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astronomical show this weekend


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Copied from the Daily Telegraph

Each month the Moon orbits the Earth in an oval-shaped path, and on December 12 it will move past it around 28,000km closer than average.

The unusual feature is that this will coincide with a full moon, which will make it appear 14 per cent bigger and 30 per cent brighter than most full moons this year, on Friday night.

Astrologists say the next encounter with a moon this close and full will not be until November 14 2016.

To make the sight even more spectacular much of Britain should be treated to a phenomenon known as the Moon illusion.

This is an optical illusion in which the Moon appears larger near the horizon than it does while higher up in the sky.

Psychologists have tried to explain this as a trick of the eye, as the landscape on the horizon appears to make the Moon loom much larger, an effect that disappears as the Moon rises above the horizon.

Another astronomical treat that could be seen over the weekend is the annual Geminid meteor shower, one of the year's best displays of shooting stars.

Up to 100 meteors an hour can fly across the sky. The meteors, which are easy to spot with the naked eye, appear to shoot out from the constellation Gemini, hence their name, but they can be seen all over the sky.

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venus ( i think) was unusually bright last night..did anyone else notice?

Aye, it has been lately. Usually see it best around sunset and sunrise.

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venus ( i think) was unusually bright last night..did anyone else notice?

Yup! As FAther McPot says its best seen around sunset and sunrise. Also if you look down and to the right of it you can see Mars on a clear night- smaller orange star. I think there was a triangle made with the moon and these two last week, but they are still really visible at the mo, when its not to cloudy obv.

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venus ( i think) was unusually bright last night..did anyone else notice?

Did notice an amazingly bright star last nite... must have been bright for me to notice. So it was Venus eh? Thank you :rofl:

And will be watching tonite as well, thank you....

Ms Powerband :wink:

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Yes Ms Powerband that would have been Venus with Jupiter just below and to the right, they have been in the sky for a couple of weeks now. Its too cloudy where I am to get any pics of the Moon tonight ..what a bummer

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i just popped down the beach.....but its too cloudy

where i am, it dont look much bigger TBH

hope that cheers you up anyway :yinyang:

Edited by TightBud
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  • 1 month later...

Hi All.

Are you sure its Venus????

Not wanting to be telling anyone's grandma how to suck eggs, But Venus can only be seen for a while, after sunset, and before sunrise, due to it being one of the two Inferior Planets.

It is the brightest planet though.

Smoking and astronomy is a smashing combo.

See ya.


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Hi All.

It seems there is every likelyhood that it was indeed Venus. It is apparently at its greatest elongation, or was yesterday actually.

see ya All.


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