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Fundamentalist Christian?


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Jebus! shes a clever one int she?

"he knows what the right decision is"

my decision in his position would be to sit in the garage with the engine running having a good old ponder about life and its positives and negatives.

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my decision in his position would be to sit in the garage with the engine running having a good old ponder about life and its positives and negatives.

Then throw her in and lock the friggin garage B)


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Guest dr rockster

Oh Solarchild you meanie! :spliff:

And no,they don't have to gas emselves it some dirty great Detroit 4x4 chrome mountain V8 parked out back as they are good Republicans

and have a shitload of guns and good beer for spiritual contemplation,ya know,'lets maybe meet Jesus roulette' an suchlike. ;)

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ITT : We ridicule a stranger for their beliefs.

plus ça change.....

yes........ the belief that the next president of the most powerful nation inthe world has to be religious and specificaly the same religion as her. not ridiculing her for being religious.

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ITT : We ridicule a stranger for their beliefs.

Tracy: I can't imagine having a president of the united states being named president Obama. I really have a problem with that and I'm not the only one.

His background. A mother that was atheist, ooh, that really gets to me. A father who was Muslim, that should get to everyone.

She doesn't require ridicule, I can laugh at her quite easily without anyone else's help.

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ITT : We ridicule a stranger for their beliefs.

plus ça change.....

Tbh, yes I am mocking her for her beliefs. NOT her religious beliefs. her belief that someone who is different from her is somehow alien and wrong. She is a bigot and deserves to be ridiculed. I think that, yes it is often too easy and ignorant to ridicule someone for their beliefs, this woman however needs getting the fuck out the genepool.

Edited by solarchild
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Guest dr rockster

It is easy to look down on and be contemptuous of folk like her but she is just a product of her environment which is the Christian Republican

fundamentalist right.It's miles away from mainstream Christianity and saw a fair bit in Columbia,South Carolina,which is right in the baptist bible

belt.These people believe there will be Armageddon fought in and over Jerusalem,that the anti Christ will be fought on that battlefield,its scary.

THAT is why the Christian right supports Israel so strongly and DO believe the Moslems will be 'finally sorted out',with Christianity prevailing.

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Title thread should be Fundamentalist Bigot?


Personally i think she is both. Yes, a product of an environment, but really, she looks brainwashed crazy!!!

Edited by Puzo
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It is easy to look down on and be contemptuous of folk like her but she is just a product of her environment which is the Christian Republican

fundamentalist right.It's miles away from mainstream Christianity and saw a fair bit in Columbia,South Carolina,which is right in the baptist bible

belt.These people believe there will be Armageddon fought in and over Jerusalem,that the anti Christ will be fought on that battlefield,its scary.

THAT is why the Christian right supports Israel so strongly and DO believe the Moslems will be 'finally sorted out',with Christianity prevailing.


Spot on Rockster. the USA is rife with a form of christianity known as "Pre-millenial Dispensationalism". Down the centuries thsi position has been generally regarded as heretical by the mainstream of Christianity. In the early church it had its first incarnation, when it was abelled "Chilliasm" and roundly condemned as heresy.

It gained popularity amongst those who are called "Plymouth Brethren", in both their "open" and "Closed" fellowships. I became a PB in the late seventies, a most informative time. Most of the dispensationalist stuff they talk about is simply regurgitated from the "Thompson Chain-Reference Bible", an edition of the Bible where the text is explained and divided up along the lines of the Dispensationalist viewpoint.

A set of Fundamentalist booklets known as "Chick tracts" (I think the author was one Mr Chick??) which consists entirely of comic strip evangelism, is overtly Pre-millenial dispensationalist.

In the English Churches (apart fom the PBs) Premillenialism has a mixed reception. Many Pentecostalists espouse it, both Elim and AOG (I've been a member of both of them too). Althugh I do know that one of the pastors of Kensington Temple (Post Eldin Corsie) did not assume this position, as he was more of the Calvinist camp, and an A-millenialist by and large. I thinks the Baptists are fairly evenly divided, but they have a large liberal element where it would never gain ground or favour.

The CoE is of no fixed psotion concerning the millenium.

Those espousing Dispensionalism are generally ferocious in their faith; potent evangelicals who will not shrink from debate. As, I guess, can be seen in this video (I assume its a video? I just get a blank box where its meant to be, due to Dial-up). I first came across them whilst biding my time in Wormwood Scrubbs. They passed a few weeks rather nicely, then when I went to open nick, they took me on days out. Which was nice.

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Guest dr rockster

Thanks for that Arnie,very informative and really frightening,this PMD,wow,even got a term for it. lol

It's this extreme right, the Christian,the fundamentalist Moslem right,and the Zionist Orthodoxy that seem bent on perpetual conflict rather than trying to resolve things using the very principles which their faith espouses,it's maddeningly frustrating as it directly involves the safety of the planet.

God protect Obama as McCain isnt going to win anyway and maybe if a black guy is Prez who says Iraq needs to be sorted and troops pulled pronto the Arab world will have more respect for him and maybe help in the countrys stability but the very opposite will happen methinks. lol

Arnie the vid clip was this woman basically saying the more religious a candidate was the better,she didnt like the idea of a prez named 'Obama' at all,didnt sit well with her white woman sensibilities,just very closed minded.

But its these people that can decide a presidency as they vote proportionately more than democrats I think and candidates are yea or nayed from the pulpit so the pastors of these ministries wield great power as Ted Haggard,ex head of these 10,000 churches could mobilise millions of very patriotic Republican Christians to vote and fundraise and nobody can organise like the Republicans,they are switched on,so government HAS to listen to them as these folk punch their tickets.

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