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Trust Jesus Christ


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Has someone ever asked you to "Trust Jesus"? I would guess that you have not heard this phrase very much -- maybe you have never heard it at all. The reason for this is that most people today put "trusting Jesus" pretty low on their lists of priorities. And how about you? Where is Jesus on your list of priorities?

Money represents material goods - the things of wood, gold, or other materials that money can buy. If you trust money, then you are not trusting Jesus. Whatever you trust instead of Jesus is your "god". If you trust "gods" of gold, silver, wood or any other earthly material, then you are an "idolater". The Bible says that all idolaters will all go to Hell. (Revelation 21:8) Therefore, if you trust money, you will go to Hell when you die, because you are an "idolater", not a Christian.

Money is "deceitful". Money lies to you because it makes a false promise to you. Money deceives you into believing the promise that the riches which money can by will last forever. But even if you somehow do obtain lots of money, how much of it will you still have just one second after you die? The answer is: none. Even if you become a billionaire, you will still not have any of your money one second after your death.

Jesus gave a parable about a rich man, a man with lots of wealth and money. Jesus said that this rich man was burning in the torments of Hell an instant after he died. He had nothing in Hell. He could not even get a single drop of water to cool his tongue in Hell.

No, money is a false idol. If you trust money, then you will not have anything after you die. Trust Jesus instead of money. Then, when you die you will have a mansion in Heaven on a street made with pure gold. Trusting Jesus is therefore much better than trusting money, since it has great eternal rewards.

Jesus is a real person. He is alive. Jesus is up in Heaven right now. Jesus can be a much better friend to you than any of your so-called friends on Earth could ever be. Your friends on Earth really don't care if you spend Eternity in Hell.

But you say, "That cannot be true! My friends really care about me." If you were to tell your friends that you wanted to be a real Christian and go to church every Sunday and stop sinning - that you wanted to really go to Heaven when you die - what do you think the reaction of your friends would be?

Well, you already know what their reaction would be. They would get very angry at you and then they would try their best to persuade you to reject Christ -- to not become a Christian. They would want you to live a life of sin, just like they are living, which would end up sending you to Hell when you die. If you persisted in your desire to be a Christian, most, if not all of your friends would turn their backs on you. They would "dump" you for deciding to go to Heaven instead of Hell when you die.

Now your friends would not come right out and say, "Hey, we all want you to go to Hell when you die". No, that would be too honest. No, instead, they would lie to you and tell you that they were "trying to help you", (i.e. trying to help you to reject Jesus and thereby trying to help you to go to Hell when you die.) Really though, with friends like yours, who needs enemies?

You may have other things that you trust instead of trusting Jesus. You might trust pleasure, such as sex, going fishing, or some other pleasure. But pleasure only lasts for a few minutes. It is only temporary. Pain and discomfort often come after pleasure, as is the case with Aids, VD, having a bastard child, or getting a hangover after you get drunk. No, pleasure is not what you need to put your trust in. Jesus is who you need to put your trust in. Trust Jesus today. Jesus will never let you down!


Ok - Fair enough. But is Jesus gonna pay my leccy bill?

Or is Jesus gonna personally come down here to earth, kill me goat(or buy it), skin and gut the fukka and slap it in oven because people gotta eat and that costs money.

They say trust in Jesus, which I do in other things. But it says money is evil, but how the fuck can you trust in Jesus and not trust in money too when money is our key survival? How we possibly live without money? Maybe it will make Jesus happy if became tramps and lived miserable sad uncompfortable lifes.

I just don't get how this passage applies, to any of us here on earth.

this is why i think there is an illuminati. As long as we stay slaves to the system, we will always be raped of our freedom, unless we pay our way out of it (which we are doing now)

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Money is "deceitful". Money lies to you because it makes a false promise to you.

This is the reason we have a collection plate.

If Jesus saw that article he'd be fucking appalled.

Edit: Where is that article from, Smokey?

Edited by Father McPot
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Guest grandad

history tells us of roman tyrany, we know from modern day middle east that terrorists fight the good cause in the name of god, i cannot see jesus as anything but a terrorist with his 12 generals. in a 1000 years time it will be bin laden who will be the prophit who saved the world, if we have a world to live in that is.

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Money is "deceitful". Money lies to you because it makes a false promise to you.

This is the reason we have a collection plate.

If Jesus saw that article he'd be fucking appalled.

Edit: Where is that article from, Smokey?

hi mate, check the image location above^

yes, he probably would be disgusted, i thought it was taken from the bible?

but in a way, the article is right about money - it is evil.

i think everyone should be equal in terms of food, home etc (i guess this is what the article is trying to portrait)

but its fuckin impossible to live without money

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I don't trust Jesus OR money. Jesus is a myth (OK, pedants may argue that he was a real person so I'll clarify - Jesus the biblical person, Jesus the son of God is a myth), money is a thing. Neither are worthy of trust. I trust people that deserve my trust, I don't trust myths or things, myths are lies and things just are, trust does not apply to either. Trust applies to sentient beings or intellectual concepts. What the people who wrote the first part of the original post mean is BELIEVE in Jesus, they have belief and trust confused.

Edited by Boojum
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I don't trust Jesus OR money. Jesus is a myth (OK, pedants may argue that he was a real person so I'll clarify - Jesus the biblical person, Jesus the son of God is a myth), money is a thing. Neither are worthy of trust. I trust people that deserve my trust, I don't trust myths or things, myths are lies and things just are, trust does not apply to either. Trust applies to sentient beings or intellectual concepts. What the people who wrote the first part of the original post mean is BELIEVE in Jesus, they have belief and trust confused.

but isnt trust believing in the non-seeing?

like relationships, you trust that person not to decieve you - you may not ever know if they have, thats what trust is???

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but in a way, the article is right about money - it is evil.

No more evil than any other inanimate objects.

like roofs and dead food? ;)

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I don't trust Jesus OR money. Jesus is a myth (OK, pedants may argue that he was a real person so I'll clarify - Jesus the biblical person, Jesus the son of God is a myth), money is a thing. Neither are worthy of trust. I trust people that deserve my trust, I don't trust myths or things, myths are lies and things just are, trust does not apply to either. Trust applies to sentient beings or intellectual concepts. What the people who wrote the first part of the original post mean is BELIEVE in Jesus, they have belief and trust confused.

but isnt trust believing in the non-seeing?

like relationships, you trust that person not to decieve you - you may not ever know if they have, thats what trust is???

Not sure if I have the eloquence to differentiate at this stage of a Friday night, having been in the pub & all that ;)

Trust is a reliance on something, an expectation of something but it's based on evidence or knowledge - I trust such and such a friend because I know them and they haven't let me down, I trust that a concept is true because the evidence backs it up. Belief is the conviction that something is such despite a complete lack of evidence, or even in the face of evidence to the contrary - people believe in a just and benevolent God despite all the evil and suffering in the world, people believe in the virgin birth despite the biological impossibility of such a thing happening, people believe in the absolute truth of the Bible despite it being a work of fiction (and a not particularly good or original one at that) cobbled together from a mish mash of documents on the whim of the early church and omitting a considerable amount of documents because they don't back up the message the early church was trying to send. Trust is based on evidence, you trust people and concepts because of what you know about them, belief is based on something other than evidence (I'm trying not to use terms like self delusion, because I'm trying not to be offensive, but that's what I really think - but it's only my opinion, perhaps even my belief...).

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but in a way, the article is right about money - it is evil.

No more evil than any other inanimate objects.

like roofs and dead food? ;)

Objects like these cannot talk, think or act. They simple are. They cannot be inherently evil (evil is a daft word best left for fantasy books, but I think I know what you mean).

The old saying was said to be: Money is the root of all evil. The real one was: The love of money is the root of all evil.

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i always value your input booj and i respect other peoples opinion too

and i've had a few tins myself :):v:

Trust is a reliance on something

that is true 120%

but it's based on evidence or knowledge

but relying on something has nothing to do with evidence or knowledge though, does it? :)

reliance itself is based on trust, a faith, a dependance.

I trust such and such a friend because I know them and they haven't let me down, I trust that a concept is true because the evidence backs it up.

yes thats another good point, however maybe, evidence is irrelevant in trust?

yes you trust in that person, because you believe they will not let you down, but there is always a possibility that they will, therfore in my eyes, evidence is irrevelant...

i know what your saying, but all this evil (money, murder, children/people dying) its all mans creation. God (who whatever) put the elements here, but it was us who put them together...

like combinations of chemicals does this and that, god did put them here, but did he trust and believe in us to do bad things with it? or did he expect us to do good things with it?

the evidence is there, because we exist - now, did god know the evidence before he put trust in us? Did he know that plutonium could be made and used to destroy the human race?

getting a bit deep now :D

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:) I'm buggered if I know, I know I'm quite good at making ill-considered drunk posts then blagging my way out of it :) but I think I've utterly failed on this occasion :v: never mix semantics, philosophy, theology and too much booze. Philosophy & theology on booze, that works, but the semantics screws you, the fucker.
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:D I'm buggered if I know, I know I'm quite good at making ill-considered drunk posts then blagging my way out of it :D but I think I've utterly failed on this occasion :) never mix semantics, philosophy, theology and too much booze. Philosophy & theology on booze, that works, but the semantics screws you, the fucker.

its just not worth thinking about it is mate :)

tbh i've been here before and i'll stop now because the more i dwelve into these thoughts the less it makes sense :v:

nice converse though mateys :)

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