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Guest dr rockster

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EVERY religion in the west is based on greed and control, so as i see it scientology is no different in that respect. their aggressive, bullying tactics might be different. no wait.. the catholic church demanded money 'with menace' for entry to heaven.

Every poor person in europe paid it. At least those with no money are left alone by scientology.

hubbard's books were crap anyhow. And what about that travolta film, based on the ideology. can't remember it's name. yeah that good.

complete borrox, unless you have shedloads of cash and suffer paradise syndrome, you poor soul

i'd like to see them enlist the beckhams and maybe prince edward.give them some more credibility

Edited by chaosmonger
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scary bunch of people the CoS

i was in what some people said was a cult, the jesus army bought my godmothers house so i know something of them too and i've ramped with some jehovas but if evil exists in the form of an organised group then it is surely scientology ...they give cults a bad name.

Doc have you seen the jason beghe interview? he seems a normal guy and its really interesting to see what his perspective is having come through the whole thing.


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Just watching that interview, seems like its going to be pretty intresting CF.

Anyway my take on the whole scientology thing is that later on once you get higher up somebody turns to you and says nah the story everybody else knows is a total fantasy, heres the real deal. But thats just because I guess I have a little more faith in people than to truly believe people would spend their lives following this thing, and as for why they want the whole world thinking their idiots I have no idea... But the more am reading into it the less and less faith I have in my theory... Sometimes humans just disappoint me, lmao am not mad am just dissapointed Mr. Cruise

Edited by chewable_madness
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I agree scientology isnt exactly high up on my world problems agenda. I think there are far more pressing issues that require our valuable time.

Scientology is widely seen as a joke anyway its only the hardcore loons that seem to get suckered in. I agree its stupid evil and whatever but I'm not losing any sleep over it

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In that case, pyrocat - I *dare* you to go to a demo outside a $cientology org holding a banner without wearing a mask - oh, and park your car nearby, and make sure that someone from the org sees you getting in it. Tell me a couple of weeks on from doing that that you still feel the same way about them. :spliff:


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Guest dr rockster

Cheers Cf,watched all of that,the bloke gave a really revealing interview. :spliff:

Roger,Narconon is their drug clinic and yes these motherfuckers do get government money. :D

They are a cancer that needs to be cut out as they do prey on the vulnerable.

I'll make a prediction,I reckon Tom Cruise is gonna implode one day,either in the head or at the box office.

How oh how can people believe these fairy stories which are just bad science fiction?

I'll tell you,its the same section of society that is prepared to believe all this Illuminati shit.

The people that TRULY can't think for themselves and WANT to be told what to think,comfort food for the mind they seek.

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Guest Mr.Greengenes

Yer seen all that Tom Cruise malarky....check out the 'Sea AARRGH" stuff with teen girls ordered to clean up shit wiht their bare hands...but I like the whole episode of this:

EDITED to correct all manner of things!!!

Edited by Mr.Greengenes
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LRH said to Crowley and other friends that to make some real money he should start a religion and soon after this he has his revelation.

The documents recovered from the FBI raids at the time of this massive penetration showed Machiavellian intrigues worthy of the espionage books,I mean I've seen some of these online and they just sat down and said:how can we get control of the country?

They've invaded Clearwater,a big town in Utah which has become a frightening place with them having penetrated the town council,kicked out the old police chief and mayor(smear tactics)and now actually has THE POLICE DEPARTMENT working as private paid security in their own time.

There is a foundation established there,forget the name but it took the name of an ex scientologist,a young woman who was held in one of their hotels for 17 days,denied meds and she died,delivered d.o.a. to the local hospital.

They get harrased to death,followed,photographed,they send porno to your home,anything to discredit you as LRH's 'fair game' practice is done to the hilt.They'll hack and crash your pc,change your facebook or myspace and load it up with gay porno or whatever else is damaging.

One lady working against them had her offices broken into,stationery stolen and next thing scientology has received death threats on that paper!

At demo's,prominent names who have gone up against them get mobbed with the cry of:Whats you crime,what are you hiding,are you a child molester,yes you must be bla bla bla!

I tell ya,one of these fucks tried that on me I'd do time gladly for gbh as no fucker should be able to say that with impugnity to anybody!

They get your crim record if you have one and post it all over town,they stop at nothing.

But do have a look at Anonymous's sites and clips of vids at demo's.

Just a bunch of stoners having fun as the Anonymous crew(we are ALL anonymous!)are a very liberal,colourful lot and they all wear masks and disguises as they dont wont to be filmed and then followed and harassed.

Bunch of cults!

fuckin hell! what rock have i been under!!

p.s. Ashtray that is SOME way of thinking.....talk about brainwashed!

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Theres some Scientology Head Office type thing in my town (Brighton). Occasionally, on my days off I'd sit and have my lunch on a nearby square and watch all the students protesting outside. Really was hilarious! All wearing ghostly masks and holding poorly constructed placards with slogans such as "You Are Entering A Cult Recruitment Zone", "$cientology Is A Dangerous Cult" and my personally favorite "Silly Cu*ts - Insert Your Own Letter".

Bloody soap dodgers should be inside studying but anyhow, I admire they're spirit. Anyway, I digress.

A while ago when we had that mini heatwave I was sitting enjoying my lunch having a sly giggle at the Students antics when 3 of them plastic coppers and a couple of real fuzz come out from round the corner and begin harassing the students big time, I discreetly moved towards them so I could get an ear of what was going down. The fuzz were trying to identify the ringleader as the workers within the Scientology Center had made a complaint against the students - for harassment! :unsure:

The students protests are pretty much silent, they just hand out flyers explaining why they're protesting and why they are in masks next to where the Scientologists hand out they're crap. Countless times Ive seen the Scientology workers filming the Students with handcams (they all seem to have one), abusing them as they try to flyer - all sorts.

Who is harrasing who? I ask you? Since this incident I have only seen 1 single protester. :ouch:

Seems they already do have the police in they're hands.

Dig a little on these sites and I'm sure you'll find out what happened, apparently these Anti Scientology Groups have quite a presence online. Google BRIGHTON SCIENTOLOGY PROTESTERS and I'm sure you'll find the details.

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There was a really good Panorama documentary last year ("Scientology and Me") on just how evil these guys are. They tried (and failed) to get a court order to stop it being shown.

They tried to discredit the journalist that was making it, and really managed to wind him up to the point that he completely lost his temper (

but turn your sound down first).

Whilst from the vid it looks like the Beeb guy is at fault, its only because you havent seen what the Scientologists had been doing beforehand (they filmed this, not the BBC, and then released the carefully edited form to the press before the show aired).

I was at a small trade show last year where they had a stand and were using the probe things and giving out free personality tests........so I volunteered for a laugh. Every time they asked me a question, I lied my face off and the needle went wild. The guy doing the test though he had a real chance in "getting" me, as I just kept nodding and smiling. Only at the end of the test when he asked me to pay for the next session did I really tell him what I thought, his face was quite something to see.

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Guest Mr.Greengenes
They tried to discredit the journalist that was making it, and really managed to wind him up to the point that he completely lost his temper (See it here but turn your sound down first).

yeah turn your sound down a bit maybe


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