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the god helmet

kilgore trout

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after watching the vid linked to in the "cannabis news" forum of a lecture by some fellow who has done experiments with a helmet that can induce "pulsed magnetic resonance" within a chosen area, or areas, of the brain. This helmet induces the same states that occur when taking psychoactive drugs, without any effort or apparent cost.

I was wondering wether psychedelic religous types or shaman would view this as a valid key for unlocking the mind/experiencing truth? or a toy that will become yet another "kick" in this hedonistic world of ours? or something else, or what ever?

it is an interesting developement anyhows.

could this be what mr mckenna was talking about for 2012?

i read a story about such a device being made into an arcade machine, with ambiguous results, in some druggy sci fi short story collection

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can you remember what that short story was called....? Make a good movie.

Think ill stick to the traditional ways of stimulating my pineal gland...

Nice avatar btw...

Edited by Archangel
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im afraid not, archangel, i lost the book a while ago, i may be able to remember the name of the short story collection if i ponder it

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In the future all drugs will be digital I think. You'll wear a special USB hat.

And the best software will be illegal, no doubt. :applause:

Check out these Mind Machines.. :doh:


In Ringworld by Larry Niven they have the Tasp:


'A device that induces a current in the pleasure center of the brain, at a distance. '

"In the future universe of Larry Niven, mankind encounters a very warlike species, the kzin. Described as looking like an eight-foot tall tabby cat, with paws the size of baseball mitts and long retractable claws, the kzin had a warrior culture that demanded fighting at the slightest provocation. The journey has been arranged by puppeteers, an obsessively cautious species. How to travel safely with a kzin?

The puppeteer addressed himself to Speaker-to-Animals.

"You understand that I will use the tasp every time you force me to. I will use it if attempt to use violence too often, or if you startle me too much; you will soon become dependent upon the tasp; if you kill me, you will still be ignobly bound by the tasp itself."

"Very astute," said Speaker. "Brilliantly unorthodox tactics. I will trouble you no more."

"The puppeteer is right," said Speaker. "I would not risk the tasp again. Too many jolts of pleasure would leave me his willing slave. I, a kzin, enslaved to a herbivore!"

From Ringworld, by Larry Niven.

Published by Ballantine in 1970

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Always giant cats or insects human imagination is so limited which is why rob bottins "The Thing" is so special...

reminds me off this...

Love that movie, dont make em like that anymore...

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theres something floating about youtube called i-doser. theres all different noises, they're supposed to make you trip/stoned/speedy whatever according to which one you do. they just give me a headache :applause:

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In the future all drugs will be digital I think. You'll wear a special USB hat.

Fuck that....i`m sticking to my tin foil hat you buggers.

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nope, i cant remember the name of the sci fi anthology and is too obscure for me to find on the web so far.

heres a quote from the bbc about the helmet:

"From a BBC report:

"How does Dr. Persinger artificially induce religious experiences in his patients?"

Dr. Persinger has designed a helmet that produces a very weak rotating magnetic field of between ten nanotesla and one microtesla over the temporal lobes of the brain. This is placed on the subject's head and they are placed in a quiet chamber while blindfolded. So that there is no risk of 'suggestion', the only information that the subjects are given is that they are going in for a relaxation experiment. Neither the subject nor the experimenter carrying out the test has any idea of the true purpose of the experiment. In addition to this, the experiment is also run with the field switched both off and on. This procedure Dr. Persinger claims will induce an experience in over 80% of test subjects."

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In the future all drugs will be digital I think. You'll wear a special USB hat.

Fuck that....i`m sticking to my tin foil hat you buggers.

I'm sure they'll provide some sort of upgrade for existing users of the tinfoil technology ratdog. :russian:

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  • 3 weeks later...

mind-machine interfaces are the future

the basic principals have been identified, its definatley possible

now the technology must be developed

way beyond our lifetimes but thats gonna be some major shit

shared/collective consciousness


projected reality

awesome shit

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  • 3 months later...

You just need a good pair of headphones and a computer with internet connection...

Google for i-doser and try it....just laughing my socks out...

But please dont spent money on virtual doses :wink:


Dont go straight for Peyote it´s pure chaos...a piece of advice try to play with your headphones to get the full range of sounds and ressonances :rofl:

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Fuck that....i`m sticking to my tin foil hat you buggers.

I'm sure they'll provide some sort of upgrade for existing users of the tinfoil technology ratdog. :wink:

Out Now: Tinfoil Hat 7 Professional Edition.

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Fuck that....i`m sticking to my tin foil hat you buggers.

:wink: I found Ratdog!

Dude! People are worried about you!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Guest Royaltramp
theres something floating about youtube called i-doser. theres all different noises, they're supposed to make you trip/stoned/speedy whatever according to which one you do. they just give me a headache :yep:

I-Doser is a fraud but there are genuine programs that offer similar effects. They don't make you trip but they can change your mindset :)

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