more off my knightmares and dreams.

I cant just now as they all seem to be ok at presant i will update my thread and see iff i can understand the diffrent types off issuess it creates. Thank you again and stay safe all -peace- :yahoo:

Edited by smiffy22toke
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good to hear smithy ...it helps to rationalize any health issues by reading up on them ..maybe at some level in the brain it gives confidence and helps dilute the fear response that bad dreams can feed off, increased understanding of anything scary will make you feel more in control of the situation ...less at the mercy of the unknown ..sleep tight dude

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Oops, sorry, thought thread had something to do with scooby doo :smoke: .

Glad you've got it a little more under control now. Happy sleepings. :smoke:


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Hi there weed g and others that reply im very happy too say things sleeping wise are alot more comffartable thanks to the info i have recived not only this but the kind words buy the buddys on this site weed g i will add you too my buddy list i hope you will be able to add me to yours 2 it is a grate site iff you are felling down as there is always somone to pick u up out off the depresive state.

I had a dream about a little bat that had a tare in its wing the other night i looked it up and it gave me clues to what im doing wrong in life there is somthing im holding close to my cheest and i need to get it out thats what the dream decoder says.

you will never go wrong iff you use this method i am alot more at peace and meeting new buddys is also a bonus. thanks for everything all and speak more soon.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

Is a night terror like a really awful nightmare? Between the ages of 6 and 10 I used to get a recurring dream of little men with pick axes and shovels appearing out of shadows and other dark places that would head straight for me. These guys weren't your average friendly fairytale characters like dwarves or elves, instead they were demonic little bastards intent on using their tools in particular to hack and chop at my head. I can remember being so paralysed by fear that I felt helpless to escape while being conscious enough to 'observe' them and their activities almost from a third persons perspective. Really weird! I often used to wake up crying and screaming and my parents would come see what all the fuss was about. My mom would usually tell me to read a happy book until I felt tired enough to fall asleep again. I can also remember a big flower pot in the garden which was visible from my bedroom and seem to recall me associating it with my bad dreams for some reason. I hated that fucking flower pot!

My dreams were very vivid as a child, I often remembered them in in good detail. For years now I generally don't remember or even think of my dreams. There is one dream I still have and remember on occasion, the same basic plot of someone who pursues me and will almost always end up killing me by the time I wake up. I wonder what murder in a dream signifies?

Edited by Puff Adder
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I dont get night terrors, but it is supposed to be a common thing internationally. There are other threads on it somewhere.

This is a dream i had which put fear in me though:

I didnt have a dream for about 10 years, then early last year, i had a vivid dream. I was in a friends house, there were other people there, and it was like we were hiding out from something. The scene was like something from the zombie movies/world-ending movies. There was a fear that felt real, even tho i was asleep. A fear i have never experienced in real life. I was upstairs and looked out of the window, and i could see the playing fields behind my mates house, covered in fog, and i could hear and see a huge army stomping along in lines, armed with sharp weapons, like something out of lord of the rings.

We all ran down the stairs, and out the side door, then we seen another army, coming from the front of the house. They had cornered us. Next thing i knew, i was on my own surrounded by this army, and i picked up a rake, and tried to defend myself, then before i knew it, there were swords going right through me from both sides, and it felt so real. I fell to the ground, and as i fell, i thought to myself, shit, if i had a bloody suicide bomb on me, i could have pulled the cord, and taken these fuckas down with me.

Then i woke up, covered in sweat, and feeling my body down for stab wounds....

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