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Origin of our morals

Father McPot

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For the last 400 years, imo it's the Quakers that have shaped our morals the most. Discrimination meant that they had to be self employed or work for another Quaker and their ethics applied to business is a winner.

en masse, we tend to copy winners and the Quaker ideals were applied to non Quaker businesses and met similar success. Hey being a good guy pays well. :guitar:

Then the discrimination stopped and the Quakers gravitated towards employment as teachers and doctors etc. As one Quaker put it, we (Quakers) have moved from being a sustaining society to being a sustained society. We are expert at deciding how a cherry pie should be shared fairly but we no longer have any interest in making that cherry pie.

That left a vacuum in the world of business. Of course Barclays etc. are still going but the dog eat dog ethic gained ground in the absence of Quakers, followed by 'riches any way you can'. One of the highlights being a Home Secretary insisting that as long as you don't actually break the rules, nothing is wrong and that screwing the state for over £100k just because you can is an acceptable message for us to send to the young.

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