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If You Were Omnipotent


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I would invent time travel, then go back and stop crocodiles from happening. Then fast forward to 1995 and laugh as Jimmy Nails single "Shoes" fails to make the UK top 40 chart.

:D Sure that would work well Martin :smoke: nutcase :D

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Mookum, so you'd just set them on collision course then? You wouldn't feel the need to interfere? Obviously some omniscience would be required, otherwise you might affect things by something you do or didn't do, but then if you control time, it wouldn't matter? Would you change your own past? Would that change who you were in the future, or would you be omnipresent, ie as it was at the beginning, it will be throughout until the end, for you are a single entity? Would you get bored of it all really quickly since your omniscience obviously grants you knowledge of all things and you know what's going to happen anyway? Why bother? Would you replicate yourself and let some other god or goddess deal with it? How would you deal with others like you? Make them disappear? But if they are just as all knowing and as all powerful as yourself, what chance do you have? Is that what it all boils down to though? Chance? Luck? Would you take luck out of the equation, make everything a sure thing? Sorry for firing a load of questions at you, am just responding to your post and a tad stoned. :blushing:

no, the point is, here's me sitting here, all omnipotent like, but a bit bored. its shite if you know and control everything thats gonna happen, like a game where you know all the cheats before you start. so, just create the situation and sit back and see how it all works out, with minimal interference.

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I'd create a stone so heavy that I couldn't lift it...


Why? It's a bad paradox

It's a great paradox.

If you are omnipotent, you can do anything. So you can create a massive stone that can't be lifted. But you're omnipotent, so you can lift anything.

It's a great paradox.

Err you REALLY didn't need to explain it I think a 4 year could get it and as for being a great paradox no offence, perhaps you should read abit more, but if you want to think it's great who am I to stop you.

And if Father McPot wants to create big stones that's cool to :blushing:

mokum777 omnipotent doesn't mean the same as omniscient.

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mokum777 omnipotent doesn't mean the same as omniscient.

i know, but it must include it, if you are all powerful, then you would have the power to know how everything is gonna turn out, or at least be able to make things happen the way you want. so i think it would get a bit boring, need to create some situations and just let them run to maintain a bit of interest.

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I'd create a stone so heavy that I couldn't lift it...


Why? It's a bad paradox

It's a great paradox.

If you are omnipotent, you can do anything. So you can create a massive stone that can't be lifted. But you're omnipotent, so you can lift anything.

It's a great paradox.

Err you REALLY didn't need to explain it I think a 4 year could get it and as for being a great paradox no offence, perhaps you should read abit more, but if you want to think it's great who am I to stop you.

And if Father McPot wants to create big stones that's cool to :rofl:

mokum777 omnipotent doesn't mean the same as omniscient.

Oh right, sorry. From your other post it sounded like you didn't understand it. I read enough, thanks, but if you want to think it's not good, or great, or brilliant, or if your definition of those things doesn't quite fit into line with my definition of those things that's great and who am i to stop you? No need to be so touchy about it though, is there?

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Why must it? Does the word red include any blue?

As far as the meaning of the word it doesn't mean that so you could have a great time exploring the universe and gaining new knowledge.

Or you could create other superbeings that want to defeat you, but alone couldn't touch you but together could give you a run for your money.

Create a society that works or one that doesn't

There are plenty of things to do and if such a power did existed then I doubt you'd be the only one out there, but I guess it would be very lonely until you meet some.

So you'd still have challenges just on a different level.

Sorry for being touchy Keye :rofl:

Edited by parka_-boy
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I'd go and find out for once and for all if there really is a God. I doubt it, but if there is, once I found him I'd give the cruel old bastard a dry slap.

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Oh right, sorry. From your other post it sounded like you didn't understand it. I read enough, thanks, but if you want to think it's not good, or great, or brilliant, or if your definition of those things doesn't quite fit into line with my definition of those things that's great and who am i to stop you? No need to be so touchy about it though, is there?

thats very well put, i had an english teacher who said its actually an easy subject because there are a lot of grey areas, everything is not perceived the same. i did ok but i couldnt tell you what paradox means. sorry for being off topic but yet again another thread straying into aggro.

apologies parka boy just seen your smiley face added to post, thought a good read was turning into an argument

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first use the power of omnipotence to become omniscient (that's that one solved :) )

Scratch my omnipotent-onmiscient head cos god's nowhere to be seen (though, as I say, I'm omniscient now) - s/he's fuckin hiding, the craven fu*k (using the omniscient blocking cloak), whimpering in case Boojum tracks her/ him down (gender-transcending gods may not have willies but they're still vulnerable to a good dry slap from other omnipotent beings in the multiverse

(Smiles :huh: )

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Why must it? Does the word red include any blue?

omniscient -the capacity to know everything infinitely,

omnipotent - the ability to do absolutely anything, even the logically impossible.

i would have thought that if you are able to do absolutely anything, that would include knowing absolutely anything.

one thing to try if you are looking for a paradox, appear as god to the whole world, and tell them all that you dont exist. that would set a few theological argument off

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A shallow paradox would have been a better term

Call it that if you want. It was just the first thing that came to my head, and I wasn't really aiming to post some degree-level logical paradoxes at the folks here having a lighthearted discussion about being all-powerful.

I'd go and find out for once and for all if there really is a God. I doubt it, but if there is, once I found him I'd give the cruel old bastard a dry slap.

But what if it was a young 'she'? :)

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If that was so then the word you encompass both meanings as it is omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent are all very much connected and we think of them as being "The One True God" before that god each had different scales of powers and abilities.

But as the word is pretty much a fantasy word of which we only have a human idea of understanding and imagining. How a being with such power would perceive things is way beyond us. Within those realm of infinite power there may well be boarders dimensions, and unimaginable to our tiny human brains.

So if you had a 1000 beings with the power then I guess you'd be able to see that the human idea of the word infinite would be quite different.

If you look at Christianity the almighty god in that story split a part of his self off to go among us and all he had was the knowledge of himself. Fuck if the Christian omnipotent, omniscient and omnipresent God was that great he could have mentioned the dinosaurs so it must be fallible :yep:

Edited by parka_-boy
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