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Biz Ivol Petition


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ta sr ......mj using grey cells and old contacts within media to get this local here ....

biz is the visual face of a system so fucked up its own arse ...

a powerfull and desperate lady

you have to be strong to commit suicide

why cant someone give her the dignity of flying her to europe and have euthenasia ....she deserves this at least , not the gut rotting paracetamol journey


anyone got a recent pic .....

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why cant someone give her the dignity of flying her to europe and have euthenasia ....she deserves this at least , not the gut rotting paracetamol journey

I think you miss the point mj. Its about the quality of life for MS sufferers, she should be allowed to live and self-medicate.

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she states quite clearly her right to die ....she in her own words states she has no quality of life ....she has the right to die with dignity

i have not missed the point .....i support her wish and every wish of M.S., M.D.,CANCER, ARTHRITIC and any other life threatening, shortening and desperately painfull illness to the right to self medicate , but this doesnt reverse the damage Biz has suffered.

i have support others like her ..believe me it isnt easy.....but i have

to takes one life through disease isnt given lightly

i to will take my own life when the time comes for i will not be a guinea pig of allopathic regimes in keeping a living corpse alive

and please do not take this the wrong way myh

no quality of life is no life at all just a morbid existence

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i think myh was saying that she doesn't want to commit suicide,

but she will be forced to, if she is prosecuted........

but i agree with you,on the flight to europe .....

the stuggle of us stoners and the written word.......... :ouch:

sr :mellow:

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i do believe in the right to self medicate , i have earned respect from the allopathic communty regarding this issue .....i have been written off on more than one occassion , i have felt the need to end mylife .....and was so very very close all planned to the last min, then a surgeon risked his position to aid me ....it worked a gamble from both sides , and i am much stronger and focused as to where medication lies and whos best to implicate it , i survive on an integrated approach allopathic holistic and herbal.....but there are still episodes where i feel ......what is it all about .....and im no way as afflicted as Biz,Biz needs a community care team .....she hasnt got one as such, she needs the right medication , she hasnt got it .....she has only got herself within her illness , but the support of many will spur her on, what is so despicable is the lack of care all round

i support this and more

i also support biz and if i could turn the clock back to her more fiesty days i for one would , you have to accept her wishes as well. We all want her to live , with a quality of life ....not a prisoner in a dying body

yep words so meaningfull yet so misinterpreted ....guess my stance is the one born from desperate reality ...


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I have a very real problem that mj has touched upon and a lot of thought has taken place before I adopt my position.

We, all of us including Biz, are in the here and now, not in the position that existed two years ago when Biz was busted. What I choose to do is because we are here today in today's circumstances.

I am heavily into legalisation, have the most sympathy for Biz and would move heaven and earth to have stopped the prosecution before it started.

At this stage Biz is displaying tremendous dignity, clarity of thought and has made her position clear ............... 'NOTE: Biz has made it clear her decision to decide her own future has nothing to do with the case. She has simply had enough of suffering but wants to have her say before ending it all.'

I am assuming that the LCA, for whom I have tremendous support and respect, are attempting to shame the judicial process by the petition. I can think of no greater shame than for them to be confronted by Biz in a temporary courtroom, chosen to allow her attendance due to her disability, outlining her concerns for other sufferers and that she has actively broken a ridiculous law by her attempts at compassion for others.

If the prosecution were dropped now on compassionate grounds she would lose perhaps her greatest opportunity to confront the prosecution, the courts and the Scottish parliament and to have her say. I cannot support her decision to end her life but only because I do not know exactly how badly she is suffering. If she has made this decision and her aim is to end her life with this major confrontation then I can do no more than support her decision as I would support her earlier decisions to supply cannabis to those in medical need.

The legislation is wrong, Biz is right. I hate the fact that she has come to this position but I do respect her position. In spite of numerous E mails received from lobbyists I will not try and prevent her achieving the final confrontation as I support her position, her view of the legislation and her right to choose. My pride in what she is setting out to achieve out ranks my legalisation arguments and my wish for her future. She knows more about her position than me, has achieved more than me in the legalisation debate and I personally feel that signing the petition opposes what she is seeking.

God take care of you Biz.



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Cheers for that link Bongme.

But I'm not the criminal - the criminals are the politicians and the drug companies and the petrochemical companies that won't let us have this herb.

nuff said!

Our thoughts are with you Biz.

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biz is in avery powerful position

and hope she shone in court

the right to self medicate has to be implecated all the way down to the humble herb


sending healing and energies to her

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Come on people get and vote. We need thousands of signatures not a few hundred.

It only takes a couple of min of your time. Link in my signature.

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