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Precognitive Dreaming


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Not had any prophetic dreams that I can remember, though one time myself, my brother and our partners all went out to a well known pub in Worthing to have a drink and score a bit of smoke, once in I went and chatted with the man while my bruv got the drinks in, I scored a Q of weed and a Q of Black and went to give him the money,

he said "no give it to the guy with the hat" nodding in the direction of his pal,

fair enough I thought not wanting to hold the stash and the cash together, just after I handed over the money I was heading back to the table for the drinks and I had an overwhelming desire to walk straight out the door, I didnt know why but I "needed" to

so I walked past the peeps I was in with and as I was passing them I just said "let's go now" and walked out the pub door, the other three thinking I was mental

jumped up and followed me to see what was wrong,

I kept walking quickly away from the pub and they didnt catch up till I was at the corner of the block ready to cross the road, just as they were about to ask me what was up two police motorcyclists and a van appeared the cyclists stopped traffic and the polis from the van put up detour signs

across the road, looking back towards the pub I could see at the other end of the block the same scenario, we crossed the road and were just missed by a fleet of police vans fleeing round the corner and looking back more vans were coming from the other direction, anyhoo the upshot of all this was 100 police all charging into the pub!!

we had just missed the biggest bust Worthing had ever seen by about 30 seconds, premonition, instinct, intuition or spidey senses ??? I do not know but it was bloody lucky

all the same :)

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Interesting hughie. Was once driving with a freind near Mile End when he decided to stop at a junction, road was clear but he just waited,

I asked him if he was waiting for a written invite or some such quip, but he just said wait, I asked why and he said I don't know. About two seconds after two little hatches went racing up the road side by side going way too fast to stop.

Intuition: always trust it.

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When I was a lot younger I once dreamt that my mum was in a kitchen i had never seen before, serving me a portion of rice from a pot sat on the stove. I had never seen the house I was in before or the people that were in it other than my mum. Less than a week later I was in that very house and that exact scenario played out, even where I was standing was the same. It freaked me out for days and for ages I thought I had powers and I could see the future.

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we had just missed the biggest bust Worthing had ever seen by about 30 seconds, premonition, instinct, intuition or spidey senses ??? I do not know but it was bloody lucky

Hughie is working for the filth!

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  • 1 month later...
Guest Royaltramp
What are your thoughts?

We don't have just one dream at night, we have many. Most we forget (especially when smoking herb, it does tend to make you forget your dreams, many folks claim they don't dream when stoned, they do, they just don't remember them). And much of what we dream about is our everyday life. It is therefore highly unlikely that we are not going to dream about things that come to pass. Especially if it's something that we are either worried may happen or that we want to happen. Then when it does happen we are reminded of the dream and the idea of precognition arises. I don't think it's precognition, it's just statistical likelihood, given the number of dreams we have it would be a lot stranger if it didn't happen that occasionally we dream about things that then happen.

Just my thoughts, I'm not saying it's fact, just my opinion of the most logical explanation.

^ This. Well said and I agree completely. I've had 10 or 20 "precognitive" dreams that showed something that was going to happen, but I've also dreamed winning the lottery, or flying, or dying, and I haven't done any of that yet.

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  • 2 months later...
What are your thoughts?

We don't have just one dream at night, we have many. Most we forget (especially when smoking herb, it does tend to make you forget your dreams, many folks claim they don't dream when stoned, they do, they just don't remember them). And much of what we dream about is our everyday life. It is therefore highly unlikely that we are not going to dream about things that come to pass. Especially if it's something that we are either worried may happen or that we want to happen. Then when it does happen we are reminded of the dream and the idea of precognition arises. I don't think it's precognition, it's just statistical likelihood, given the number of dreams we have it would be a lot stranger if it didn't happen that occasionally we dream about things that then happen.

Just my thoughts, I'm not saying it's fact, just my opinion of the most logical explanation.

^ This. Well said and I agree completely. I've had 10 or 20 "precognitive" dreams that showed something that was going to happen, but I've also dreamed winning the lottery, or flying, or dying, and I haven't done any of that yet.

I suppose you could say this was one of those dreams, I was pregnant with my 3rd child when i had this dream, that in itself couldve made me more sensitive but anyways...I had a dream about a boy i used to go to school with, in my dream he was very distressed, tears and rage, i was trying to calm him down, he was clearly hurting. About maybe 2 weeks after the dream i see this young man in a documentary, im not sure what the doc was about but he couldnt stop taking drugs, i think it was only recreational drugs but he said he couldnt stop buzzin. It was an eye opening experience, i wasnt really close friends with him at school, we used to have a dig at eachother (as you do) but it was clear that he was hurting just the same lol I didnt know what to do apart from say a prayer and send some love to where ever he was. Ive had two other dreams years and years ago but this one was the most striking.

Lorn x

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  • 3 weeks later...

havnt read the whole thread so apps if im repeating something here.

chances are you had the dream because you picked up on signs your girlfreind was giving off left right and centre such as the preg test kit in the bin you stumbled upon - this is a bit of an extreem example but if you think really hard you probably saw a change in her behaviour and had a dream about it, especialy if you cant remember the whole dream vividly - you could well have dreamt she told you she had cancer right after the preg revelation but couldnt even remember it. it was the fact she told you she was pregnant a couple of days later that made you remember it so vividly.

my solution - smoke more weed and then you wont remember your dreams.

ok so just read through some previous posts and as figured - repeat :afro:

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I would say that any sort of premonition is likely to just be chance... how many thoughts do we have a day? it's bound to be the case that we will think/dream things that will happen...

No need for any other explanation, unless of course you find someone able to do it day in day out. Which you won't.

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  • 4 weeks later...

My old mate Em dreamed, in detail, Senna's death in the car crash.

She woke up in a right old state and came crying to her Dad about this horrible dream and told him all the details.

About a week later it was on the tv and she had a proper, proper freakout when she saw it. She had to have meds to get her out of her panic state the poor love.

I suppose it can happen, I've had serious Deja Vu enough times to make me believe we're not aware of our true potential.

Love Jim

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Two years ago, I had a dream that my girlfriend told me she was pregnant, whilst we stood in her kitchen.

Three days later, in her kitchen, she told me she was pregnant.

Prior to this, I viewed things such as this with interest but scepticism, obviously after experiencing it first hand, it found it harder to dismiss.

Everything I've (admittedly limited) read of lists countless personal experiences, but refutes it as fact as only anecdotal evidence to support it as such exists.

Has anyone else had a genuinely precognitive dream? What are your thoughts?

Ive had the same thing with my kid, I dreamt what he'd look like when he was born before he was born, even dreamt what his mum looked like before I met her.

Ive had lots of dreams coming back to me years later as dejavu. It scares me really as Ive had some nasty dreams and 'dont' want any of them coming true!!

To me what I recall when I have dejavu is Ive dreamt this before, madness to me that is! Scarey sometimes!!" :(:smoke::(

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