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Why Do You Believe What You Believe

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Guest grandad

adhd, mind altering drugs and punishment shaped me, the inability to think seriously, i cant understand the most simple things, but i like me and i'm my only friend but even i have trouble with me. the point is i know me and i'm ok.

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I've always been happy go lucky by nature :yinyang: with occasional bouts of depression. :headpain: Luckily those are usually short and I know how to pull myself out.

But when I was a kid I was dealt a hard hand. I'm certain the main reason why I have survived for this long and now have a life I love (despite the fact that my body is ever so slowly and ever so surely breaking down) is because my cheerful nature helped me to keep going. :wink:

I have always been skeptical of belief systems perpetuated my most groups. They always seemed to self serving. By the time I was thinking this way, I had developed a strong disrespect for authority, which unfortunately was often directed at myself resulting in low self esteem ("In charge of who is there, in charge of me. Do I look on blindly, and say I see, the way." Jon Anderson). But again my cheerful nature helped. Reading a lot of science fiction and fantasy helped in more ways than I knew.

When I was a teen, the only thing I really cared about anymore was having a "good time". I didn't really care about myself or my future.

Then I had a evening of epiphany. This was generated by a lot of LSD and an evening of YES (1978). After that concert, that evening of raptorous bliss and transcendent traveling I was inspired! I wanted to create for others the feeling that was created for me that night. I wanted to create shows that did to others, what was done to me that evening.

Through this desire I worked my way through school, studying all along how to put on shows. In this process I learned a lot of stuff (liberal arts studies) and started to formulate my belief system that I now currently cherish. My focus, outside of live technical show design and production was/is comparative studies. I wanted to take the best of all spiritual and philosophical studies and temper it with the fire of science and observation. I'm pretty happy with what I have accomplished! :unsure:

This weekend I will be doing some of my spiritual art. I'll start a topic thread in the free4all section with loads of pictures. I'm very excited and inspired. All of the customary signs for a spiritually synergistic gathering are in place and I am ready!


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cicumstances and the hands we are dealt throughout our lives can build or destroy a personality which in turn makes us what we are.people who's opinion we respect determine our beliefs when were young .you either wake up and form your own later on or just carry on believing what you were told as a youth

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as with all things boojum, its a little of both at times, depending on circumstance.

In the correct circumstance, decisions are made without activating the higher brain functions, the decision is made in effect, as a reaction, without thought, i.e. behaviour is shaping aparent personality.

The same decision making in different circumstances will activate the higher brain functions, and the decision is made after some thought, i.e. personality is shaping behaviour.


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Guest Dr Benways Assistant

A lot is down to parents. You'll rebel against them in your beliefs but in personality it's difficult not to end up like them.

I like these words on the matter...

This Be The Verse - Philip Larkin

They fuck you up, your mum and dad.

They may not mean to, but they do.

They fill you with the faults they had

And add some extra, just for you.

But they were fucked up in their turn

By fools in old-style hats and coats,

Who half the time were soppy-stern

And half at one another's throats.

Man hands on misery to man.

It deepens like a coastal shelf.

Get out as early as you can,

And don't have any kids yourself.

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dawn is a feeling

a beautiful ceiling

the smell of grass

just makes you

into a dream

your here today

no future fears

this day will last

a thousand years

if you want it to

and the past

is a distant memory

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Grow 10 plants from seed under the same conditions,will they all grow the same,?or will genetic differences,and there interaction with eachother shape how they turn out.

Just like plants,we need stimulation,nutrition,sunlight,water,clean air,sleep,in order to flourish/stress also makes us as humans act erratic.

We posses a soul and a concious mind,that stear us along our personal journeys.

The world is a giant brain,and we are the braincells,every aspect of our world is present in our brains.

braincells are born and die daily,as do people.

Our exsistance is a 2 sided mirror,with the surface between either side being our concious self,damn i smoke to much :D

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From the start I have always know that there is another side. Never doubted it, its bedrock, so fundamental. I never chose to know this, I have often time wished I did not. It is not a belief, it is for me a fact, as factual as the fingers on my hands or the nose on my face, its a given of reality. It has most definatey shaped my life, be that political, or religious, or social or whatever. I don't march to the drum that orchestrates the vast mass of my fellow human beings, that's for sure.

But to stay where there are no words, no tools of mind or intellect but bare raw consciousness..... is very hard. In the end, we all succumb to the intellect and start to construct systems and ideologies. We are driven to community of thought and orthodoxy.

I think in religious terms it certainly is a conscious choice to believe.

This is true. A person makes a deliberate choice to adopt a system of beliefs that help her/him intellectualise the inner spirituality (although the choice is often times not "free" due to cultural and social co-ercion). And in so doing, all but destroy it. I have adopted several systems over my half century plus. None of 'em had any lasting value, really.

Knowledge as in Gnosis, and Belief as in Orthodoxy, do not seem well suited to each other. The Mystic will always be held in suspicion by the Orthodox, if not burned at their stake.

:spliff: Fark me, Booj but this is a monster topic, you've set my brain going all over the place .... :headpain:

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I am, therefore I can

sounds odd , but I am a product of what has gone before, experience, life skills, knowledge, its all part of who I am, stranger to become friends in the future, friends lost through circumstances like an untimely death etc.

Just being is my philosophy, good days or bad there's always something that makes me smile.

I work with energies, and enjoy being gifted to do so, that's a strange concept to some, nature vibrates but do many actually take the time to feel this.

Have to say, like Arnold my brains gone off at tangents, all relevant in some way, I may reply again, when my minds calmed

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I'm kind of struggling with good and evil right now. I mean temptation and the significance of it as a man. I believe we were put here for a reason, we havent evolved from apes, we've advanced too quickly to fit into that model. Karma is a good starting point, what comes around goes around, and if you give love to people, you do get it back. I saw a good quote recently something along the lines of: "if you want the world to be peaceful make peace within your own life". Which is only true if it catches on but its a nice ideal.

I think personality can be independant but theres also the potential there for our personality to change if our beliefs change, and also as our conciousness develops. I find smoking cannabis helps you to take a good look at your self, and if you find something you dont like you can meditate on that. Self awareness really, which is a wonderful gift. I really dont know about there being anything on the otherside, maybe we need to collectively evolve to get there because it involves transcending the physical world, and as a species there are still many of us who are very much attached to the physical. Maybe conciousness is linked to that :unsure:

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I've tried to answer this twice now and I get confused about something each time. There's something about the question which confuses me greatly.

Beliefs, life experience, knowledge and will shape the personality. If I attempt to go into any more detail I get bombarded with too much confusion. There's so many other things involved that it's hard to comprehend or even think about.

Very interesting question.

Also, just to add to the confusion, beliefs and personalities change often, even though we might not notice it happening. Does a change in one cause a change in the other.

Interesting shit Booj.

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Beliefs, life experience, knowledge and will shape the personality.

what about genetics? or is what we take from our parents only through influence?

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3rd dimension needs repairing, rather life in the 5th :alien2:

I believe that what i am in the physical world is a product of the control over the conciousness. Either by me or by others, the system created me and trying loose all the rules people have been putting in my head.

Becomming who you are and getting control over you conciousness and subconciousness, which is a pain in the ass, in a physical world where mass global control is easy by wireless networks, politics, Media, Money system. You either fit in or you're broke.

All the signals send through the air are received by us. we are perfect receivers and transmitters. This will influence your emotional state if you don't gain control over it or move away from a network transmitter.

Also who i am depents on the sunflaires being produced by the sun and the position of the solar system.

We have more power in us then we think and i want it all back. Mind over Matter is what i believe in.

Our current DNA strand consists of 2 strings, everything else thats unidentified is classified as DNA junk.

When you develope your light body you'll build up a 12 helix strand instead of just 2.

Our current 2 strand DNA can't handle multi dimensional energy of experiences.

I don't know if there is a god, but i do know there a loads of entities you meet in the other dimension as long you ask for love and not hate you'll meet the right entities.

Same as with salvia if you go in moody you'll get a bad trip if you go in loving and happy you'll have the time of your life.


edit\ look for holographic brain on google interesting stuff.

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Even as a kid I felt uncomfortable during church services. Not just the boredom factor. (Hey if that's the quality of music they play in heaven you can stuff it, give me the devil and a hot jazz band.) Something within me instinctively knew that it was mostly bs.

Sure there are some good bits in each of the various flavours of god shops but if I had a question for the priest/vicar after the service I'd get some stock reply. Much like asking a politician a question on live TV.

So I started working it out for myself.

Plenty of examples of Christians warring with Christians, so God is on both sides right? Same for Islam, plenty of Arab killing Arab history. Not too sure on Zionists offing each other, they seem to have cornered the victim market and besides, they're not looking for new customers, they prefer to keep the production of new members in house. Buddhists are very close to where it's at for me. Certainly no evidence to suggest that the world becomes a worse place if everyone joined but some stuff I can't get my head around. Also, way too easy for them to get walked over (eg Burma, used to be a paradise of peaceful co-existence.)

So after almost 50 years of experience and soul searching I've got things sorted out in my head almost well enough to form a new religion. Can you imagine my surprise when I researched a religion I'd heard of often but never knew that much about and found that it is almost identical to what I've worked out for myself?

The Religious Society of Friends, aka the Quakers. I have a problem being involved with something that has the word religious in the title but that's just habit, might get over it in time.

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