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Is time travel possible?


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that prog was a load of toss - no time travel at all [well, very little steering] :spliff: the answer to his question is, that it is always 'now' wherever you are.

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Of course time travel is possible. I intend to prove it in the near future.

Initially I'll be nicked for pouring gin down Thatcher's mother's throat. (I'll not mention the coat hanger bit.)

But, you lot won't notice, suddenly life gets better but you'll have no knowledge of the past.

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I've just watched it.

He smirks for an hour, barely able to contain himself that he's been paid to make this non-programme.

A very long hour it was too.

If any of your possible futures includes watching it, I suggest you pick a different route.

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Nothing is really impossible, so time travel must be possible. Just not at the present moment.

Which present moment? lol

This one? :yahoo:

If time travel is indeed possible, they are all 'the present moment'.. innit. :ninja:

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I was looking forward to this - walob it turned out to be. He spoke for an hour and I was no more informed than before he started. He was even waffling about quantum physics for a while... The program looked like an excuse for him to air his knowledge more than anything else. :ninja:

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I hope so! lol

Maybe have a look into a guy called "Dr Ron Mallett" and a "Prof. Anos Ori" and their work and views on it!

I think it is possible, but if it is developed, it would never be told to the public if it did! It would be the most powerful thing on earth and so would those who own it!


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Nothing is really impossible.

In that case, run us round a bacon sandwich and a cup of tea within the next 30mins......im starving mate!


Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary of fools - Napoleon.

The impossible - what nobody can do until somebody does

This fella puts it better. Many things which were once considered impossible are now a given, part of daily life.

"The greatest achievement was, at first, and for a time, but a dream."

"The oak sleeps in the acorn. The bird waits in the egg, and in the highest vision of the soul, a waking angel stirs. DREAMS ARE THE SEEDLINGS OF REALITY."

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I watched two thirds of this last night, but found myself nodding off. I know Prof. Brian Cox was the keyboard player in D:Ream but he looks like a rocker and I have to agree with strawberry about his smirking: here we are, climbing a Mayan ziggurat in the Yucatan peninsula, because the BBC paid for it!

On the subject of time travel, though, what about the theory that the 'aliens' in the Roswell crash were actually future humans coming back to avert some nuclear disaster? Eh?

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I fell completely asleep within about 30 minutes or so. He had a look on his face like he'd just dropped some mdma but wasn't sharing it with anyone, or knows a secret about you. He reminded me of the kind of bloke you meet when travelling, the type you take an instant dislike to cos he insists on calling cambodia Kampuchea and sneers at you for liking Thailand.

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I didn't like that 'graininess of time' concept, yes to smallest conceivable (eta: useful) units but doesn't matter have a probabilistic existence? he didn't even mention some of the experiments that have shown quantum effects in time.

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........... He reminded me of the kind of bloke you meet when travelling, the type you take an instant dislike to cos he insists on calling cambodia Kampuchea and sneers at you for liking Thailand.

Having met exactly the type THC , you made me nod and smile as you brought back happy memories. Those folks. Never anywhere long enough to appreciate it, they tick off the most fantastic places and people in their 'explorers handbook' and move on a great speed, whisked along in a cloud of their own arrogance, having experienced none of it...... :D

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Anyone ever heard of John Titor? He claims to be a time traveller from 2036. Theres loads of stuff on the web about him and he even has a website. He says in order to build a time machine you need ...

* Two magnetic housing units for the dual micro singularities

* An electron injection manifold to alter mass and gravity micro singularities

* A cooling and X-ray venting system

* Gravity sensors, or a variable gravity lock

* Four main caesium clocks

* Three main computer units

See for yourself here http://www.johntitor.com/

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