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Guest dr rockster

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Guest dr rockster

Well I made it to the demo and had fun too. lol

Lots of hugs and laughs and the Scilons didnt show their faces once but fuck em anyway. :wacko:


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Guest dr rockster

A nice friendly vibe it was and we had lots of 'lulz'.

Will upload some more pics later as I'm going to a dinner party as I have relatives over from the mother country.


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I watched a docu panorma done, it was crazy, the jouralist had some scientology dude followin him everywhere!!!

I'll pm the link if anyone wants it

dem CrAzY scientist m0f0's!! :S

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Guest dr rockster

If anyone so much as looked in the Scientology front window everyone just started screaming "its a trap!" :wacko:

Not one single person went in there today,big win for us. lol


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Guest dr rockster

Hi Father McPot,

the demo was split between doing a morning shift(11.30-2.00pm)at the Victoria CO$ and then on to Tottenham Court Road till 4.00pm.

There was loads of free food and drink and afterwards everyone went to the pub at beer o'clock and the in joke then was 'who are you

as I don't recognise you without your mask on'. :oldtoker:

It was all very friendly and I think I got a coupla peeps to join uk420!

That happened as a girl asked me if I'd heard of Stu Wyatt and we gradually got onto the subject of pot.

Got quite a few oohs and aahs just from the pics on my camera that I'd forgotten to erase and which I promptly did after

showing a few pics of my girls as in an arrest situation with my previous it dont look good ha ha!


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Guest dr rockster

Everyone was of course on best behaviour and the Scilons didnt come out to 'bull bait',that is,invite people to acts of aggression as they call you things

like 'paedophile' to your face in the hope of a knee jerk reaction. :oldtoker:

The police looked on amused and werent looking for excuses to harrass on the grounds of religious intolerance as they have done in the recent past.

The City Of London Police have been given gifts by the CO$,not bribes,but charitable donations to Police benevolent societies I think,sort of

indirect bribery if ya get me?

Just this year,peeps have been threatened with arrest just because the word 'cult' in on a demo poster.

But thats been resolved and we screamed plenty of stuff telling them what a bunch of cults they are.


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Guest dr rockster

It was a friendly colourful day but everyone I spoke to said although we are having fun there is a serious reason for doing this

and that is oh so fucking true.

And on that note I'm orf aht,have a nice safe fun evening everybody.

Rockster :oldtoker:


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Guest dr rockster

Wassup Dave,you are making about as much sense as the bible?


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Scientology meets all three criteria generally used by religious scholars when examining religions: (1) a belief in some Ultimate Reality, such as the Supreme Being or eternal truth that transcends the here and now of the secular world; (2) religious practices directed toward understanding, attaining or communicating with this Ultimate Reality; and (3) a community of believers who join together in pursuing the Ultimate Reality.

Scientology’s belief in an Ultimate Reality that transcends the material world include its concepts of the thetan, the spiritual world (the seventh dynamic) and the Supreme Being (the eighth dynamic). The second element can be found in Scientology’s life-rite ceremonies such as naming, marriage and funeral services, but predominantly in the religious services of auditing and training, through which Scientologists increase their spiritual awareness and attain an understanding of the spiritual world and, ultimately, their relationship with the Supreme Being. As to the third element, a very vital community of believers can be found at any church of Scientology at almost any time of the day.

Scientology is thus a religion in the oldest sense of the word. Scientology helps man become more aware of God, more aware of his own spiritual nature and that of those around him. Scientology Scripture recognizes that there is an entire dynamic (urge or motivation in life) devoted to the Supreme Being (the eighth dynamic) and another dynamic that deals solely with one’s urge toward existence as a spirit (the seventh dynamic). Acknowledgment of these aspects of life is a traditional characteristic of religions.


This is so flimsy :blub: if this flies as a religion in the eyes of the law; Canthiesm should fucking well count too!!!

Edited by roger
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