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Origin of our morals

Father McPot

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Been thinking lately about the general moral climate of Britain - It's a fairly conservative place and I was wondering where this came from. The European countries (Netherlands and France, for example), which are not very far away, are considerably more lenient in there attitudes towards sex and drug use. So, what is the reason for us being so conservative when our neighbours are not? Is it our strict religious past still lingering around a bit? (the days when everyone went to church) Or maybe various political movements had a large impact on the way we think.

Hopefully those who know more about this topic will shed some light upon it.

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  • 11 months later...

Been thinking lately about the general moral climate of Britain - It's a fairly conservative place and I was wondering where this came from.

Hi father, I assume when you say the general moral climate you mean something like the values held by the majority.(please clarify) What do you mean by conservative, do you mean resistant to change or something else? Sorry but I need to be sure what is been asked before I can attempt an answer.

Is it our strict religious past still lingering around a bit? (the days when everyone went to church)

Did everyone ever got to church? Even if they did attend did they believe, or was it more a case of fitting in? (irrelevant perhaps)

I offer these as an example of British values maybe as a start.

Rule of Law




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Over the millenia, Europe has sent their bad boys over the channel.

These bad boys met bad girls and produced F1 badass mofos, using genetics no longer available to the contintenal genepool.

e2a. They might have a more lenient attitude, but in practice we have more underage drunks and mothers than the rest of Europe put together.

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Over the millenia, Europe has sent their bad boys over the channel.

These bad boys met bad girls and produced F1 badass mofos, using genetics no longer available to the contintenal genepool.


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I think it's due to media saturation and impositioning the concept of 'normal' people try to live their lives based upon this term but in reality their just perpetuating stereotypes. In this age where evrything has a lable and classification people try to fit into one of these boxes because their told it's 'normal' , bombarded with endless bulshit statistics that make them believe their like everone else, their mind reel at anything that has not been classified and boxed. The media and those behind it ,are the origin of morals in this age.

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  • 2 months later...
Been thinking lately about the general moral climate of Britain - It's a fairly conservative place and I was wondering where this came from.

Hi father, I assume when you say the general moral climate you mean something like the values held by the majority.(please clarify) What do you mean by conservative, do you mean resistant to change or something else? Sorry but I need to be sure what is been asked before I can attempt an answer.

Is it our strict religious past still lingering around a bit? (the days when everyone went to church)

Did everyone ever got to church? Even if they did attend did they believe, or was it more a case of fitting in? (irrelevant perhaps)

I offer these as an example of British values maybe as a start.

Rule of Law




Yeah, more or less, the values of the majority. Deviant groups with different values also exist, though. I mean Conservative as in resistant to changing the current status quo, and supporting – whether in practice or attitude – the ideas of: the nuclear family, duty of work, anti-drug use, etc. There were times when the vast majority of people went to church, but no doubt that there were some people that were only complying (they attended church only because not doing so would render them an outsider).

I wouldn't say that tolerance has much to do with British values, given that we can't do certain things in the privacy of our own homes (whilst harming nobody else) without the laws and/or other people objecting to it (Eg. Homosexual acts were only made legal in England and Wales in '67, '80 in Scotland and '82 in N.I.).

Calvinism has something to do with it. Thou shalt not have a good time, it's the devil's work.

Exactly what I was thinking. No idleness. Hard work is, in itself, a good thing.

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Calvinism has something to do with it. Thou shalt not have a good time, it's the devil's work.

Our own protestant Taliban probably did have a great deal to do with, I can clearly picture Cromwell and his puritan hordes gnashing their teeth and getting all indignant at the thought that somewhere someone else might actually be enjoying themselves rather than bowing down to pray.

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Calvinism has something to do with it. Thou shalt not have a good time, it's the devil's work.

Our own protestant Taliban probably did have a great deal to do with, I can clearly picture Cromwell and his puritan hordes gnashing their teeth and getting all indignant at the thought that somewhere someone else might actually be enjoying themselves rather than bowing down to pray.

haha...yeah :yinyang:

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Been thinking lately about the general moral climate of Britain - It's a fairly conservative place and I was wondering where this came from. The European countries (Netherlands and France, for example), which are not very far away, are considerably more lenient in there attitudes towards sex and drug use. So, what is the reason for us being so conservative when our neighbours are not? Is it our strict religious past still lingering around a bit? (the days when everyone went to church) Or maybe various political movements had a large impact on the way we think.

Hopefully those who know more about this topic will shed some light upon it.

Wrong question surely?

Britain is fundamentally an amoral country that does one thing and says another and always has, there's more sex and drug abuse per capita here than anywhere else in Europe.

The real question is why are Britons such a bunch of two-faced hypocrites paying lip service to a moral code they don't accept and don't follow?

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My 1st thought was if the uk's more conservative than our continental neighbours, then it is a bit of an enigma :wink:

I thought is it about religion ? specifically about protestant religion, dour and fcking humourless ? Then I thought about other 'protestant' countries nearby like Denmark and Sweden...that's about the point my train of thought derailed and any simple answer collapsed :rofl:

felix and Eddie have a good point mentioning puritanism. I can still see the remants of (South Wales) valleys puritan culture in my family. Of course, to complicate that - puritanism's heritage has been varied, with peeps reacting against it as much as anything (in that sense puritanism's a great way to make anarchists :punk: )

That's as far as I've got a minuit lollol Smoke a bit more and I might understand a little better :spliff:

e2a - nah, need a cuppa to ponder this

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I think its a generational thing, 30 years ago in this country seedbanks and such people trying to set-up a canna industry bizniz would have been linched by the mob...

Things are changing slowly, but surely! I think certain morals (good ones) are also being lost with our generations...

Nothing stays the same forever I spose....

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