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Why Do You Believe What You Believe

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Beliefs, life experience, knowledge and will shape the personality.

what about genetics? or is what we take from our parents only through influence?

Good point. Genetics I believe are responsible for certain Character traits. Certain personality traits. Which are reinforced through experience and influence in childhood. Ultimately, whether they survive as a part of your personality is a matter of will and choice which is a decision made through knowledge and experience. Seriously, this subject plays havok with my mind and so I could be talking utter bollocks.

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Is belief a product of thought ? I suspect one chooses what one believes, as I've said, but is that choice a product of thought ? I think I'd have to answer no to that - there's no fucking way that a fundamentalist creationist has put any thought into their belief, because thinking - ACTUALLY thinking about it for a microsecond would make them realise how utterly fucking absurd their beliefs really are. So why do they believe what they have chosen to believe ? Is it indoctrination ? Are they simply stupid ? Is there something broken in their minds that compels them to believe utter drivel ?


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I think it was Deepak Chopra who stated :-,

If you have belief in something, you have no belief in the self.

I have always understood that to mean, know yourself warts and all, then have belief in something else if needed.

I think booj, that people like to have something to believe in, as they do not feel whole without allurement to a higher power.

Having a red neck catholic as a birth mother, made me question every single aspect of the dogmatic behaviour she presented. I could not believe the tripe she sprouted.

shame really she has decided that the church and god do not help, they hinder.

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there's no fucking way that a fundamentalist creationist has put any thought into their belief, because thinking - ACTUALLY thinking about it for a microsecond would make them realise how utterly fucking absurd their beliefs really are. So why do they believe what they have chosen to believe ?

Perhaps its something akin to bystander apathy, they head this complete bollocks, and look around in shock to see how they should react, all they see are other sheeple accepting it and they just kinda, go along with it.

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Is belief a product of thought ? I suspect one chooses what one believes, as I've said, but is that choice a product of thought ?

Point taken Booj, but I'd have to say yes, the choice to believe is a product of thought. If not their own thought then someone elses. Why do they chose to believe things which are totally unbelievable to you or I is a matter of knowledge, insight, certain characteristics of personality and I'm guessing many other things aswell.

For instance, I find it rare that people really question something. I heard somewhere, something about how people are shown answers in school. Then they are forced to repeat what they have been taught. The one who can repeat the apparent answers best gets highest marks and ends up in a higher position than those who get thrown out of lessons for questioning subjects and answers. People are rewarded for taking a belief as fact simply by being told and not by checking if it's true for themselves. The number of times I was thrown out of lesson for questioning things is quite unbelievable. It wasn't that I was trying to be a prick about it. I always had questions like why, how, what for etc. Most of the time the teachers didn't even have answers to my questions (which is probably what pissed them off so much) which then made me wonder whether they had even asked these questions in their own minds.

I tend to find, in my limited experience of life, that the majority have no natural desire to question anything they are told, or taught, from a seemingly trustworthy and credible source. Neither do they check such information is actual fact. They take it and believe it.

Aswell as the above, I simply don't think that many people have the natural cognitive ability to understand what really is. I don't want to believe it but I do believe a good number of people are so stupid, lacking real knowledge and common sense, that they can't comprehend enough to come to a reasonable and logical belief. Why do I believe that? Experience? Knowledge of people? I can't have that much knowledge and experience of everyone enough to come to that belief surely, so what is it?

There are many reasons. I'm sure I believe some total bullshit but I'm far from stupid and given good proof I can change my opinion and admit I'm wrong in a heartbeat. If anything the reason I believe things which may or may not be true is down to my mind, crossed with all the other aspects I've mentioned and more. So if your looking for a single answer, I would put it to you that the mind is responsible for what a person believes.

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Is belief a product of thought ? I suspect one chooses what one believes, as I've said, but is that choice a product of thought ? I think I'd have to answer no to that - there's no fucking way that a fundamentalist creationist has put any thought into their belief, because thinking - ACTUALLY thinking about it for a microsecond would make them realise how utterly fucking absurd their beliefs really are. So why do they believe what they have chosen to believe ? Is it indoctrination ? Are they simply stupid ? Is there something broken in their minds that compels them to believe utter drivel ?


blind faith . some people need to believe in something and don't want to listen to opposing views because they don't want to diminish the "shine"of their beliefs.blind faith seems to be a prerequisite for religion as any arguements against are blasphemy .so in fact we are encouraged not to think.[sorry about spelling]

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Even as a kid I felt uncomfortable during church services. Not just the boredom factor. (Hey if that's the quality of music they play in heaven you can stuff it, give me the devil and a hot jazz band.) Something within me instinctively knew that it was mostly bs.

Sure there are some good bits in each of the various flavours of god shops but if I had a question for the priest/vicar after the service I'd get some stock reply. Much like asking a politician a question on live TV.

Like in Father Ted when he says any question he can't answer he comes back with "that would be an ecumenical matter". :)

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