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LCA Party Confernce 2003: advance notice


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We have managed to get 20th September for the conference. This still has to be confirmed in writing.

Lecture Theatre 1

Elizabeth Fry Rooms

University of East Anglia



The Nelson Common room will be available for breaks and stalls (exactly the same arrangements as last year)

Conference should start at 10.30 am and run through to lunch break at 12.30

NOTE: If you would like to speak to the Conference from the front, please let me know what you would like to speak about. The theme will be taking the LCA to victory at the General Election. Candidates and local reps will be given preference in choosing speakers. Speaking time will be limited to 15 minutes each. Speakers may need to allot some of that time to answering questions.

We will hold an open forum during the afternoon session.

It will restart about 2 pm through until it naturally concludes which is targetted at about 5 to 5.30 pm, which a break half way for teas.

There will be chance for more informal discussions after the Conference finishes, in the Common room and bars. Attendees will be invited to join us in a local Indian restaurant in the even, but unfortunately you will have to pay you own bills.

ENTRANCE fee will be £6 with a 50% reduction for paid up MEMBERS; payable in advance

That will probably not cover cost of hire of rooms, advertising and teas etc, so additional donations will be welcome.

NOTE: seating is limited so make sure you buy your tickets soon.

I hope to confirm these arrangements next week.


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