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Guest dr rockster

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Guest dr rockster

I've been watching quite a few hours of Youtube clips about Scientlogy and the whole scam perpetrated by L Ron Hubbard and more

interestingly the online group Anonymous which has decided to get on Scientology's case with organised simultaneous protests outside

their 'churches' and business premises in over one hundred countries.

Basically,L Ron Hubbard,or LRH to his followers,said he had a revelation during a near death experience on the operating table in which it was revealed to him that 75 million years ago an alien space race led by the evil Lord Zenu(LRH was a science fiction writer)collected all these space beings from other planets (due to overpopulation I think?)and shipped them off in our direction to be put inside all the earths volcano's which were then blown up

with hydrogn bombs which liberated their spirits called Thetans and these went on to attach themselves in clusters to our bodies which has effected the whole of mankind and his mission is to 'clear'us of these stuck on space bogeys through his 'tech' or knowledge and as you start to get 'clear' you become a better person in all departments and is the only path to true self realisation according to him.

Wack or what! :doh:

Well to get to this state of getting 'clear' you have to go over 'the bridge',a term they use for this path to enlightenment which HAS to be paid for as you progress and all for the paltry sum of...

$360,000! :eek:

Bargain innit? :rofl:

They use a thing called an E meter,which is 2 metal probes you hold in your hand whilst an 'auditor' asks you probing questions about your life

and writes everything down(handy blackmail dossier for the future)and whilst discussing these traumatic events he talks you through them till no response is seen on the meter which is a simple resistance meter measuring galvanic skin response,so think of summink nasty and your palms sweat

and this produces a response,talk about it repeatedly and the response diminishes till you are 'clear' of these 'negative engrams' as they call them in their pseudo science jibberish.

This all costs money and loads of it but their evil doesnt stop there as they perpetrated the biggest penetration of American and other govt agencies ever as they planted people in over 100 offices of American government including,the FBI,IRS,the judiciary,Democratic and Republican parties and any other that held info on them.Bugs everywhere,break ins,stealing and returning critical documents amended or forged.

His wife went to prison along with 8 other top execs of this sick as fuck organisation for doing this.

LRH also said anyone attacking the church was 'fair game',meaning discredit and destroy at any cost and they have one of the most powerful groups of lawyers in the States and they are very litigious.

Anybody filming them is filmed and then followed and harrassed.They get your crim record no problem if you have one and will post posters all over town with your details.They blackmail,perjure,lie,cheat steal,do any fucking thing they need to silence their critics.

His son has left the organisation,LRH Junior,as has the niece of David Miscavige and has wholly denounced the whole show.

They are awful,the people at the top and are utterly ruthless.

Well I'll be going to Anomymous's Party Hard Demo's in future as its a celebration of free speech and human rights and these motherfuckers really need taking down and hopefully that will happen slowly but surely if their tax free church status is removed.

lol We are Anonymous lol

:rofl: We are legion lol

:yahoo: Expect us! :yahoo:

Anybody got any thoughts on these dangerous clowns?

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Isnt T. Cruise And J. Travolta with that lot? Not that i want to name names!

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Guest dr rockster

They are indeed and Cruise is a very vocal spokesman for them.

Just Google TomCruise/Scientology and you'll see him in a Scientology promotional video.

It'll give you a taste of how bonkers he is.

And do see all this pisstake spoofs of him.

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I've been watching quite a few hours of Youtube clips about Scientlogy and the whole scam perpetrated by L Ron Hubbard and more

interestingly the online group Anonymous which has decided to get on Scientology's case with organised simultaneous protests outside

their 'churches' and business premises in over one hundred countries.

Basically,L Ron Hubbard,or LRH to his followers,said he had a revelation during a near death experience on the operating table in which it was revealed to him that 75 million years ago an alien space race led by the evil Lord Zenu(LRH was a science fiction writer)collected all these space beings from other planets (due to overpopulation I think?)and shipped them off in our direction to be put inside all the earths volcano's which were then blown up

with hydrogn bombs which liberated their spirits called Thetans and these went on to attach themselves in clusters to our bodies which has effected the whole of mankind and his mission is to 'clear'us of these stuck on space bogeys through his 'tech' or knowledge and as you start to get 'clear' you become a better person in all departments and is the only path to true self realisation according to him.

Wack or what! :doh:

Well to get to this state of getting 'clear' you have to go over 'the bridge',a term they use for this path to enlightenment which HAS to be paid for as you progress and all for the paltry sum of...

$360,000! :doh:

Bargain innit? :eek:

They use a thing called an E meter,which is 2 metal probes you hold in your hand whilst an 'auditor' asks you probing questions about your life

and writes everything down(handy blackmail dossier for the future)and whilst discussing these traumatic events he talks you through them till no response is seen on the meter which is a simple resistance meter measuring galvanic skin response,so think of summink nasty and your palms sweat

and this produces a response,talk about it repeatedly and the response diminishes till you are 'clear' of these 'negative engrams' as they call them in their pseudo science jibberish.

This all costs money and loads of it but their evil doesnt stop there as they perpetrated the biggest penetration of American and other govt agencies ever as they planted people in over 100 offices of American government including,the FBI,IRS,the judiciary,Democratic and Republican parties and any other that held info on them.Bugs everywhere,break ins,stealing and returning critical documents amended or forged.

His wife went to prison along with 8 other top execs of this sick as fuck organisation for doing this.

LRH also said anyone attacking the church was 'fair game',meaning discredit and destroy at any cost and they have one of the most powerful groups of lawyers in the States and they are very litigious.

Anybody filming them is filmed and then followed and harrassed.They get your crim record no problem if you have one and will post posters all over town with your details.They blackmail,perjure,lie,cheat steal,do any fucking thing they need to silence their critics.

His son has left the organisation,LRH Junior,as has the niece of David Miscavige and has wholly denounced the whole show.

They are awful,the people at the top and are utterly ruthless.

Well I'll be going to Anomymous's Party Hard Demo's in future as its a celebration of free speech and human rights and these motherfuckers really need taking down and hopefully that will happen slowly but surely if their tax free church status is removed.

lol We are Anonymous lol

:rofl: We are legion lol

:yahoo: Expect us! :yahoo:

Anybody got any thoughts on these dangerous clowns?

leave them too it mate,i think muslims are more dangerous and something you should pay more attention too!!!!!!. need i say more :rofl:

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Guest dr rockster

Er,no.These are dangerous people and don't need you thanks to show me where to put my interest mate. :ninja:

They've caused death by kidnapping church members who have tried to leave who were on psychiatric medication and they've killed themselves due to their psychosis whilst effectively their prisoner,hardly a good thing for someone who may be experiencing paranoid or irrational thoughts eh?

They are really down on psychiatry,saying its a big scam,and can cure any mental ailment with: wait for it....

Vitamins,vegetable oil and sauna's!

Makes sense doesnt it? I mean,psychiatry aint perfect but my Mum who was a manic depressive benefitted from modern medicine which is why these c***s

make me so angry and I want to demonstrate against this.

They say Christianity is an implanted thought in the collective mind of man(a space booger trick)and he's met Jesus and Buddha twice.

He was a friend of Aleister Crowley and LRH did LOADS of drugs also giving then to his son from age 12 (phenobarbitone chewing gum ffs!)

but they have an organisation called Narconon which gets government money for rehab treatment and just tries to make ex junkies scientologists,bang out of order doing this when one is so vulnerable.

And its the vulnerable they prey upon as they stop you in the street and offer a personality test which they say is free but dont say they are scientologists when offering this.

Its just a big fucking money making scam.

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Aye, I am very safe from their attentions as I'm as poor as a church mouse :ninja:

Shit fake religion from a shit sci fi writer, didnt he start the whole thing as a bet then realised there is a world full of chumps who bought it hook line and sinker and were willing to part with stupid money for it!


Money is their religion.

If they can make a church and get legal status for a load of bollocks then why cant we have a Cantheist religion that actually has real tangible benefits both spiritually and health wise, we would have a few million converts overnight if it were recognised by the state.

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Er,no.These are dangerous people and don't need you thanks to show me where to put my interest mate. :ninja:

well there are clearly more important things going on with religion than scientology m8,if i were walking down the street and i saw a rucksack on a scientology person im not gonna think, oh my god what if hes got a bomb,am i!.

or what if your into jehova,if there in hospital and they need a blood transfusion to there husband or daughter or any other relative dying in a car crash,they dont letem have it!!


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Guest dr rockster

You dont need to say more but less mate.

This is about Scientology and not getting on the Moslems case as they are 99.9% peaceful and although I don't really respect any man made religious belief,people have a right to worship whom they will but thats not the case with scientology as its a scam that has harmed thousands of vulnerable people.

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So ashtray if you saw a Muslim/Asian gentleman with a rucksack you would automaticaly assume there was a bomb in it


fuck off ya daftie!!

away and join the polis they need people like you!.

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Guest dr rockster


LRH said to Crowley and other friends that to make some real money he should start a religion and soon after this he has his revelation.

The documents recovered from the FBI raids at the time of this massive penetration showed Machiavellian intrigues worthy of the espionage books,I mean I've seen some of these online and they just sat down and said:how can we get control of the country?

They've invaded Clearwater,a big town in Utah which has become a frightening place with them having penetrated the town council,kicked out the old police chief and mayor(smear tactics)and now actually has THE POLICE DEPARTMENT working as private paid security in their own time.

There is a foundation established there,forget the name but it took the name of an ex scientologist,a young woman who was held in one of their hotels for 17 days,denied meds and she died,delivered d.o.a. to the local hospital.

They get harrased to death,followed,photographed,they send porno to your home,anything to discredit you as LRH's 'fair game' practice is done to the hilt.They'll hack and crash your pc,change your facebook or myspace and load it up with gay porno or whatever else is damaging.

One lady working against them had her offices broken into,stationery stolen and next thing scientology has received death threats on that paper!

At demo's,prominent names who have gone up against them get mobbed with the cry of:Whats you crime,what are you hiding,are you a child molester,yes you must be bla bla bla!

I tell ya,one of these fucks tried that on me I'd do time gladly for gbh as no fucker should be able to say that with impugnity to anybody!

They get your crim record if you have one and post it all over town,they stop at nothing.

But do have a look at Anonymous's sites and clips of vids at demo's.

Just a bunch of stoners having fun as the Anonymous crew(we are ALL anonymous!)are a very liberal,colourful lot and they all wear masks and disguises as they dont wont to be filmed and then followed and harassed.

Bunch of cults!

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I would have thought that an organisation like the scientologists would be a target for homeland security bods as it sounds like their infiltrations into gov and law enforcement would be seen to undermine said security?, they have probably infilrtated them too right enough.

The E meter interogation/blackmail tool is a very interesting aspect as it would be able to gather information not only

on the subject themselves but also information about the subjects partners, friends, relatives, business associates etc,

this information if damaging could be used to blackmail them into joining the cult and going through the procedure

revealing yet more sensitive information in an ever widening web of blackmail.

how do you discredit an organisation that is so obviously based on nonsense in the first place ?.

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Guest roger

so will you be protesting dressed as 'V'?

the gits just opened a large center in brum, they're expanding all over the place, but would have been shut down long ago if it wasn't for them being able to claim to be a religion.

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