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Crazy "dream" occurance!


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I've had a couple of out of body experiences, one while asleep and the other while in a semi awake Opium dream

the Opium one was a classic obe ie looking at yourself from the opposite side of the room (very trippy)

whereas the sleeping one was more of an astral travel thing where I was not aware of my body and could not see it

even when I returned to my body I was facing away from it, the astral travel is realy difficult to explain as there was nothing recognisable where I went and in both cases I had no control over anything, never had voices though,

I would have been very tempted to go along with that "dream" :rofl: .

I was very tempted mate, but I had some strange feeling about getting back to my girlfriend or summit as well and the obvious point that I hadn't intended to me here and had no idea where I was going! :rofl:

It wasn't exactly "voices" as such, if that makes sense... I was just "told" somehow of what I was seeing and about to be "done" to me, somehow! I now kind of wish I had now but to be honest, when I thought I might be dieing you don't really want to "go to the light", hence the thought of getting back to girlfriend I think! :rofl:

There wasn't really any "knowing" of me not coming back, I just felt as I shouldn't be "leaving" her at all, regardless of when or if I "comeback"! Was a very strange experience mate and train of thought, I'm just trying to work out, was I lucid dreaming, OBE or Astral traveling! Sounds like the "wake inishated lucid dreaming session at the moment but I'll have to read up on it first! It's just the "reborn" part that throws me off, and that I didn't feel in control really, I had some control of "myself" but not the "theme" of what was happening!

Sounds silly but I cant help but feel, immediately after and now, that I missed a big opportunity to learn a lot about "where my life's been heading" :rofl::thisbig: ... strangeeeeeeeeee feeeeling! Maybe I'm just stonned but it felt like a "free pass" to summit! :rofl::spliff:



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Fucking mental that like mate, thanks for sharing! I've heard some amazing stories like that! Very strange for none of you to remember going thought the village and the time loss! Do you have any recollection of that "time"? or did it just feel like you instantly got to your destination after a certain point?

Do you have any idea's of what 'might' have happened?


None of us have any recollection of the time lost. very strange and entirely unexplainable. It happened around the stone henge area.

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None of us have any recollection of the time lost. very strange and entirely unexplainable. It happened around the stone henge area.

I've heard of that before, it was suggested it was something to do with aliens... no idea tbh, not even sure where I saw/read about it

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start here bro..


change xx-tt

I find this a very facinating subject.. the human mind is the most powerful of things..

what lurks in that subconcious can be a very frightening thing

sometimes its best left undisturbed....

Amazing isn't it!

"Wake-induced OBEs and WILDs of an OBE induction cover such similar ground that common misinterpretation of one as the other (or even equivalence) can be hypothesized. Realistic-seeming yet physically impossible impressions of flying, time-travelling or walking through the walls of an environment matching one's bedroom are equally hallmarks of either. (As those who have experienced them will attest, neither "feels" like ordinary dreams at all.) Their induction techniques are similar, and both are easier to perform at times typical for afternoon naps and late morning REM cycles." - WIKIPEDIA

I'm gonna have to investigate this more! I know I can do it, so might as well take advantage of that I guess! I remember I used to do it about 5 years go but stopped but cant remember why, I think it was cos it was seriously draining me, felt like I'd had no sleep for weeks, but amazzzzzzing dreams! :P

DGT, i can also relate to part of your experience, the first time i tried salvia, i had two friends with me at the time; pulled a bong, ripped it ,then held it in for bout 10secs, exhaled, and sat down.I then appeared to be embedded in a huge concrete wall on the outskirts of what I can only describe as an 'otherworldly jungle of immense size'. Then folds started appearing on my left side going away from me.. then the folds further back started turning blue, and my friends' faces became parts of 2 separate folds (one face to each fold). What we were talking about before i can't remember, but they started trying to persuade me to walk towards them, into their fold. Being the person I am I concluded that each of the folds led to a parallel universe, and I was in the belief that I had never met the two people infront of me before, and that they were appearing from their separate universes and trying to persuade me to travel between the universes.. Of course, I was embedded in a huge conctrete wall, and felt somewhat restricted in movement. It was around about this time i realised what was happening, but i still insisted that we went outside for some fresh air, which was followed by us walking out of my front door, I squirmed around for a bit, then decided it was too cold.

I've not tripped of Salvia, I smoked it but only in a joint, didn't realise you had to heat it hot in a pipe! Good job I didn't know though, as I was in the middle of Midlesbrough shopping center! :rolleyes: (didn't realise the effects either :doh:)

Crazy stuff like init, seen some mad things on youtube and heard from friends! Would love to have a "good" trip off it, but my days of "trippin" as well ova and they barely even started, to be fair! :P

None of us have any recollection of the time lost. very strange and entirely unexplainable. It happened around the stone henge area.

Fascinating mate! Thanks for the info! I remember listening to some guy who talking about people's experience's with this, travelling great distances in such small spaces of time and having no recollection of the period while travelling! I think I believe he was trying to explain it as some kind of "time travel" and had some relation to "time slips" etc, and people viewing periods of time from the past! So say, they'd walk round a corner and they've are viewing the same street 50 years earlier!

Where you stationary when to were at your destination? or where you still traveling when you realised you had not went through the village? and noticed the time?


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Either your brain having a minor malfunction.


If very unintelligent and religious; proof of god.

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Very similar to some reports of Ayahuasca trips (and other DMT induced visions) I have read about, both the rebirth one you talk about and the visions of hell/fire and endless skulls. Maybe you have an over active pineal gland to get there with out chemical help ? unfortunately I have only read of these experiences yet. Good luck in inducing these visions this way, la purga is no easy task but nothing worth while is right?


Edited by The Black Sheep
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None of us have any recollection of the time lost. very strange and entirely unexplainable. It happened around the stone henge area.

I've heard of that before, it was suggested it was something to do with aliens... no idea tbh, not even sure where I saw/read about it

Aliens :wink:

Well if you want to believe in them, it's possible. I used to practice believing that I could walk out of my favourite pub door and into my hallway. Saved a fortune on taxi fares.. Just had to make sure no non believers saw me exit the pub lol

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