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If You Were Omnipotent


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Just like it says in the question, if you were all powerful, like you only had to imagine something and it could or would be made real, what would be the first thing you would do? Make yourself immortal? Create a universe? Create loads of universes and then set them all on a collision course, but also create universities so that the people on board will be alerted to the collision just at the last minute? Would you do anything at all? The rubix cube in the shortest time possible perhaps? Or maybe if you're like me, get more than 2 sides done for a change? Would you be so aware of how your omnipotent powers can or could affect absolutely everything, bearing in mind the saying with great power comes great responsibility, or wouldn't you care because you can do anything you like? Be interested in others thoughts on the subject. :rofl:

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:rofl: Thanks Mookum, I'll bear that in mind should the need ever arise, also bearing in mind that a member by the name of Wee Willy Winky is reading the thread at the same time. PB's going to love this thread. :(
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i suppose i would manipulate things to allow humans on earth to come into contact with other intelligent alien civilizations ( wih all those galaxies, they must surely exist), and then sit back and see how it turns out. i think it would massively change the world, probably for the good, and if it went badly, just fix it, since in omnipotent anyway.

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Create loads of universes and then set them all on a collision course, but also create universities so that the people on board will be alerted to the collision just at the last minute?

What strain are u smoking?

That right there post-23195-1251326855.gif

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Do you think you'd have to time it just right? Or would you set each civilisation on a path, then just let nature take its course? Would you create nature? Would you change human nature so that it wouldn't shoot aliens on sight? Or befriend them and let them eat us? Would you change the human race at all?

edited coz you posted:

Archie - dunno mate - it's green and nearly gone. BTW - what's green and invisible? No weed. But yeah, Never have a train set as a kid? Didn't you notice how boring it gets real fast, watching them go round and round in circles?

Randal, that suit doesn't go with that statement friend. :rofl:

Ho ho ho I'm deranged,

Or so the doctor tells me.

He said "You are mad!"

I asked "Is that bad?"

He laughed, "You ever know it not to be?"

That's for Randal, to the tune of Home, home on the range.

Hope you're all having a miraculous evening. :(

Edited by Culchi
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I would want to check out black holes and dark matter. lol

Black holes :rofl:

For those who dont know our galaxy revolves around one... :(lol lol


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Do you think you'd have to time it just right? Or would you set each civilisation on a path, then just let nature take its course? Would you create nature? Would you change human nature so that it wouldn't shoot aliens on sight? Or befriend them and let them eat us? Would you change the human race at all?

i think i would be most interested to see the reaction, the effects on relations between different (earth) countries, would it be a unifying thing, how science and religion would react, and see if the peoples of the worlds would benefit, or maybe only the leaders and elites.

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Do you think you'd have to time it just right? Or would you set each civilisation on a path, then just let nature take its course? Would you create nature? Would you change human nature so that it wouldn't shoot aliens on sight? Or befriend them and let them eat us? Would you change the human race at all?

edited coz you posted:

Archie - dunno mate - it's green and nearly gone. BTW - what's green and invisible? No weed. But yeah, Never have a train set as a kid? Didn't you notice how boring it gets real fast, watching them go round and round in circles?

Randal, that suit doesn't go with that statement friend. :D

Ho ho ho I'm deranged,

Or so the doctor tells me.

He said "You are mad!"

I asked "Is that bad?"

He laughed, "You ever know it not to be?"

That's for Randal, to the tune of Home, home on the range.

Hope you're all having a miraculous evening. :D

post of the week :wink:

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Hope you're all having a miraculous evening. :D

Sure am NG :D

Interesting thinking for tomorrows dog walk! :D

Great nite here Culchi! :rofl: ..... Omnipotent.... mmmmmm :wink: I shouldnt really answer this cos I been drinkin and I know Ill hate myself in the mornin lol So I wont embarass myself tonite lollol

Ever powerful....invincible.... mmmmm.....

Am taking the mutt out now so Ill ponder on this.....


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Mookum, so you'd just set them on collision course then? You wouldn't feel the need to interfere? Obviously some omniscience would be required, otherwise you might affect things by something you do or didn't do, but then if you control time, it wouldn't matter? Would you change your own past? Would that change who you were in the future, or would you be omnipresent, ie as it was at the beginning, it will be throughout until the end, for you are a single entity? Would you get bored of it all really quickly since your omniscience obviously grants you knowledge of all things and you know what's going to happen anyway? Why bother? Would you replicate yourself and let some other god or goddess deal with it? How would you deal with others like you? Make them disappear? But if they are just as all knowing and as all powerful as yourself, what chance do you have? Is that what it all boils down to though? Chance? Luck? Would you take luck out of the equation, make everything a sure thing? Sorry for firing a load of questions at you, am just responding to your post and a tad stoned. :D

O.G. glad to hear it, may you have many more yet sir. :rofl:

Archie - it's only Thursday dude. WTF you smoking? :D

PB - you're up late - and drinking but please - no smut till after the schools go back. lol

Hughie, nice plan sir. :wink:


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Been thinking hard on this, it depends how you define omnipotence really. If you include omniscience, or the ability to know everything infinitely, then dicking around with black holes and dark matter and creating universes would be pretty pointless. Omnipotence has a few different definitions largely depending on which faith you ask, ie wether a deity is able to do illogical as well as logical things and wether it has a nature based in some kind of laws which it must adhere to.

I suppose if you had some kind of immense superhero type power but still with some kind of grounding in logical physics, it would be quite fun, or maybe not, interesting if you have seen Watchmen with the shit that Dr. Manhattan gets up to.

Other than that I don't know, I believe all forms of existence have some kind of limits or barriers placed upon them and it is inherent in nature to try and push the limits of the world you find yourself in.

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