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If You Were Omnipotent


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Hello BG, interestingly enough I was thinking earlier about Dr Manhattan, his detachment from the human race and all that, thanks for mentioning it. Ok, let's say, for the sake of argument, you get locked in some weird looking device (calm down Randal), but something happens and you get turned into Dr Manhattan (or similar character with a stunt double)? What's your first step? Finally get the hall, stairs and landing decorated? Would anything bear any significance whatsoever? :wink:

Edited by Culchi
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Hello BG, interestingly enough I was thinking earlier about Dr Manhattan, his detachment from the human race and all that, thanks for mentioning it.

Np mate :D

Ok, let's say, for the sake of argument, you get locked in some weird looking device (calm down Randal), but something happens and you get turned into Dr Manhattan (or similar character with a stunt double)? What's your first step? Finally get the hall, stairs and landing decorated? Would anything bear any significance whatsoever? :wink:

Well that's easy, skin up while making a sandwich and having a wank.

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Things I'd do if I were omnipotent:

1. Time travel: there's a shitload of gigs I'd be at

2. Invisibility: I'd enjoy many hours in women's changing rooms

3. World Peace: to justify all the gigs and wanking from 1 and 2

4. Jacqui Smith develops rare and uncureable amoebic dysentery and a very serious case of herpes

5. Big Mike of Advanced Nutrients would only be able to tell the truth (like the Jim Carrey film)

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So many answers to that question Culchi...

Lets start with time travel and murdering Margaret Thatcher :ouch:

I would also, (just occurred to me as I was looking out to the garden) readjust things, so, for instance weed is a friendly plant to be grown in back gardens and Lettuce is illegal :rofl:

I could go on and on .... here ya go... and Im gonna get a LOT of stick for this one... :ninja: I would destroy the genetics of Low Ryder :rofl:

Am gonna sit back and wait for the flack lol:yes:


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You should read The God Particle - it has a very interesting chapter on Omnipotence and God. A good read at times. It's available free on t'internet. Written by the guy who did Dilbert.

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First thing I'd do when I became immortal of course as that's part of the package is go back in time and save my dad from dying of cancer, so him and my mum could die old together.

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I robbed this from a Viz letter but its certainly something I would do give the powers, its something I think about far too often :D

I would invent time travel, then go back and stop crocodiles from happening. Then fast forward to 1995 and laugh as Jimmy Nails single "Shoes" fails to make the UK top 40 chart.

Edited by MartininLondon
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I'd create a stone so heavy that I couldn't lift it...


Why? It's a bad paradox

It's a great paradox.

If you are omnipotent, you can do anything. So you can create a massive stone that can't be lifted. But you're omnipotent, so you can lift anything.

It's a great paradox.

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