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Guest dr rockster

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I know man. God knows what Shawn Lonsdale was going through in his final moments...i dread to think!

They've got all sorts of stuff here like videos and updates etc i found it really informative without being boring!

I don't know about you Rockster but to me it all seems very 'invasion of the bodysnatchers' - like a parasite slowly infiltrating our powerful establishments!

You HAVE to check this out

Also, when you have time check this movie out, it's called 'The Profit' and Scientologists have been working effortlessly to try get it banned.

What the movie is all about can be read here (read it before viewing)

Edited by Suspect
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  • 2 months later...
Just been reading up on Shawn Lonsdale and his 'alleged' suicide....half way through making his 'Cult Watch' documentary exposing Scientology....its so obvious they got to him.

I didn't realise he was dead... let there be no mistake, you're risking your entire future when you mess with Scientology, they have the resources to completely fuck you forever. There's a reason Anonymous wear masks, and it isn't just for a laugh, it's because anybody who can be identified as an SP (suppressive person) by Scientology is subsequently treated as an enemy, which under Fair Game can mean just about any punishment imaginable, but usually letters to your family, friends, neighbours and employers labelling you as a paedophile and a threat to your community. This isn't an extreme example, this is standard practise. These people are absolutely lethal, and while I don't know if Shawn died by his own hand or by another, there's no doubt in my mind that Scientologists constitute a very real threat to any and all dissenters.

p.s. bump

Hey, you know what's interesting? Reading the unofficial Scientologist dictionary. It's so much easier to understand the leaked memos, and indeed to get inside the mind of the brainwashed cultist, when you first understand their secret language.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I think hubbard could be right. Here's what i think happened. Hubbard was out 1 nite and was thinking about a scam where he could take take over then world preaching bullshit. Then he happened to pass by a uk420 mod's house, who was inside toking and the slightest whiff was seeping though his pvc windows, who he bought off a fellow he met in Pub. The next thing he remembers is gathering a few of his gullible nerds, who were standing on a street corner doing fook all, because the had no internet porn in the days. Hubbard told then the story about passing( tell's them the mod's house address, adress with held for legal reasons) and he felt so giddy the he had to call a mini-cab driven by an asain looking driver, who spoke very bad english. When he woke up he was holding a book which gave him the secrets to never endening life aboard an invisible unknown something floathing above the ground with no engine, with as many of your riches supporters, which gives you the divine right to stop and land in cardiff and impregnate as many tenage girls, who will mother the biggest shower of chaves everborn.

Beware COS

Beware COS

Beware COS

Beware COS

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Many cults only target the intelligent as an intelligent but emotionally dishonest person is easy to lure. The people getting into cult religions are dishonest and they'll pay a big price for that dishonesty. You either believe in Karma or you don't.

There is no short cut to enlightenment and those searching for short cuts will get burned.

A bit ironic that a group of people fighting for the right to put whatever drug they choose into their body campaign against the freedom of others to make their own mistakes in a different way.

If laws have been broken well isn't that the pot calling the kettle black? Of course ganja never hurt anyone, apart from the 'watering machine' slaves being forced to tend the plants that the non growers will buy.

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