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oldsmokie sent down

Guest uglybudly

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Don't have a clue what you are on about mate

Sounds bad though

are you gonna fill in the gaps or leave us all in suspense ?

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hi ub,

sounds serious m8,

do you know why oldsmokie was jailed/official reason????

i didn't even realise that LCA were lawyer's aswell.....

i await the LCA in responce.....

but from what you've said so-far,

it sound's bad


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The LCA are not lawyers and do not provide or recommend lawyers, we are a political party.

As National Coordinator, I have absolutely no knowledge of whom you are talking - Phil and his daughter? Phil who?

I know of only one person who may fit the case and although I know he was busted, I was not aware of the outcome of any trial. If it is this man, then the situation is indeed complicated and sub-judice and involves certain statements made to the police which may well send others down if believed and I would have little sympathy

But I can assure you, like I say, the LCA are not lawyers and do not provide lawyers. I would rather spend my time fighting prohibitionists than answer these sort or vague mesages from people I don't know, but have no secrets so will try to answer questiosn when I get the time to visit this site.

Alun Buffry

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i'll give the LCA the opportunity as to why they dumped phil,

The LCA support candidates at elections - what the candidates do afterwards has nothing to do with the LCA, so what makes you think anyone was "dumped"?

I suspect you have only heard a small part of one side of the story and the "gaps" you talk of will only fill in a small part of the missing picture.

Very few of us have heard both sides (I have), and even less know the whole truth (I certainly don't).

A wise man once said something about jumping to conclusions :yinyang:

Hugh Robertson

(Treasurer) LCA

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Alun wouldn't recognse the name oldsmokie and since you never gave a surname he wouldn't have been sure who you were talking about.

I'vve been here longer and was sure of who you meant.

Nobody at the LCA has the authority to promise Phil or anyone else legal representation. The main reason for this is because we are not in a position to provide legal representation.

Who promised what, when, where and to whom?

And please tell everyone how we "dumped" him? After all, you make a public accusation, the least you can do is explain yourself.



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why is it that a lot of succesful cannabarons turn to smoking crack???

I know nothing about the case, but I've seen enough people go bad with easy money.

Money carries an emotional charge with it. Winnings and divorce settlements tend to get blown quick, inherited money tends to get invested.

Anyone thinking the only problem making money out of weed (or anything else illegal) is avoiding a bust has a lot to learn about life.

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so Alun , you do know phil who got busted with chris from bongchuffa ,  worthing and ended up taking the fall for all

was promised representation, which was pulled after the HARD DRUGS issue

I know nothing about any approach made by Phil to anyone at LCA for help legally and I do not even know who teh lawyers were; I know nothing about Phil being beaten up; I know nothing about his daughter. I have met Phil - now I have been told which Phil you refer to- on about ten occassions, he never mentioned a daughter except once to say that she was living with her mother.

I also know nothing about any trial and have searched the local press in Worthing but found no report. I know nothing about Phil being sent to prison.

I know nothing about hard drugs although I was supplied with unsubstantiated allegations about one or two people, which came from one person only. None of the other people I have met connecvted with the cafes seem to know anythoing about it either.

With Winston, Chris Baldwin, Trevor Scott, Sarah Chalk and Keith Chalk AND others, presently waiting for trials, I find it hard to beleive that Phil has taken teh fall for anyone.

Certainly not for the LCA, since LCA had no involvement whatsoever in the setting up of running of any cannabis cafes in Worthing or anywhere else.

This whole business has nothing whatsoever to do with LCA, beyond the fact that both Phil and Chris have previoulsy stood for LCA at the general election.

So it is completely unfair that you should make such vague allegations about the LCA dropping anyone. The last time I spoke to Phil by phone he said he wanted nothing more to do with LCA because I wa snot prepared to believe his allegations on his word alone. Subsequently Don Barnard spoke to many of the parties concerned and the problem appeared to have been solved even if not to everyone's entire satisfaction. Since then I have heard nothing about it until I read this drivel.

What exactly was your objective in writing these messages uglybudly?

I have also replied to you privately, so at least do me the honour of responsing privately and telling me who you are. Until I know that, I think this is just a waste of time. Your acusation that LCA lawyets pulled out tells me you really do not seem to know what you are writing about. sorry, but that's what it seems like to me. Others on this list may know you but i don't.

I sincerely believe that the problems in Worthing have originated out of greed for profit and I beleive that is why illegal cannabis cafes - just another name for dealing - will never work.


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  • 2 weeks later...

hi ub,

you were panicing,and re-acting to what you'd been told...

you did right by asking the questions,

at least the lca know what was being said about them,

and gave them a chance to responed.....

i'd probably have asked the same question's given the same info...

keep well,and safe.....


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I also know nothing about any trial and have searched the local press in Worthing but found no report.  I know nothing about Phil being sent to prison.

....................... any actual reference to the date, location of a trial or conviction appears to be lacking across the whole net. Does anyone know the details beyond the info in this thread?



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