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Crazy "dream" occurance!


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Well... I had the strangest of experiences last night after getting into bed! Never experienced anything like this before!

This is gonna be very hard for me to explain and I cant remember all details, as I spent 10 minutes (after "waking up") trying to forget it, as I was genuinely scared! Let me tell you...

So I got into bed about 2:30am this morning and I'm just laid there listening to some talk radio, just relaxing really, not really ready to start going to sleep yet!... then... next thing I know I'm in this "strange place", I'm like "what the fuck is going on here", I feel as thought I'm fully awake but in a "dream world", so if I was just dreaming, then I was immediately "lucid dreaming" and completely unaware of going to sleep!

So I'm there thinking "what's all this about", "what's happening"... I'm then there "observing" some new born baby wrapped in a white blanket (the colors are really vivid and even kinda psychedelic looking). The baby has a light blue glow around it and is on some kind of "moving surface" which was a red stone colour that somehow reminded me of the colour of "Mars" surface at the time!

So I'm again like "what the fuck is going on here", to which I hear a "voice" or something say "Your being reborn"(or some variation of reborn, rebirth), at that point I'm like "wow", thinking "am I tripping or what here?" and I get the feeling of I'm about to go on a major journey and I feel very tempted to "accept" what "they" are offering, it somehow felt very appealing but I dont feel "ready" or "prepared" somehow, yet they really want to show me! So then I'm thinking "should I go" at which point I think, "hang on, this isn't a fucking dream.... so whats going on here, one minutes I was in my bed chillin, the next I'm here", that's when I realise or believe that I wasn't in my body somehow or summit and that was I in an OBE of some kind, but then doughting that aswell and because I was thinking "but I never even tried to start an OBE or go to sleep" so at this point I'm getting very anxious and scared of what's happening, I even think "what if I'm dieing and that's why it's about "reborn" etc"....

So I think "fuck this, I don't want it, I wanta go back" and started thinking "I need to wake up", "I need to get back to my body", but I cant "wak up", trying to but I cant, making me think "I cant get back to my body" which gets me a little panicky!

I try and "feel" or "find out" where I am and get the feeling of being in "another place" and somehow situation below my body and could kind of see myself, as if looking at myself, looking at the back of my head, from below, but still... could not get to me, I felt kind of helpless and as if I was being pulled into this "journey", slight feeling of being kept there, I then get the feeling of being genuinely "scared"! I should have said, all this while I've felt like I was "floating" somehow and I then start to think of my girlfriend that's laid next to my "body" and I hoping she can "wake me up", I try and will my body (and myself) to pull at her teeshirt to wake her up, in order to try and wake ME up and "pull" me self back into my body! I cant get at her attention and I think, only I can get my self back from here".

I then try and "claw", swim my self back towards my body... I then stop about 2-3 feet from my body, I'm still situation directly below my self, I feel as if I cant move any further and I'm thinking "ow shit", then suddenly I feel like I'm back in my body but cannot "open my eyes" or move at all... after about 5 seconds my eyes open and I feel very disorientated and my surroundings don't feel "right"... but then I "come round" and my girlfriend is awake and I tell her I've just had a nightware I couldn't wake or summit.. she's like "eh, what's happened?", I don't know how to get my head around it and still thinking "what the fuck" and just say "I must have had a nightmare", she said, I didn't even know you'd fell asleep, you'd only been in bed ten minutes at the most! Normally takes me at least half hour to get to kip!

So I'm just laid there like WTF just happened, was it really just a dream of was that some Out of Body Experience or some kind of astral travel! I've never done this before, at all, I'm only aware of it as I read up all about it a good few years ago but was never able to do it or anything and never had the patience of "bottle" to do it, I guess! :P

So what do you lot think? Is it just a nightmare or maybe, bad experience of ludic dreaming? or OBE? NDE? Astral? or just plane old me cracking up? lol:toot:

Any input at all would be greatly appreciated, I'd love to make some sense of this "experience"! Thanks in advance! :rofl:


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me and 2 other guys used to travel to work every day in my van. Every day we would go through this village be4 we reached our destination. One morning we are on our way in and we stop at a shop then we head to work and suddenly we are all at our destination. None of us remember going through the village we pass through every morning and the usually 35minute journey only took 15??????? We were all like What the fuck!!!!!! we honestly lost 20 mins of our journey and none of us to this day remember what the fuck happened!!

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sounds like a full on salvia trip or something that is fucked up...Only been in bed 10 mins wtf!

Dont smoke the dreaded skunk do you...lol

Least this didnt happen to ya

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In my dreams, im the Wizard master!

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Guest Tree Man

that put a right shiver down my spine...

I have had very sililar OBE's when i used to abuse my asthma inhalers... as a teen

No shit .... they used to put me somewhere else altoghter..

I guess it was just the gas propellant in them..thinking about it now...

but my god.. I will never forget the trips i had on them.

very clear, trips .. involving lots of traveling and clear images.. like the real world but very zany and unable to move my real body..

2 I remember very well

1. as I exhaled after holding it in for as long as i could... i immediatly fell into a glass diamond.. where it then expanded to engulfe the world and then cracked and seperated leaving never ending gaps between the pieces.

the whole trip lasted about 2 mins and stuck with me..

I also thought it was the end of my life..

2. another a bit more fun...

again after exhaling it felt like there was a mouse constanly running around the edges of my bed... at top speed

I could feel every movement .. which gave me the giggles very badly..

Damn i used to love those times

Your story is very freaky

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Man that sounds trippy.

e2a: I want what you're having please :rofl:

:yep:, I'd smoked some lovely skunk last night like, but nothing different than do every night really! :P

Strange shit, I tell ya mate! I didn't feel as though, I feel asleep, was asleep or woke up, but that's the only way I can describe it as I've experienced nothing like it!!! It's worth saying, I used to lucid dream, but stopped a long time ago now, but it felt nothing like what happened last night to be honest!

Very strange sensations, never felt before and very stange was "the voice"... about "reborn", I was like "what the fuck". I felt as if I was watching my self as a baby somehow, in someway... i think! lol

me and 2 other guys used to travel to work every day in my van. Every day we would go through this village be4 we reached our destination. One morning we are on our way in and we stop at a shop then we head to work and suddenly we are all at our destination. None of us remember going through the village we pass through every morning and the usually 35minute journey only took 15??????? We were all like What the fuck!!!!!! we honestly lost 20 mins of our journey and none of us to this day remember what the fuck happened!!

Fucking mental that like mate, thanks for sharing! I've heard some amazing stories like that! Very strange for none of you to remember going thought the village and the time loss! Do you have any recollection of that "time"? or did it just feel like you instantly got to your destination after a certain point?

Do you have any idea's of what 'might' have happened?


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Guest Tree Man

i find getting up early on purpose ... and then going back to bed is great for lucid dreaming...

where you can, to some extent, control the dream in which you are having.

had a few reoccuring dreams like that .. and always tried to get back into a lucid state as I never reached the end of the dream .. and had cnvinced mysef it was a sign

ETA: I think i just found the answer:


Wake-initiated lucid dream (WILD) occurs when the dreamer goes from a normal waking state directly into a dream state with no apparent lapse in consciousness. Lucid dreaming has been researched scientifically, and its existence is well established.[2][3] Scientists such as Allan Hobson, with his neurophysiological approach to dream research, have helped to push the understanding of lucid dreaming into a less speculative realm.

It appears that you have gone (WILD) ;)lol

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In my dreams, im the Wizard master!

You bloody nutter! :rofl::rofl: :rofl: Here's me thinking I'm the one cracking up! :P

Cheers, I live the "bed" scene! :spliff:

sounds like you were astrotravellin' chum B)

Maybe, my friend, maybe! Trying to remember and make sense of the "reborn" part of it all, I was about to be "taken" on this journey, not create it my self lucidly! When I was lucid dreaming years back, I never remember not being able to wake up! I just knew I was dreaming and could do whatever I wanted!

that put a right shiver down my spine...

I have had very sililar OBE's when i used to abuse my asthma inhalers... as a teen

I done that accidentally though, was up in Scotland, dead misty and chest was heavy, took inhalor loads of times and went off into a "strange world" for a while! Now, you mention it, that was my fest every trip or drug experience! :thisbig:

ETA: I think i just found the answer:


Wake-initiated lucid dream (WILD) occurs when the dreamer goes from a normal waking state directly into a dream state with no apparent lapse in consciousness. Lucid dreaming has been researched scientifically, and its existence is well established.[2][3] Scientists such as Allan Hobson, with his neurophysiological approach to dream research, have helped to push the understanding of lucid dreaming into a less speculative realm.

It appears that you have gone (WILD) lol:wacko:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: WILD! :P My g/f would agree!

Sounds like you may have put your finger on it mate, I'll have to have a read up on it further and see if it fits! Thanks for the info mate, the phrase "Wake-initiated lucid dream" sounds familiar!

So did I fall asleep or not?

I had a freaky incident when i done one of those american dream things, have a fat blow back on a spliff hold it in and get someone to push on your chest, i remember dropping to my knees on a bunch of skulls, the whole place was litered with them and everywhere was on fire, proppa mental shit.

I remember doing that in Primary school (no weed) and seeing people black out etc! The "skulls" and "fire" part is fucking crazy, I find all this shit amazing me!


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I've had a couple of out of body experiences, one while asleep and the other while in a semi awake Opium dream

the Opium one was a classic obe ie looking at yourself from the opposite side of the room (very trippy)

whereas the sleeping one was more of an astral travel thing where I was not aware of my body and could not see it

even when I returned to my body I was facing away from it, the astral travel is realy difficult to explain as there was nothing recognisable where I went and in both cases I had no control over anything, never had voices though,

I would have been very tempted to go along with that "dream" :thisbig: .

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Guest Tree Man

start here bro..


change xx-tt

I find this a very facinating subject.. the human mind is the most powerful of things..

what lurks in that subconcious can be a very frightening thing

sometimes its best left undisturbed....

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Treeman, I have also lucid dreamed this way, yet strangely i never realised what was happening until now! it certainly explains alot.

DGT, i can also relate to part of your experience, the first time i tried salvia, i had two friends with me at the time; pulled a bong, ripped it ,then held it in for bout 10secs, exhaled, and sat down.I then appeared to be embedded in a huge concrete wall on the outskirts of what I can only describe as an 'otherworldly jungle of immense size'. Then folds started appearing on my left side going away from me.. then the folds further back started turning blue, and my friends' faces became parts of 2 separate folds (one face to each fold). What we were talking about before i can't remember, but they started trying to persuade me to walk towards them, into their fold. Being the person I am I concluded that each of the folds led to a parallel universe, and I was in the belief that I had never met the two people infront of me before, and that they were appearing from their separate universes and trying to persuade me to travel between the universes.. Of course, I was embedded in a huge conctrete wall, and felt somewhat restricted in movement. It was around about this time i realised what was happening, but i still insisted that we went outside for some fresh air, which was followed by us walking out of my front door, I squirmed around for a bit, then decided it was too cold.

So yeah pretty intense stuff to say the least..


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