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Guest dr rockster

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Guest dr rockster

The idea really needs to be discussed at Enturbulation.org Roger.

Its an anti Scientology site with various forums and if the idea is good would soon spread virally amongst Anonymous members.


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Guest dr rockster

I've had trouble getting to Enturbulation.org and reckon its some kind of interference being run by Scientology.

They've done it several sites,many people at a certain time try to access the site and it can't cope so nobody gets through.

Summat like that?

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I've had trouble getting to Enturbulation.org and reckon its some kind of interference being run by Scientology.

They've done it several sites,many people at a certain time try to access the site and it can't cope so nobody gets through.

Summat like that?

seems so, I'm having a read with the google cache.

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I've been watching quite a few hours of Youtube clips about Scientlogy and the whole scam perpetrated by L Ron Hubbard and more

interestingly the online group Anonymous which has decided to get on Scientology's case with organised simultaneous protests outside

their 'churches' and business premises in over one hundred countries.

Basically,L Ron Hubbard,or LRH to his followers,said he had a revelation during a near death experience on the operating table in which it was revealed to him that 75 million years ago an alien space race led by the evil Lord Zenu(LRH was a science fiction writer)collected all these space beings from other planets (due to overpopulation I think?)and shipped them off in our direction to be put inside all the earths volcano's which were then blown up

with hydrogn bombs which liberated their spirits called Thetans and these went on to attach themselves in clusters to our bodies which has effected the whole of mankind and his mission is to 'clear'us of these stuck on space bogeys through his 'tech' or knowledge and as you start to get 'clear' you become a better person in all departments and is the only path to true self realisation according to him.

Wack or what! :doh:

Well to get to this state of getting 'clear' you have to go over 'the bridge',a term they use for this path to enlightenment which HAS to be paid for as you progress and all for the paltry sum of...

$360,000! :eek:

Bargain innit? :rofl:

They use a thing called an E meter,which is 2 metal probes you hold in your hand whilst an 'auditor' asks you probing questions about your life

and writes everything down(handy blackmail dossier for the future)and whilst discussing these traumatic events he talks you through them till no response is seen on the meter which is a simple resistance meter measuring galvanic skin response,so think of summink nasty and your palms sweat

and this produces a response,talk about it repeatedly and the response diminishes till you are 'clear' of these 'negative engrams' as they call them in their pseudo science jibberish.

This all costs money and loads of it but their evil doesnt stop there as they perpetrated the biggest penetration of American and other govt agencies ever as they planted people in over 100 offices of American government including,the FBI,IRS,the judiciary,Democratic and Republican parties and any other that held info on them.Bugs everywhere,break ins,stealing and returning critical documents amended or forged.

His wife went to prison along with 8 other top execs of this sick as fuck organisation for doing this.

LRH also said anyone attacking the church was 'fair game',meaning discredit and destroy at any cost and they have one of the most powerful groups of lawyers in the States and they are very litigious.

Anybody filming them is filmed and then followed and harrassed.They get your crim record no problem if you have one and will post posters all over town with your details.They blackmail,perjure,lie,cheat steal,do any fucking thing they need to silence their critics.

His son has left the organisation,LRH Junior,as has the niece of David Miscavige and has wholly denounced the whole show.

They are awful,the people at the top and are utterly ruthless.

Well I'll be going to Anomymous's Party Hard Demo's in future as its a celebration of free speech and human rights and these motherfuckers really need taking down and hopefully that will happen slowly but surely if their tax free church status is removed.

lol We are Anonymous :)

:rofl: We are legion :rofl:

:yahoo: Expect us! :yahoo:

Anybody got any thoughts on these dangerous clowns?

leave them too it mate,i think muslims are more dangerous and something you should pay more attention too!!!!!!. need i say more :ninja:

I totally agree with both of you , watch out for these nutters :!: :!: :!:

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I've had trouble getting to Enturbulation.org and reckon its some kind of interference being run by Scientology.

They've done it several sites,many people at a certain time try to access the site and it can't cope so nobody gets through.

Summat like that?

have you seen: scientology-exposed.com ?

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Former office block to be handed to Scientologists

Oct 6 2008 by Edward Chadwick, Birmingham Mail

THE controversial Church of Scientology is set to complete a multi-million pound deal for a huge new HQ in a leafy Birmingham street within weeks, it emerged today.

Leaders of the organisation have written to members to confirm that the handover of Moseley’s Grade II listed Pitmaston building will take place on October 24.

The Birmingham Mail exclusively revealed the sect – famed for its celebrity disciples like Tom Cruise and a belief in aliens – was ready to stump up about £4.25 million for the former office block on Moor Green Lane in April.

Councillors were reassured at a meeting with the church’s leaders last week that the building will not be altered and say they are pleased that the deal will end years of uncertainty over the site once earmarked by developers for luxury apartments.

Scientology has found itself mired in controversy in recent years after being labelled a “cult” by critics – a claim it has always denied.

Coun Martin Mullaney (Lib Dem, Moseley & Kings Heath) said: “The Scientologists asked me to come down for a meeting at Pitmaston, which they are using as part of an arrangement with the current owner.

“They explained that they had to wait until they had enough cash to buy the building outright.

“I was reassured that there will be no extensions or any use of the building for residential purposes and I’m quite pleased about that. Instead it will be used as offices and as a church.

“They have certainly got themselves in the good books of residents by clearing up some alleyways of litter in the area.

“I’m also aware that they have been to residents’ meetings and delivered letters to a lot of houses on Russell Road.”

In the Scientology newsletter, members are pictured wearing hard hats proudly stand in front of a “roll of honour” which shows their status, achieved by donating cash for the sale of Pitmaston.

Nobody from the Church of Scientology was available for comment.

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from last year, but still!

They allowed the charity, the Association for Better Living and Education (ABLE), to take a stall at the party's annual conference in Manchester.

Exhibitors at the [labour party]conference have to pay up to £13,500. The stand was part of an extensive lobbying operation by Scientology members to promote its drug treatment programme, Narconon, and the criminal rehabilitation scheme Criminon.

Edited by roger
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Guest dr rockster

Thanks for that Roger,hmm,very worrying and just who gives the green light for letting these $cilons set up yet another base from which to suck in the vulnerable and gullible? :blub:

Anybody in a position of power who says $cientologists are ok and good for the community really needs to be examined for his true motives,be they deluded or for gain or from external influence,I mean,we are talking about $cientology here?

Anonymous Birmingham you've your work cut out. :yinyang:

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Just been reading up on Shawn Lonsdale and his 'alleged' suicide....half way through making his 'Cult Watch' documentary exposing Scientology....its so obvious they got to him.

Fuck Al Qaeda these Scientology cunts are the real terrorists....this is the sort of thing that....if not tackled now...can turn into something unstoppable!

RIP Shawn Lonsdale

Fuck Scientology!

Edited by Suspect
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Guest dr rockster

Thanks for that Suspect as I hadn't realised he had died and for him to have died so soon after the Panorama thing is really disturbing. :unsure:

And they are actually considering letting them expand their powerbase with this building in Birmingham,its beyond me,especially as people have seen that program and anybody with the power to allow or deny the $cilons just couldnt in all conscience if they were a good human being allow more of this in our community and its common knowledge they try to get leverage on people of influence so I say look at the people allowing this closely. :yinyang:

Their secret mission statement for Germany read like a CIA plan for overthrow as they plainly stated all offices of government had to be penetrated by any means,they operate like the Gestapo amongst their own people with actual gulags(Rehabilitation Protection Force) for offenders who work horrendous hours for nothing on poor food and little sleep and some folk disappear for years!

The tech doesnt work and the leadership know it and with the internet and Anonymous they've had a bad shock and we've just somehow got to keep the pressure on as its the Scilons who will fuck themselves up through taking the law in to their own hands.

RIP Shawn Lonsdale.

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