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Replacing politicians


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Instead odf wasting our time trying to persuade politicians to legalise because it is the right thing to do, we need to concentrate on replacing them with ordinary folk like YOU who are prepared to work for what is right and not just act on the wishes of the biggest tax-payers

Previously I had though we could change their minds but I know that only money, power (votes) would do that for many of them (not all of course)

And those craving for power are seldom better than those who have it.

So we need YOU to stand for election at the next round - that may be in 2005 but in could be in two months time from when you read this (until March 2005).

Let's try our hardest, starting now, to find candidates, finance them, get our Cannabis Party political broadcast on the TV. Every vote we get is two votes against the winners; if we get back our deposit - requiring just about 5% of the vore - that in itself would be victory.

If the BNP can do it in the locals, so can we.

People say LCA could not run the country.

I got news for them.

Neither can Labour

PLEASE find us local reps, candidates and funds.

contact lca@lca-uk.org visit www.lca-uk.org


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