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Nature or Nurture


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All in the topic title really.

What do you think makes you what you are and the way you are, physically, mentally and emotionally, nature or nurture ? Or a mixture of both?

Do you believe it is all genetic or do you believe that we are a product of our environment and our personal experiences?

I personally believe that it is a mixture of both elements to some extent. With some people they may have a stronger genetic predisposition to be the way they are, in other people it may be that they have experienced some situations in their live that they feel are more responsible for their outcome.

Something I often ponder on after a few smokes.

What do you think?

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Well, having produced six kids who all had their own distinctive characters right form the very start and didn't take after me or their mother I'd have to say I'm a firm believer in the existence and transmigration of souls.

I believe genetics gives physical characteristics and mental abilities and I've always felt that I'm capable of much more than my brain is, I mean I've always had the feeling that I'm an astronaut in charge of a bicycle if you like.

As for nurture, you can't really nurture kids if you're a good parent, they pick and choose the bits they want and interpret their own experiences according to who they are. On the other hand I know you could anti-nurture them by beating them down and brainwashing them with superstitious fears and antiquated belief systems but that's more a case of not oiling their wheels I'd have thought.

My experiences haven't so much made me what I am as I have made my experiences what they are. Similarly, I am not who I am because of who my parents were or what their genes were. There is something else at work I'm sure.

Believe in it or not, I think the soul is the thing that makes the difference, there is no other explanation that I can see. I'm not religious BTW, I'm agnostic.

Nature and nurture might modify the machine, but I'm driving it, that's my take.

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Think nurture. Nature gives out approximately even chances, but nuture, environment/experiencies can vary wildly. You have a great childhood and you will probably never suffer as much as somebody that gets a crap start.

Edited by Hir
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As for nurture, you can't really nurture kids if you're a good parent, they pick and choose the bits they want and interprettheir own experiences according to who they are.

That doesn't seem to hold much water. Consider the kids that have been abused (sexually or otherwise), have grown up in poverty, in violent households, have grown up in extraordinary circumstances (Genie and Oxana), for example. Their environments have had a tremendous impact upon them.

Believe in it or not, I think the soul is the thing that makes the difference, there is no other explanation that I can see. I'm not religious BTW, I'm agnostic.

How do you know that the soul exists?


Your genetics dictate how you respond to events, but you still have a self to override your beastly inheritance.

So, the 'you' and the 'self' are different?

Edited by Father McPot
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Your genetics dictate how you respond to events, but you still have a self to override your beastly inheritance.

So, the 'you' and the 'self' are different?

You - the person you are at any given time, a combination of genetics, experience and self

Self - The unchanging inner you that you are born with

there you go, pick away

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I think that mostly we are a mixture of nature and nurture.

We are all strongly influenced by both genetic predisposition and by our surroundings.

The cases of identical twins seperated at birth who live almost identical lives shows how strongly genetics can play a part.

Yet alot of how you are shaped has to come from your immediate surroundings too.

A friend of mine is adopted and I really had no idea as, he thinks, speaks and makes decisions almost identical to his Mum. So he has been strongly influenced by his surroundings. Although thinking about it as he doesnt know anything at all about his blood relatives, he could equally be similar to them :wink:

The nature nurture debate is a real difficult one to be able to come down on either side of the fence, as you can find examples of both in all of us.

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I firmly believe genetics make you what you physically are...

After ponderin, I would say that our minds and thought are nurtured from our personal experiences in life lol

Ms Powerband :wink:

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Your genes act as the foundations on which your life experience builds who you become. What's more important when building a house, the foundations or the bricks ? Neither, they're both as important as each other (OK, crap analogy but I have been travelling for over 13 hours :yep: )

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Yea i agree its definitely a mixture of both i,d say alot of our character and temperament is down to genetic make up, but its the way we control are emotions and feelings, are strong points are weak points, the way we decide what is right and wrong from are own personnel perspective, its the way we interpretate other peoples point of view, its the familiar things that we all to varying degrees take for granted that sculpt and carve the final blend of who we are, how we judge and value all this surely comes from the roots of nurturing for good or bad as an example to follow or one to avoid, how much we're willing to learn and from that knowing what we are learning and being told is the truth of things

Rj :spliff:

Edited by Rastajedi
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In the days of sail, cargo ships, from say Liverpool to New York.

Not one of those captains can control the weather but they can control the ship and with reasonable fortune, reach New York.

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I believe some of it is genetic. Mindsets and mentality can be genetic but can be altered through experience and knowledge. So I think a mixture but experience and environment dominant.

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