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Precognitive Dreaming


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Guest BioBuzz
I kept dreaming of me kicking yang and stomping yang in the stomach and ripping of her head and horrible nightmarish dreams like that.

Did the cat take a piss on the carpet in your dream or what set you off?

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Did the cat take a piss on the carpet in your dream or what set you off?

nothing in my dream set me off. they were sort of cut scenes where i'd sort of just step in in the middle, I'd only ever a see a bit of the middle and the end (her being dead).

it was weird.

she was a beautiful kitty, and no she never pissed on the carpet haha

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Guest Healthystealthy

ive had roughly the same dream a few times lol

it was when i was young, i used to have this dream something to do with when you reached a certain age a big blue van would come for you & take you away, i can still remember seeing the van outside on the road & running to hide, thing is i ran down stairs which were spiral & huge big wide things, the only way i can describe it is ive seen stairs like it in a james bond movie except they were under the sea :unsure: thats all i can ever remember from the dream but it used to freak me right out.

Also when im ill i always seem to have bad dreams for some reason :unsure:

& recently, like in the last 8 months, ive had a few nasty dreams where im being chased & hunted down by a car full of dudes with guns :unsure: no matter where i went they would appear somewhere, i even remember that they had went as far as to kill someone & set me up for it cos then they would let the police find me & so would know where i was so they could get me :unsure:

weird shit :unsure:

i can usually remember something about my dreams & i smoke lots of herb lol

e2a - what was the question again lol

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Guest BioBuzz

Had a few where Im hanging off something really high (buildings, cliffs etc.) and about to fall... always wake up just in time.

Im sure there's a subconscious message in them somewhere? just dont know what...

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The other night I dreamt I received a letter, and this morning an envelope dropped thru my door!!!!

Bloody freaked me right out!


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American Indian Shamans foresee the coming of the white man.. the slaying of their people and the forming of the American Empire.. they also foresee the downfall and destruction.

Where is that written?

it is not written.. i heard it straight from the horses mouth.. well the Elks mouth actually..

youtube.. search Red Elk Prophecy ..

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  • 3 weeks later...
I had a dream about shagging Daryl Hannah and woke up with a sore dick. I'm still waiting for that one to come true.

Oh dear, I've heard of sexsomnia; when you woke up was the dog walking funny?

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  • 4 weeks later...

I've had dreams where something happens and they actually happen in front of my eyes. the first time I was really amazed, I was in class doing maths, my friend tripped over the over head projector wire and everyone laughed including herself.

after that, for the next year I had quite a few. it was quite a special time in my life. I had a really good maths teacher, and i could do any question he gave me, I was doing pages and pages of math an hour, I enjoyed it alot and had alot of fun. when I get home i would ask my mum to igve me some long division sums, on A4 lined paper, I had books and books of A4 pages with working's out. my mind was turbo charged.

but i dont like math any more, not fun as it used to be, and quality of maths teachers has slipped alot

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i've had it all my life, about small everyday things. Like a conversation with someone in particular, or a situation at work. I always remember the dream at wakin up. Had one about 3 years ago where i drove over a local hill and stopped coz there was only sea in front of me, this hill is about 7 miles from the coast.....still find it disturbing

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I reckon Christopher C and Boojum are on the money here.

We dream a lot. Several sessions of REM sleep a night. Sometimes, something in our daily life triggers the memory of a dream, which reflects something about daily life. Perhaps you dreamed about your mum, and she phoned the next day - that sure can look like precognition.

However, chances are that you also dreamed about your dad, the cat, cheesecake, antelopes, David Copperfield's orange skin, and a Nubian warrior called Bob. None of the memories of these dreams are triggered by seeing anything in your daily life since they are more obscure.

The fact is, if you didn't dream about anything seemingly relevant or if you didn't have the occasional seemingly 'precognitive' dream, something very fishy would be happening. It'd be the same as if there were no coincidences in your life - that would be a real indication of spooky things going on. Coincidences are a mathematical inevitability, so to have none would indicate something magical at work.

We are set up for a logical fallacy because we are creatures with a built-in confirmational bias. We see the coincidences when they occur, but we are never paying attention to the non-coincidences, which are infinitely numerous and therefore balance out the coincidences to demonstrate that there's nothing spooky going on at all.

Next time you are gobsmacked by a coincidence, make a point of going around and spotting the non-coincidences to ground yourself in reality. For the next hour, every time you encounter a stranger, make a point of stopping and telling them:

"Wow - Amazing! I've never met you before in my life! What a marvellous non-coincidence! Massive world, eh?"

Edit: accuracy

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We are set up for a logical fallacy because we are creatures with a built-in confirmational bias. We see the coincidences when they occur, but we are never paying attention to the non-coincidences, which are infinitely numerous and therefore balance out the coincidences to demonstrate that there's nothing spooky going on at all.

Ain't that the truth. We only notice the significant shit, everything else just passes us by. Such is coincidence.

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Ain't that the truth. We only notice the significant shit, everything else just passes us by. Such is coincidence.

It strikes me that this absolutely natural ignorance of things which don't happen is a reason for having skewed ideas about human nature.

It's easy to look at Iraq, Afghanistan, youth-on-youth knife-crime, Police tactics, etc., and conclude that mankind is pretty violent. But we're not looking at the gaps in the violence, or those people who are working to widen those gaps. A unit of violence, whether a slap, a punch or a shot is an active, definite happenstance. Something remarkable happened. Whereas the alternative unit of peace is only the absence of conflict, and so there is no thing to acknowledge. It's similar to the idea that we can't see darkness because it's an absence of light.

It could get a little silly were I to acknowledge all the points where violence is not happening. I just spotted a bit of peace in the corner of my room right there. And there. There's another; etc. The amount of peace lying abount the place is infinite.

Let's now transpose the idea to the following real-world example. We're in South Central Los Angeles, where a crazy white guy called Bob is about to take his life in his hands by walking through Compton wearing a T-shirt featuring a confederate flag.

Sure, South Central isn't the safest place in the world fror a redneck, and so three hundred metres down the road, Bob gets shot.

But what have we missed?

For three hundred metres, concerned people have been watching Bob take his fateful walk. Perhaps a hundred people have been secretly concerned behind twitching kitchen curtains, in comparison to the one violent person who fired the shot. Human nature would seem to be somewhat more nurturing if we acknowledge the majority of these people as well as the shooter. The only thing which is visible though, is the shot; therefore we conclude mankind's nature is violent...

Edit: grammar and stuff

Edited by Eddiesilence
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