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Mean or just plain dumb?


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'allo good folks,

I was wondering what folks here might think on this. If they care to that is. An observation of mine is that most people are not mean, per se, not consciously going out of their way to trouble people. But a lot of people, never the less, do cause a lot of trouble. Mostly minor irritation stuff but some down right dangerous shit as well. A lot of this seems to come from stupidity, not paying attention and/or not caring, etc.

Now then. I hate yelling at the wrong people. I especially hate feeling bad about someone when it is not really warranted. I like to practice compassion when ever it is safe to do so. lol

But it is hard sometimes. Sometimes I'm tired, low blood sugar, whatever. Sometimes (?!?) I just make wrong assumptions myself. So my question to UK420 then is: How do you tell? How do you know when something is evil and wants to hurt you and when someone is just plain dumb (which admittedly can be as dangerous! :fish: )?

Edited by Randalizer
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wisdom to know the difference between the two isnt an exact science my friend, if you justify your choices in life to yourself with an honest heart, and you find 2 out of three times you are happy with it your doing better than most. the fact that you ask such a question shows your heart is on theright track anyways :fish::yep:lol

now i'm off to work, love it....

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Thank you and welcome to UK420 rabit69 (the images that name conjures!). I am honored that you made this topic the home of your first post here. lol

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Guest grandad

i never judge but i observe, because i'm easy going and generous people were always trying take advantage, once i wittled all the deadwood away all i had left was me and mary jane with our sounds and thoughts.

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If you be still, and listen, your heart/instinct whateveryoucallit will kick in and tell you. But it only works if you trust it. shit I sound like a christian, I'm not.

I do believe that on a subconcious level we know everything we need to, and that the hardest thing is to listen to ourselves, sorry for sounding sactimonious.

I used to get wasted with an ex-girlfriends dad and one of our conversations was thet he believed that right and wrong had no solid meanings because it was dependant on societies values. But what nature gave us was a sense of what is acceptable to ourselves, and by extention others. Even the aztecs in the height of their sacreficial horror must have known deep down that it went against nature, but in their society it was right. shit, kinda lost meself there.

Anyway, sounds like you're lookin at yourself and evaluating, any person that has the strength to do that and with honesty will always be growin. Well fukkin done mate

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our thinking changes every 7 years, body chemicals change and we are reborn.

I'd say every day, but maybe that's just me.

Edited by Father McPot
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I think there's a 3rd category of folks that cause harm, and I think it's probably the most widespread of all - folks who are so selfish that they simply don't give a shit about the impact of their actions on other people. The "I'm all right Jack, fuck you." brigade. And sadly, they are legion (and in the UK seeminly more so, in no small part due to the Thatcher years where that particular sentiment became the credo of an entire generation who are now bringing their brats up and instilling the same lack of values in them).

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Guest grandad

the things i do never changes, growing up is not for people like me, but my thinking changed and i love it, i like the peaceful thoughts and the funny ones, my body basks in tranquility day after day and i have started to love life, i have been all the way down to the bottom and up was the only direction i could travel, so higher and higher i climb.

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In this day and age mate, i cant even give you an answer. The pressures and bullshit of modern society has produced multitudes of assholes. Don't get me wrong, there are some good folk left, but i sense the world is going to implode soon from all the bullshit going on. :yinyang:

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