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Pledge to refuse sovereignty.


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:guitar:Pledge to refuse sovereignty.

Written by Abdun Nur J

I __________________________________________________, solemnly swear; through reasoned and independent reflection, a binding and irrevocable oath in front of these recorded witnesses, (signed below), to refuse sovereignty to any human being, no matter the coercion, personal hardship, or physical effort required to attain or sustain this personal freedom.

This oath will not be enacted in full until a critical mass has been achieved within the localised area of my residence, this will be supported and almost certainly enacted upon the imminent collapse of the existing world wide financial system, engineered and manifest by the sovereign powers, this will be the time to reject the system of economic slavery now in force, and embrace an age of reason and personal responsibility and self determination.

I will not recognise the contrived and illegal authority of any Monarchy, sovereign Government, nor religious hierarchy; I will refuse to recognise any establishment they have created to enforce their perverted will, upon me and the members of my community.

I will not recognise the fabricated monetary system; given value through these sovereign powers; solely created to exploit, enslave and subjugate me and the members of my community, for the usurious benefit of the sovereign powered elite. I further more will actively prevent any usury system for been practiced if it is within my power to achieve this through unity.

I will not recognise the perverted, corrupt and depraved legal system, I will refuse to identify myself through any means required by the sovereign powers, passport, identity card, scans, chips or physical tests.

I will acknowledge no distinction of worth, between one person and another, based on location, holding no value to the concepts of patriotism, nationalism, racism nor elitism, created to divide and subjugate, I view all people as equal and accept them without obstruction, being a true cosmopolite.

I will stand in defence, (matching force for force as far as I am able), of any member of my community under attack from the sovereign powers in any form, no matter the personal danger or physical hardship, I stand in complete and unrestricted unity with every man, woman and child denied freedom in any form, and will use the truth to expose and educate members of my local community to the indoctrinations, conditionings and propaganda utilised against them by the sovereign powers.

I will protect the innocent, I will defend my freedom and the freedom of the members of my community; this security given willingly and without quarter.

I will not recognise the legitimacy of any deeds of ownership if acquired without physical effort (i.e. acquired through usurious debt finance); the ownership of land will not be recognised unless the owner is physically working the land. I will refuse to recognise the legitimacy of any deeds owned for residential property beyond the home of the individual.

No demands for tax of any form will be honoured, no demand for rent will be honoured, no demand for interest for any fiat monetary system will be honoured. All perceived sovereign government assets held within the local community area will be wholly the property of the community at large; having no connection to any central authority; to be used at cost for the local communities benefit. No person that has sworn an oath to any sovereign, giving their service, complying to their pronouncement, etc., will be allowed to hold a position of responsibility within the community.

Any fiat debt will not be honoured, in any form, I will from the moment of critical mass only earn and spend silver or gold coins, or barter for any goods or services, or establish a register of labour if silver is not available, I will not deal in any usurious transaction of any sort, only functioning within predetermined boundaries that will not exploit or debase another human being for my benefit.

My focus will not be on the accumulation and futile hoarding of physical wealth, but on the development of myself and the members of my family and the community at large, in this endeavour both myself and the people around me will live in mutual security and increasing contentment, receiving full benefit of their labours free from the sovereign parasites.

I will endeavour to facilitate the development of technologies previously held in limbo; including: medical advances, communication advances and energy systems, and I will endeavour to achieve a safe and stable environment of personal and communal growth, free of the anarchy palpable within the sovereignty system of government in existence without challenge.

Extortion for transportation fuels, and home energy will be converted to free, sensible and sustainable systems, monopolies and cartels of commerce will be abandoned, including; the stock market, futures market, banking industry, pensions and corporate investments, solely created for global larceny against the weak subjugated people, having absolutely no benefit to humanity.

This oath I swear, upon my honour, and my physical, and eternal energies, and if I break this oath I will be in discord with the conscious energy of all existence, my word being my bond, my bond being my being, if this oath is broken the cost I will bear in the next transformation, it is only binding upon the word of my character and only enacted at the critical mass required to achieve independence without conflict, as far as possible.

First witness:_____________________________________________


Second witness:___________________________________________


I publicly and audibly declare in front of the above signed witnesses that upon this date ____________________,

I swear a solemn oath upon my very being that I will never again (upon critical mass) give sovereignty to any person, been fully responsible for my own actions (in contrast to the subjection of granted sovereignty of one person from another, which holds you responsible for the actions of people making decisions on your behalf, making the concept of sovereignty abhorrent and without continued sustainability.)

Freedom is being responsible for my own actions, slavery is being responsible and obligated for the actions, and dictates, done in my name, no matter the objections, enforced sovereignty is imposed slavery. I was born into slavery, I will die a free man giving no sovereignty to any, exploiting no one, working for the development of myself and my community.


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Abdun seems as pissed as us. Seems well informed too. I tend to agree. Some decent points in there.

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Very nice. Pity it's not worth the paper it's written on.

The problem with changing anything is dealing with the negativity of the brainwashed masses, having been so dumbed down over the years it is really hard to see a way forward, even for those that may think of themselves as more liberal thinkers.


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I'm a brainwashed mass now? sidekick, that document is legally bankrupt. I'm not talking opinion I'm talking law. No court n the land would recognise it because it has no basis in law.

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I'm a brainwashed mass now? sidekick, that document is legally bankrupt. I'm not talking opinion I'm talking law. No court n the land would recognise it because it has no basis in law.

I didn't say that you were brainwashed, I was making a wider point in that we have all, including me, been brainwashed to a certain extent, dumbed down, whatever you want to call it.

At least someone was trying to do something here.

I still think lawful rebellion is the way forward, as a peaceful means to stop supporting this government. Off course it only works if you are working and not in receipt of state "benefits".

If I offended you then I apologize, it certainly is not my intention to offend.

So what is your answer then?


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Answer to what? I'd need to know the question first. Could you define 'lawful rebellion'?

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I agree-if everyone was to sit around and not bring any ideas to the table then the world would already be fully in the hands of the evil and corrupt! Its a good statement-is it meant to be sent to goverment and companys? (leccy n gas). I do remember reading some where how a region of a country had created its own community-ok i found it its called "The Freetown Of Christiania".

The Freetown Of Christiania is a remote part of Copenhagen that was took over by squatters over 3 decades ago. They declared their independance from Denmark.They legalized the sale and use of Marijuana. Its tolerated by the Dane goverment as a "social experiment". An outdoor cannabis market exists till this day"

So well done Kal17117 for taking the time to write and post the topic!



Edited by REDEYE_420
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Some good ideas to build a more harmonious fair society for one and all. So the LAW as it stands under these guidelines would mean nothing.

Any better ideas on how to build a better world?

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Any better ideas on how to build a better world?

Get rid of politicions, military, police, money and criminals.

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  • 4 months later...

Any better ideas on how to build a better world?

Philosophy is the place to look. I agree with this:

If you want a revolution, baby,

There is nothing like your own.

You don't have to do all those burning books -

Revolutionize at home.

Source hxxp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyarL2iPeEM&feature=PlayList&p=DFA4656ECE9CFEEC&playnext=1&playnext_from=PL&index=56

In a money based society the consumer has power!

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so how do you obtain services that are only possible to provide through communal action, knowledge and funding? think its gonna be easy to barter your way to open heart surgery, brain surgery, provision of clean water, sewage or energy sources? these ideas always sound good, in a sort of anarcho-hippy utopian paradise, pity though its never existed. to provide for the vulnerable, sick and elderly in society, taxation is always going to be needed, and to stop the selfish, greedy, lazy and criminal from exploiting the situation, laws are always going to be needed. the present situation is badly in need of reforms, and delegation of powers from a few politicians to more local levels, but people have proven throughout history that the trust, and thought for others needed to abandon any kind of regulated authority just isn't there. theres always gonna be some group of vikings or the like, ready and waiting to crush the weak and take anything they want from anyone weaker.

just spend some time in any jail, then see if you think everyone in there could be trusted to be as reasonable and fair as would be needed to make this kind of unregulated society work.

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