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Guest roger

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I've always had a fuzzy understanding of Enlightenment in general, what do you understand by it?

I'm not looking to attempt to debunk anything, rather appreciate what others think and feel here.



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Enlighten is a word that can be used in a variety of ways, for example a scientist is enlightened after working on a problem for years and all of a sudden grasps the solution.

A grower is enlightened after struggling with a problem and finding the solution.

but I think you are using this in a spiritual context.

Enlightenment in that context is difficult, I prefer to use the older saying of "lifting the veils" meaning that there is no such thing as total enlightenment, just a clearer view of what it actually is.

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You mean according to Buddhism?

Erm, yes that general area without me trying to be exclusive to one view in my query.

I like the idea of the Tao and if or how this relates to other similar ideas.

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I like the idea of the Tao and if or how this relates to other similar ideas.

Have you read 'The Tao of Pooh' by Benjamin Hoff, fantastic book, and 'The Te of Piglet' by the same author?

If not I can highly recommend them.

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Spain in another age. I was a small kid brought up in a very conservative Catholic environment. I used to watch my mother put all her money in a collection plate and then pretend to be busy whilst we ate because she didn't have enough money to feed all of us. One day I heard our priest passing by, and saw his bags with all the brandy he bought with the collection money.

In the animated version of my life story a lightbulb appears above my head at this point.

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I like the idea of the Tao and if or how this relates to other similar ideas.

Have you read 'The Tao of Pooh' by Benjamin Hoff, fantastic book, and 'The Te of Piglet' by the same author?

If not I can highly recommend them.

Thanks I have read it, one i think i'd reread over the years until it sinks in.

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  • 5 weeks later...
Guest gunnaknow
You sit under a bodhi tree until you turn into a fat bloke with a knowing smile.

I don't know why there are so many statues of a chubby buddha. The buddha would have been very slim at the point of attaining enlightenment and throughout the rest of his life. He is said to have undergone years of self mortification and fasting to find liberation, before realising his error of extremes and discovering the middle way. He is then said to have meditated under the bodhi tree for 49 days before attaining enlightenment. Post enlightenment he practised the eating of one meal a day.

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I don't know why there are so many statues of a chubby buddha.

I might be wrong but I'm pretty sure that the 'chubby' one is the Chinese version. The Japanese and Indian ones look similar.

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