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A spiritual thread


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Hi there showgirl,

whatever you choose to do I hope it brings you happiness and may I say its always been nice chatting in posts with you. :yahoo:

And it was nice to meet an American girl who even the bears are scared of! :yahoo:

And I've always wanted to say but never got around to it that you have one of the nicest avatar pics on the site,in that you've got a mysterious

girl offering you a joint and I think that's really nice and is I think a reflection of your nature as a person. lol

Follow your spiritual star. :yinyang:

Thank you Dr. much appreciated and I am moved.......tear...... I love your avatar.." It's a flying kiddy" lol Showgirl

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I lot of that resonated to me. One of the first thoughts I had was that "it" is my god!!! But that's to say, what I consider to be natural is 'god'. I consider cannabis to be nature's gift and so I smoke it and it helps greatly with life (i.e. I can live with it!) so there's no way I'm dropping the one thing that keeps me sane just because the mainstream says otherwise.

I'm really trying to discover my spirituality too and I've just bought some Salvia in the pursuit of that (just waiting for the right time to do it. I know I'll be doing it for the right reasons). I'm hoping that will open the gateway for me because so far I haven't been able to access that higher plane. I guess I'm always just a bit too stoned/drunk/easily distracted to sit down and meditate properly so I'm hoping the lady will be my trigger. Other I'm going to have to go to South America and try the Ayawasca (sp?)!!!! I know there's more to life that the material shit we're bombarded with, but it's oh so difficult to stand aside and think outside of it! I just say do what feels right and what feels instinctively natural and if that doesn't work then fuck it!! I'd rather live a life believing in an unknown quantity (as I like the call it, or as Jung did, as you did) the cosmic consciousness than follow some doctrine that's foisted upon me.

Not sure if that helps, but nevertheless, I hope you feel a bit brighter soon. But please don't let the your true self be influenced by influences that really don't make sense to you.

e2a: I've not added anything yet lol, but I know I will :yinyang:

I have found something when I was clean and it doesn't chive anymore for me because the effects of cannabis on me are counter intuitive for a more spiritual Showgirl.

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I find meditation on the Earth, the matrix of our life the most sobering thing, humbling :yahoo:lol

We can't smell stars, or feel planets or hear sunlight.

Smell, see, hear, feel the earth and all its perfection. :yinyang:

Even if you live in urban sprawl the will be some small life growing somewhere.

Edited by Biw Coopah
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Hello showgirl,

What's "becoming your god"? Weed or Spirituality?

If your seeking spirituality, I wouldn't look to cannabis as the answer! As I don't believe that is a spiritual way of thinking, looking to a drug to be the "key" to your answers! I think it certainly could help if used in the correct way and frame of mind!

If your thinking about using it every day as a "feel good pill" when your going through hard times, then I dont think that will help at all in your quest! As spiritually it not about running away from your fears and problems... because you cant run away from your self!!

There is a body and a spirit in my opinion, if your soon to leave this body (terminal illness) then do what ever makes you happy!! But be a drug user, not a drug abuser, if your on the quest!! To much of anything is good for no one!

I'm certainly not fully "in touch with my self" but I'd say maybe a good place to start would be to look at your self, take a look in the mirror! What are your "beliefs"? in the sense of, what are your "values"! What do you think is "right and wrong"! Do your own "life review"! It's hard to know what to say to be honest as everyone's "path" will be different... but were all end at the same place!

You need to move away from selfishness and needing, things like giving your husband ultimatum! Try to always live in "love" and avoid most unnecessary conflict! Stand up for your beliefs at all times! Learn to laugh at yourself and life it's self! Try not to judge people to much, because who are "you" to judge? Just try to be true to your self and treat others as you wish to be tret!

My most "spiritual" experience was when I was on magic mushroom and I was on no "quest" at all really, only a "do what you want to me" attitude towards the effects of the drug! I touched into some "higher consciousness" of some kind, it was a "mass consciousness" or some kind of "mind matrix", where we all connect as one in some kind of "wireless" network! Got "all the answers to the universe" from "it", it was epiphany after epiphany!

Learn to love the world around you, look to the positive good thing in everything! Nature is a great healer, get in "touch" with the world around you! "feel" everything!


Are you leaving the weed cos you cant handle not having any or because you feel 'addicted' ?

Isn't that the same thing? Isn't the definition of a mental addiction, where you feel like you cant handle not having any?

i could discus spirituality but it would make me unpopular here, so i'll drop out..

Why do you care about your "popularity" grandad? I never took you as one of them, I thought you were a free thinker who spoke his mind!


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Hello showgirl,

What's "becoming your god"? Weed or Spirituality?

If your seeking spirituality, I wouldn't look to cannabis as the answer! As I don't believe that is a spiritual way of thinking, looking to a drug to be the "key" to your answers! I think it certainly could help if used in the correct way and frame of mind!

If your thinking about using it every day as a "feel good pill" when your going through hard times, then I dont think that will help at all in your quest! As spiritually it not about running away from your fears and problems... because you cant run away from your self!!

There is a body and a spirit in my opinion, if your soon to leave this body (terminal illness) then do what ever makes you happy!! But be a drug user, not a drug abuser, if your on the quest!! To much of anything is good for no one!

I'm certainly not fully "in touch with my self" but I'd say maybe a good place to start would be to look at your self, take a look in the mirror! What are your "beliefs"? in the sense of, what are your "values"! What do you think is "right and wrong"! Do your own "life review"! It's hard to know what to say to be honest as everyone's "path" will be different... but were all end at the same place!

You need to move away from selfishness and needing, things like giving your husband ultimatum! Try to always live in "love" and avoid most unnecessary conflict! Stand up for your beliefs at all times! Learn to laugh at yourself and life it's self! Try not to judge people to much, because who are "you" to judge? Just try to be true to your self and treat others as you wish to be tret!

My most "spiritual" experience was when I was on magic mushroom and I was on no "quest" at all really, only a "do what you want to me" attitude towards the effects of the drug! I touched into some "higher consciousness" of some kind, it was a "mass consciousness" or some kind of "mind matrix", where we all connect as one in some kind of "wireless" network! Got "all the answers to the universe" from "it", it was epiphany after epiphany!

Learn to love the world around you, look to the positive good thing in everything! Nature is a great healer, get in "touch" with the world around you! "feel" everything!


Are you leaving the weed cos you cant handle not having any or because you feel 'addicted' ?

Isn't that the same thing? Isn't the definition of a mental addiction, where you feel like you cant handle not having any?

i could discus spirituality but it would make me unpopular here, so i'll drop out..

Why do you care about your "popularity" grandad? I never took you as one of them, I thought you were a free thinker who spoke his mind!


Thanks drGT, Love your entry and good food for thought.sg

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Showgirl, I also resonate with what you say and have been trying to think of some practical advice. At least you have a sympathetic husband! If you can't have pot in the house without smoking it but don't want to be without in case you really need to chill, why not enlist his help? Make up a few jars of bud and ask your man to hide them where only he knows, so he can retrieve them if and when you really need... Just a thought.

Good luck with whatever you choose to do.

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Showgirl, I also resonate with what you say and have been trying to think of some practical advice. At least you have a sympathetic husband! If you can't have pot in the house without smoking it but don't want to be without in case you really need to chill, why not enlist his help? Make up a few jars of bud and ask your man to hide them where only he knows, so he can retrieve them if and when you really need... Just a thought.

Good luck with whatever you choose to do.

No ninorc ,that has been tried sorry to say. All or nothing the way it has to be.So here I sit and my ass is sore.I feel like I'm standing on a cliff ready to jump but need to feel that something is going to catch me or...sigh.. at least break my fall and then gather up the pieces and see what comes out of it all.Do they call THAT surrender/ Just thinking out load.thanks ninorc Sg

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Just thinking out load.
Freudian spelling slip?

You know, choosing to give up may not be so hard as going without. If it's any comfort to you, I think that many if not most hardcore, long term potheads are self-medicating some psychological hurt. Myself, I found psychotherapy very helpful, but I do recognise that it's expensive and finding the right counsellor is a bit of a lottery. However, if you can open yourself to the possibility of finding someone, perhaps the universe will provide. It is important to have a little faith.

Good luck, 'girl.

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Just thinking out load.
Freudian spelling slip?

You know, choosing to give up may not be so hard as going without. If it's any comfort to you, I think that many if not most hardcore, long term potheads are self-medicating some psychological hurt. Myself, I found psychotherapy very helpful, but I do recognise that it's expensive and finding the right counsellor is a bit of a lottery. However, if you can open yourself to the possibility of finding someone, perhaps the universe will provide. It is important to have a little faith.

Good luck, 'girl.

A Froidian slip yes or just bad spelling..:wub: Thank you very much for your help ninorc and you have hit the preverbial nail on the head. Yup last advice from a free shrink visit which I haven't taken advantage of in years. I guess i thought I was all better.... :sweaty:

I always did self medicate as you say to feel good and to change my reality. Marijuana always has done the trick. Sometimes I wish I never found it. but it is far to late for that kind of thinking . I guess I would love to be able to live without the need for it and feel good on my own. I must lack endorphens or something. The universe will provide I know it now just scared to take the leap!! Showgirl

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I always did self medicate as you say to feel good and to change my reality. Marijuana always has done the trick. Sometimes I wish I never found it. but it is far to late for that kind of thinking .
I guess you're in the States, but over here in the UK, tens of thousands of people get by on prescription anti-depressants and are more-or-less dependent upon them. Personally, I would always rather have natural herbal cannabis over Prozac, or Valium, or whatever. Cannabis may not be a cure, but it has been clinically proven to reduce the anxiety of traumatic memories and, therefore, enable people to keep things in perspective until they are ready or are presented with an opportunity to address their issues. Try not to be so down on yourself. It sounds like you have people around you who love you, so you can't be too bad. Here's hoping better times are just around the corner.
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Guest grandad

i've not taken any medicine for over 30 years, cannabis sees to all my ills, i have never had 1 single antibiotic in my life, the doctor sends for me just to give me a check up now and then, when i was driving the taxi i had a medical every 3 years for my drivers badge.

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I always did self medicate as you say to feel good and to change my reality. Marijuana always has done the trick. Sometimes I wish I never found it. but it is far to late for that kind of thinking .
I guess you're in the States, but over here in the UK, tens of thousands of people get by on prescription anti-depressants and are more-or-less dependent upon them. Personally, I would always rather have natural herbal cannabis over Prozac, or Valium, or whatever. Cannabis may not be a cure, but it has been clinically proven to reduce the anxiety of traumatic memories and, therefore, enable people to keep things in perspective until they are ready or are presented with an opportunity to address their issues. Try not to be so down on yourself. It sounds like you have people around you who love you, so you can't be too bad. Here's hoping better times are just around the corner.

I had bad anxiety attacks that but me in the hospital so dr put me on paxil for them. Now have less anxiety and so smoking marijuana is better because it sometimes came with anxiety before but never now. Supress of hurts is likely what I am doing, to me if you hurt long enough without much relief will lead you to pain releaver. My whole life has been like this stop smoking try to live clean and eventually fall back to good ole marijuana until I get disatisfied with myself and quit again and again. The merry go round go round and round. I do have a lot of faith that everything is going to be alright though.Thanks ninorc

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