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Precognitive Dreaming


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Two years ago, I had a dream that my girlfriend told me she was pregnant, whilst we stood in her kitchen.

Three days later, in her kitchen, she told me she was pregnant.

Prior to this, I viewed things such as this with interest but scepticism, obviously after experiencing it first hand, it found it harder to dismiss.

Everything I've (admittedly limited) read of lists countless personal experiences, but refutes it as fact as only anecdotal evidence to support it as such exists.

Has anyone else had a genuinely precognitive dream? What are your thoughts?

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Just precognise the answers and let us know.

Well I guess you could call it precognition that I was awaiting a smart arse.

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The other night I awoke to my gf giving me a sleep beating and shouting obscenities at me in Portuguese. About an hour later she fell out of the bed, but claims before she did I was in her dream pushing her off the bed? I was at this time already in work :yinyang:

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Guest grandad

i have questioned myself about such premonitions and dreams. my memory and my memory of my memory. i came to the conclusion there are two possibilities, one is that i thought of the event before, or as something comes to light you have a flash of none existant memory, something you insert into your memory as the event unfolds. did it really happen or do you just think it did.

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There is no such thing as Precognitive Dreaming you may remember a dream that puts the right shaped bricks in the right holes to create deja vu in your memory. The dream world is an amazing place I know that there are places and people that I only ever see in my dreams, but the idea of time travelling through dreams is pure fantasy. Note that I didn't say science fiction as it has nothing to do with science.

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I once had a vivid dream that my neighbour built a fence in his garden and a month later he did. I actually woke up and told someone about the dream so it wasnt like I slotted it in after he built the fence.

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What are your thoughts?

We don't have just one dream at night, we have many. Most we forget (especially when smoking herb, it does tend to make you forget your dreams, many folks claim they don't dream when stoned, they do, they just don't remember them). And much of what we dream about is our everyday life. It is therefore highly unlikely that we are not going to dream about things that come to pass. Especially if it's something that we are either worried may happen or that we want to happen. Then when it does happen we are reminded of the dream and the idea of precognition arises. I don't think it's precognition, it's just statistical likelihood, given the number of dreams we have it would be a lot stranger if it didn't happen that occasionally we dream about things that then happen.

Just my thoughts, I'm not saying it's fact, just my opinion of the most logical explanation.

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I dreamt that my wife was pregnant and then I persuaded her to get pregnant, cos she looked so right in that dream,

does that count...?

:yinyang: @booj, yeah there are soooo many things we can dream about it would be wierder if none of them "came true"


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Dreaming your neighbour building a fence or your girlfriend getting pregnant and then it actually does happen doesnt sound too far fetched or weird to me :yinyang:

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just quiete vivid de ja vu over silly stuff like being in a particular place doing a certain thing.

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I get confused sometimes. Where I know what's about to happen. Or feel like I've been in an exact situation before. At times I think I've dreamt about it but it just confuses me bigtime. I have trouble remembering my dreams. Although I had a good one the other night until the police locked me up.

We were sitting down in some crazy stadium, which had pub benches instead of the usual seats. Massive like a proper stadium too. The police came and got me. Took me somewhere but I managed to get out and go back to watch the event with some friends. I remember a couple of friends pointing to pictures on the wall which I took were mind. I can still see one of the pictures clearly in my mind but the others were sort of hard to make out. All black and white pictures. The dream was colour. Anyway, the police turned up again and took me away, stuck me in a cell. This is where it gets funny and what I remember most. I asked if I could have a TV to watch the event I was just at. The copper pointed behind me and there was a sort of canteen sort of wall in my cell. Behind this was a TV and the event was on there :yinyang: So I walk over to this area, look down and there's a proper canteen thing on the go, with load of different food all in the hot trays. Problem was I didn't like any of the food, it all looked old and shit. Can't remember any more. I get dreams like that all the time though. So far from anything which could happen in reality that it's silly. For this reason, I don't think I'll ever get dreams which will then happen in reality.

Also, dreamt is the only word in the english language which ends with mt. :soap:

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Is Precognitive dreaming and Premonition dreaming the same thing?..Not saying i belive in either i just remember growing up in wales and reading about people having premonition dreams about the Aberfan disaster.

I remember a story about a woman who had a dream about the disaster a day before it happened and told 6 people in her local church about her dream. The details she told them were pretty close to actual events.


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