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In a Parallel universe


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Hey everyone :spliff:

Well sitting here in abit of a haze, for some reason i got thinking how weird it actually is, for the god knows how many years ive been paying for my little fix of Green.

I wondered if in some weird Parallel universe maybe people or what ever they may be do the same , but instead of Cannabis maybe , i dont know stinging nettles . " yes m8 can i have a oz of neattle , n1 m8 cheers " :D so my stoned mind then diverted to the fact that how did we really ever get from treating Cannabis more than any other weed ???

How have goverments really tried to stop people smoking a plant that would grow freely in this beautiful world if it wasnt for Muppets who decided what allowed and what not ! " isnt that mother natures choice "?? Oh well i could prob go on and on , but if anyone has some time to waste , add a thought :yahoo:

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  • 2 months later...

Just think according to the theory of infinite parrallel multiverses theres a universe that exists where were uber stoned all the time and people have to smoke weed to straighten up :rofl:

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  • 1 year later...

sorry to dig this one up from a year ago but perfect haze i think in at least some ways the universe you describe is happening right here, right now

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sorry to dig this one up from a year ago but perfect haze i think in at least some ways the universe you describe is happening right here, right now

:stoned: Does sound familiar.

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