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Precognitive Dreaming


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There is no such thing as Precognitive Dreaming you may remember a dream that puts the right shaped bricks in the right holes to create deja vu in your memory. The dream world is an amazing place I know that there are places and people that I only ever see in my dreams, but the idea of time travelling through dreams is pure fantasy. Note that I didn't say science fiction as it has nothing to do with science.

But I clearly remember waking up thinking WTF was that about, thinking about discussing it with her, then dismissing it for fear of a wrong interpretation.

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There is no such thing as Precognitive Dreaming you may remember a dream that puts the right shaped bricks in the right holes to create deja vu in your memory. The dream world is an amazing place I know that there are places and people that I only ever see in my dreams, but the idea of time travelling through dreams is pure fantasy. Note that I didn't say science fiction as it has nothing to do with science.

But I clearly remember waking up thinking WTF was that about, thinking about discussing it with her, then dismissing it for fear of a wrong interpretation.

Theres always 2 sides to every coin, always the people that believe there is something "more" than the black and white we see in our daily lives and always people that have to prove to themselves through science and experiments that something might exist before they give it a chance.

Ive had a dream that kinda came true, it freaked me out.

It was when i was a kid, about year 8 in high school i think. I dreamt that my brother and i were walking from the bus stop to school one morning. we were half way up the road where all the metal railings were for the electrical place we were walking past. Suddenly a dark blue car came from no where, there were aload of young lads driving. i didnt recognise any of them but i knew they went to my school. it was coming towards us, going very fast. I was rooted to the spot in fear. i finally got my head together and managed to push my little brother out of the way. Then wow, i was flying, clouds everywhere. remember how good it felt. Then i woke up.

I found the dream odd when i woke. firstly i could remember it all (unusual for me) and secondly it was so real, normally my dreams are pretty far out :rofl:. i told my family and all my friends and then it was forgotten....

A couple of months later it actually happened! Same place same car. i pushed my brother out of the way just like i did in my dream, the car missed me by like a few inches. Went into school and it turns out the car had been stolen by some lads further up the school than me having an early morning joy ride. Like i said i was pretty freaked out :rofl:

My mum once had a strange dream too, she dreamt she had a baby but she had to get rid of it. she says she actually felt the fear and despair. she left it wrapped up in a one of those bins on lamposts in the city centre. woke herself up crying. Phoned my nanna the next day and was told to put the news on. a baby had been found that morning, dead, wrapped up in a bin in the city centre. spooky eh!


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There isn't always two sides it's just easier to understand things like that. I mean why aren't there more than two sides it's always two fucking sides. I think it has something to do with how we communicate with each other.

I understand that there are any things we don't understand, but it doesn't mean that every 'fantasiful' ideas has any real purchase in the real world.

To understand why Precognitive Dreaming isn't real precognition you have to have an understanding of how the brain well understands. If you think of how many years you have been dreaming and in that time how any dreams you have had about day to day life statistically you are bound to dream of something that will come to be. We are still very far away in understanding how memory works, but alot of it has to do with familiarity, so we will only remember things that are defined by the circumstances.

Many times I've thought to myself did I dream that or did it really happen and I've dreamt about this and it's all to do with the nature of memory and nothing to do with seeing into the future.

And by the way nothing is real unless you can test it and get the same results time and time again as the brain has a tendency of filling in the gaps so we don't get confused.

You may have noticed yourself the brain hates being confused and has many counter measures to insure it doesn't happen. One of the reason I like taking drugs is that I can be happily confused and can even go further and concentrate on the confusion or fight through it depending on whats the most fun at the time. Hey I'm fucked so its cool that one of your eyebrows turned into a butterfly and fluttered away do do dut dut do....

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Dreaming of future events is some thing that has happened to me many times.

The apprehension of suchlike has led me to a much deeper knowledge of my so called 'reality' & the part i play within.

Going about my life & suddenly coming about the same area/circumstance/reality/perceptions as some dream i've

had....has had me gasping with amazement.....the detail & transpositions can be & have been truly phenomenal.


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Guest nu jerzey devil

get de ja vu from time to time but I cant remember any of my dreams when I wake up. I wish I could that would be gr8.

You would get a heads up on all the bad or good stuff that was gonna happen.

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james randi has some good articles about precognition on his website. i would tend to class claims of knowing the future through dreams, as similar to knowing the future through tarot cards, tea leaves, astrology, etc. not at all convinced.

for anyone to be able to predict the future accurately, without resorting to guessing, throws up all sorts of paradoxes. it could only mean one of two things, either

- the prediction has already happened, but in some other dimension, how would we be able to access something happening in another dimension?

- it hasn't yet happened, but will, which must mean everything in the future is already predetermined, no freewill to alter our futures.

don't think i could feel happy accepting either of those possibilities. and at the moment, its impossible to prove either way, all the anecdotes cant be taken as any kind of proof, however real they seem to the person involved, if no one else can verify them. sorry to be a sceptic, but thats the way i see it.

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Well it's not at all hard to prove that there is no such thing a precognition. By saying give me 5 predictions and if all 5 don't come true you have your answer. And as that has already been done and no one is a proven precog this idea remains in the fantasy world.

Edited by parka_-boy
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Coincidence you fool! :rofl:

Admittedly our brains do some impressively weird shit, but nothing that amazing.

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American Indian Shamans foresee the coming of the white man.. the slaying of their people and the forming of the American Empire.. they also foresee the downfall and destruction.

I had a dream once that the wheels were stolen off of my car... the whole car was stolen a week later and the only thing that wasnt taken ( skirts/spoilers/interior/ steering wheel/ dashboard) was the wheels..

My sister had a dream about Dennis Neilson and described him.. glasses .. thin.. mid 30`s.geeky looking.. etc.. 3 days before he was busted...

Joseph ( the bible guy) could read future events from others described dreams ...

many people have lived " The American Dream " ... whoever dreamt up this dream was right for a lot of people..


also, precognition IS a reality.. i posted a clip of vice prez Joe Bidden talking about this as a crime prevention reality in the near future.

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American Indian Shamans foresee the coming of the white man.. the slaying of their people and the forming of the American Empire.. they also foresee the downfall and destruction.

Where is that written?

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How long did she know before she told you? Women have a way of telling us men things without us realising,call it priming :wink:

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When i was a young boy i had a dream about my mother drowning me.

My mother has done some pretty bad stuff that has affected me to a huge extent.

It is clear to me that that this left me with a whole load of baggage that has ended up drowning me in a sense

I fully believe that dream was a prophecy.

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last month for a couple of weeks I just kept thinking that I was going to go crazy and kill one of mum's cats. I kept dreaming of me kicking yang and stomping yang in the stomach and ripping of her head and horrible nightmarish dreams like that. I was too scared to tell my mum and last week yang was killed in a hit and run. I still haven't told my mum about this, I'm worried because I have had things like this happen before, only I don't think they're premonitions or anything, I never picture the exact thing that is going to happen.

actually when I think about it freaks me out because all my life I've believe I won't live past 30 and I´m 25 now..

bahs, prob just too much pot..

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