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Guest dr rockster

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the jason beghe interview was a great insight to the workings of the organization, thanks cf!.

'it's retarded. It's insane' jason beghe

it appears the other videos after are no longer available. a conspiracy .....? :yinyang:

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Guest dr rockster

I agree Chaos mate,Jason is a very good asset to counter their bullshit. :smoke:

But the latest news is the 'Scilons',which is what SP's (suppressive persons=those against Scientoogy)call Scientologists,have just found out that these Scilons have been buying up consignments of V for Vendetta masks,which is what the Anonymous collective wear at flashmob demonstrations.

Is it to deny them to Anonymous? Na,can get em everywhere?

It's probably one of 2 things: For Scilons to wear at demonstrations and agitate,cause trouble and thus make Anonymous look bad but more likely and more sinisterly to sell online and therefore get addresses of Anonymous members,hmm?

I'd put nothing past these fuckers but whatever it is they are up to no good. :spliff:







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Guest dr rockster

As flakey as a very flakey thing on flakey day in flaketown. :smoke:



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More evil doings from the Hubbard cult, Medi user nabbed in "swoop" for evidence of assault by mobility scooter

I kid you not :fuckyou:

gets stranger though.....

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Guest dr rockster

Good on ya Hughie,many thanks for posting that. :ouch:

Really shows how fucking evil these mutha's are. ;)

I've watched loads of vid clips these last 2 weeks about Scientology and have seen their harrassment and intimidation tactics and they have the best legal teams in the country who will bury any dissenters of their 'church'(guffaw!) in costly litigation and will do anything to fuck you up.

I've nothing against anybody practicing their faith however ridiculous that faith may seem,but Scientology is truly evil if you look into it a bit,seeing as it takes $360,000 to 'cross the bridge',their bullshit term for enlightenment.

Needs taking down. :fuckyou:

Oh and see in that clip,the police refused to look at his vids of scientologists abusing and harrassing him yet they act like Scientology's puppet fuckbitch

when they bore false witness against him.

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These people are seriously messed up. Saying he "looks" like a child molester! What the fuck!

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Guest dr rockster

Its really sad Father McPot,these are not bad people but a section of society that is vulnerable in the first place or of an enquiring nature as regards religion and spirituality as they've gone to Scientology seeking something and were sucked in,basically brainwashed,and thats not a vague statement but an objective one if you examine their techniques,like sitting staring opposite your counsellor(read:controller)for up to 40 minutes,unflinching,unblinking,till you do it for the full 40 minutes and you do this for hours till you get it right and are given sharp commands and you have to respond sharply,like a private in the army,I mean,its fucking mind control.

Your WHOLE history is examined and written down and is used against you if needs be.

Some people report having an experience of extreme euphoria triggered,a spiritual epiphany,just that actor Jason Beghe reported,so he was throwing down $50k for sessions to get to the next level.

$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ lol

A lil add on: There organisations of theirs,Criminon and Narconon,rehabilitate people coming out of jail and people with serious addictions,so these people are at their very lowest,so they come off smack or crack,whatever,are then given the doctrine,and introduction to auditing,these fucking E meters,the folk are grateful and pliable,and most become scientologists,it's really insiduous,very creepy,when you see how like unthinking automatons they become,immediately beholden to their senior above,can't do anything really without permission.

David Miscavige,the top guy,he had a coup and ousted the 3 chosen by Hubbard,big history of violence against fellow top members,this guy is a fucking nazi.

He's about the same height as Napolean was as well,go figure?

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1st bit withnailed

lol lol :disguise::alien:

even Bart Simpson's one !

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest dr rockster

For anybody interested,the next global protest is on the 16th of August.

Gonna kick some Scilon arse! :yep:

For details go to XenuTV or Enturbulation.org.

If ya do show you must be masked up,they'll fuck up your life otherwise.


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For anybody interested,the next global protest is on the 16th of August.

Gonna kick some Scilon arse! lol

For details go to XenuTV or Enturbulation.org.

If ya do show you must be masked up,they'll fuck up your life otherwise.

mate i really knew nothing about Scientology until i heard on here about how bad they are.....at first i thought it was all biased bollox but fuck me...there cunts...proper!

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  • 2 weeks later...
Guest dr rockster

Global protest 'Operation Cult Fiction' 16th August.

11am-1.30pm CO$ London.

146 Queen Street



2-5.00pm Scientology and Dianetics Institute

68 Tottenham Court Road

W1P 0BB.

:D Should be fun! :rofl:

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Well I agree with dr rockster!

Scientology is a VERY dangerous cult. What makes me most angry is that they have a tax free status in the USA, which, funny enough, means they pay no taxes on their income (thieving).

My little anonymous protest against the scum is to add the tag 'cult' to as many of their social bookmark pages as possible. I must have done 100s by now. My idea is that you can't look up $cientology on Digg, Riggit, Stumbleupon facebook, etc, without seeing it is also tagged as 'cult'...

They hate the word 'cult' so much ! lol lol lol

Here's an interesting site imho: http://www.taxexemptchildabuse.net/

ps: I wonder if uk420 has any lurking Scientology Cultists? I dare you to declare yourself!

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