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i've just read......


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i've just read in the paper, that bush is planning a state visit to uk,

sometime in november..........

surely a perfect time for "legalise people" from around the world,

to meet up and show bush and blair,what we think of them and their policies..

a worldwide cannabis union......

days of protest, mass walks around london......

invite the yanks,canadians,dutch,french,german,italian,spanish,

all pro cannabis groups,together speaking with one voice....

the ultimate canna-protest.......


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Stopping the visit on the grounds that he is a mass murdering , highly aggressive dictator would be better :smoke:

Remember when Tyson was almost refused a visa to enter the UK ?

Coudn't the same grounds be applied to stop Bush getting one :stoned:



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a different protest every day of his visit would be funny......

iraq,drugs,global warming issues, world trade,

a mass "peace-in" , pot smoking hippies at the front.....

"give peace a chance,let the weed enhance"

"smoke the pipes of peace"

maybe George Soros could help......

Billionaire mounting anti-Bush effort

RESTON, Va., Sept. 17 (UPI) -- Billionaire George Soros reportedly is putting together a $10 million warchest to prevent U.S. President George Bush from winning a second term.

Soros, who in 1992 made $1 billion in a single day through currency speculation that drove down the British pound, along with a group of philanthropists and trade unions, is mounting a campaign to unseat Bush for what he sees as the administration's misuse of power, Canada's National Post reported.

"You passed the U.S.A. Patriot Act without proper discussion," Soros said in a recent interview with PBS. "Anyone who opposed it was accused of giving aid and comfort to the terrorists. I think we've gone off the rail in this country. Lawmakers didn't even get a copy of the bill. They couldn't even read it before it was passed."

The Hungarian-born Soros is estimated to be worth $5 billion and has been involved in philanthropic activities -- largely in Eastern Europe -- since 1979.

Copyright 2003 by United Press International.

All rights reserved.


Edited by sittingrelaxing
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Getting real. An anti-Bish protest or 6 is extremely certain, I would think, so let's concentrate on cannabis.

Please if you hear exact date, let us know, here and through LCA


We should try to think up an unusual place to have the demo, and maybe do it in as many places as possible, like say in MacDonalds


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Nothing would give me more joy than to embarrass Bliar in front of Bush!

i.e. Bliar trying to host an official state visit with thousands of peeps shouting anti-Bush slogans! :wassnnme:

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from the article below it's on or around 11/11/2003 as he may attend rememberance.... looks like were gonna be making him real fcuking welcome....

anti-war mp's should walk out/or turn there backs on him when he address's parliment...



PRESIDENT George W Bush is to make a full state visit to Britain after weeks of top-secret talks, The People can reveal.

But the American leader's trip is certain to infuriate anti-war protesters - and potentially inflict further damage on Tony Blair's popularity.

Anger over the invasion of Iraq is thought to be behind Labour's shock defeat in last week's Brent East by-election and the PM is already seen by many as Mr Bush's pet poodle.

News of the four-day visit in November will be formally announced on Tuesday by Buckingham Palace - where Mr Bush will stay with First Lady Laura.

The invitation is designed to reinforce our special relationship with America but any anti-war scenes will be embarrassing.

US secret service agents have already said the President must stay at Buckingham Palace rather than Windsor Castle following security blunders that allowed intruder Aaron Barschak to gatecrash Prince William's 21st birthday bash.

"Buckingham Palace can be policed more securely than Windsor," said a royal insider. "No one wants to take any risks with such a high-profile visit."

Protocol dictates that Mr and Mrs Bush stay in the sumptuous Belgian Suite, just as Vladimir Putin did in June.

Mr Bush is the first US president to make a full state visit since the Queen was crowned more than 50 years ago.

He will get a full ceremonial welcome, an honour not even granted to Ronald Reagan during his friendship with Margaret Thatcher as the Cold War raged. Mr Bush will address both Houses of Parliament and pay his respects at the tomb of the Unknown Soldier at Westminster.

He and Mrs Bush will also be treated to a state banquet at the Palace - with the Queen and Tony Blair invited to a return bash at the American ambassador's home in Regent's Park.

The President may also attend a Remembrance Sunday ceremony. Mr Bush last came to Britain in July 2001. Although he dined with the Queen it was not classed as a state visit.

MR BLAIR'S bid to kiss and make up with European leaders over the war failed at a summit in Berlin yesterday.

French President Jacques Chirac and German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder want a transfer of power to the Iraqis within months but Britain says more time is needed.

Voice of The People: Page 8


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  • 2 weeks later...
Getting real.  An anti-Bish protest or 6 is extremely certain,

Come on, Bishie isn't that bad ;)

:unsure: at kittens, nice one pip.

Edited by mickle
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surely he should be refused entry on the grounds that he is the biggest drug dealer the world has ever seen, being the mental retard who got the job because he'll do what he's told by the petrochemical/pharmaceutical cartels! :badass:

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  • 2 weeks later...



Welcome Mr Bush (The USA President) to Britain

You are all welcome to join Trevor Smith from the LCA, who will be running an LCA stall with Info and Paraphenilia about the Legalise Cannabis Alliance on the date above.

Please come if you can, bring banners, whistles and fun and laughter, lets show Britain and Mr Bush that the cannabis community cares....!!

I am sure there will be the chance to do what you all do best, lets all have a party in the park later to celebrate!

Love Clara



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