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Biz Ivol Petition


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Biz Ivol Petition

The time has come to say 'enough is enough' !

This petition is not about legalising cannabis, scoring points or toeing the party political line. It is about justice, compassion and fair play and should be of interest to everyone - regardless of Religion, race or political allegiances.


Biz Ivol, a MS sufferer in Orkney, is in court Wednesday for using cannabis as a medicine and helping other to obtain cannabis as a medicine.

Biz has been waiting 2 years for the case to come to court and her health has suffered so much that she is now bedridden and her sight has gone. The quality of Biz's life is now so bad that she no longer wishes to be alive, "I'm not frightened about what might happen to me. They can't put me in jail because of the condition I'm in. They can't fine me anything because I haven't got any money. And I'm already a prisoner, trapped inside a body that's full of pain and doesn't work anymore." [biz Ivol; The Scotsman, [uK] Friday, 13 June 2003].

Full Story from the Scotsman

NOTE: Biz has made it clear her decision to decide her own future has nothing to do with the case. She has simply had enough of suffering but wants to have her say before ending it all.

The Question still needs to be asked WHY has this prosecution been allowed to be brought forward.


For the attention of: Scotland's Minister of Justice Cathy Jamieson MSP;

The Scottish Executive

E-Mail: scottish.ministers@scotland.gov.uk

Head of Scotland's Justice Department:

Contact (E-mail): ceu@scotland.gov.uk

We the undersigned deplore the way the Scottish Criminal Justice System has treated MS sufferer Biz Ivol and demand.

The Scottish Minister for Justice intervenes and stop this case forthwith


Justifies the inhumane manner this case has been handled by the Scottish Justice Department.

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  • maryjane


  • Bish


  • Mind Your Head


  • shug


EVERYONE please sign this - its about nothing more than the pointless suffering of an old lady - enough is enough! :stoned:

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I still can't bend my head around this, i really can't!

It's ok to bomb fuck out of Iraqi innocents, but it's against the law for a dying woman to use a medicine that aliviates her pain.

Words fail me, they really do :stoned:

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done, fucking sucks especially with what the fucking gov are gonna anounce in july or whenver they get round to finally doing it, bunch of fucking wankers !!!!!!!!

i hope it all works out for ya biz, never met you but your work speaks for you, anyone that takes the time and effort to help the sick (particulalry when also suffering) should get knighted not locked up. i honestly dont get it they knight ponsy arsed fuckign footballers and pop singers but not those who really actually do something.

take extra special care biz to you and yours :stoned:

keep safe, whatever happens !!

hemlok :mashed:

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Could you pin this Joolz, & keep us all updated on what's happening?



the Scottish Socialist party are on board


the Scottish Green Party are raising the issue in Scottish Parliament this week


Howard, for the first time ever, has got behind the medical issue,


BBC Scotland TV & Grampian (the local ITV station) and BBC Radio Scotland have all done something and/or are going to


ditto most papers


I can't keep up with it all, and I'm hungry, and I'm off for food..

Free Biz now


Edited by shug
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Hi all

And we will keep at it until every body knows who Biz Ivol is and what she stands for and why she is doing this for you and me, UK Adults and most of all are children will benefit from this woman’s work In the future once this Idiot Government wakes up!

Am Sorry Shug But your work will be cut out for you mate, head down mate and keep at it and thank you for your hard work on this and also to the other teams up and down the UK thank you for your support for Biz Ivol and her wonderful work she does for use all.

Bless you UK420 peeps. :stoned:


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I just remembered, I used to be registered on channel4 forum, I wonder if I can still log in...



I hope it gets some reply's, it might be interesting to see what some of those hard nosed 'politic heads' make of it. Hopefully they will be sick of the war and relish a new topic, we'll see.

Edited by Mind Your Head
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Hi SR. i'v just been reading a couple on canna related threads there and found this little gem:

You know I don’t see why I should be the criminal

How can something with no recorded fatalities be illegal

And how many deaths are there per year from alcohol

I just completed Gran Tourismo on the hardest setting

We pose no threat on my settee

Ooh the pizza’s here will someone let him in please

“We didn’t order chicken, Not a problem we’ll pick it out

I doubt they meant to mess us about

After all we’re all adults not louts.”

As I was saying, we’re friendly peaceful people

We’re not the ones out there causing trouble.

We just sit in this hazy bubble with our quarters

Discussing how beautiful Gail Porter is.

MTV, BBC 2, Channel 4 is on until six in the morning.

Then at six in the morning the sun dawns and it’s my bedtime.

Causing trouble, your stinking rabble

Boys saying I’m the lad who’s spoiling it

You’re on drugs it really bugs me when people try and tell me I’m a thug

Just for getting drunk

I like getting drunk

Cause I’m an upstanding citizen

If a war came along I’d be on the front line with em.

Now Terry you’re repeating yourself

But that’s okay drunk people can’t help that.

A chemical reaction inside your brain causes you to forget what you’re saying.

What. I know exactly what I’m saying

I’m perfectly sane

You stinking student lameo

Go get a job and stop robbing us of our taxes.

Err, well actually according to research

Government funding for further education pales in insignificance

When compared to how much they spend on repairing

Leery drunk people at the weekend

In casualty wards all over the land.

Why you cheeky little swine come here

I’m gonna batter you. Come here.

It was posted as is, so I dont know who wrote it.

...Oh yes of course I know who wrote its was "Terry" :stoned:

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done and bumped elsewhere

to be disgusted by such action taken agaist biz ivol is an understatement ....i feel physically sick

we are the few to lead the many to the right to safe organic medication .....after all many of us have had the full run of allopathic meds and survived' just in some cases .....

i am not a criminal...but i am breaking the law i put my face on the front page of the mail in 1999 espousing such.....

i am ready to do this again ....but this time to ask when are laws that are broken outdated and ill-informed, where does it say a person hasnt the right to find the best medication be it herbal, holistic, allopathic or an integrated approach of all.

the moneys being procured by the roadside speed cameras to further more are to take the burden of rta victims .they are there to save a few ...

when you are in the same situation as Biz Ivol where are the do gooders to save her, they are the ones growing risking imprisonment so she has medicine ....

the cannabis law is an ass.....the government is an ass, put the great back into Britain Blunkett and have the balls to give the right to self medicate , there is already a government white paper that states a person who suffers chronic ill health are often thier own specialist ...lets see an implication of this white paper ...by letting those self medicating with marijuanna getting the support and freedom from criminality to do just that.

we once was great britain , but as history has proved so often the wheel just goes around ....the peasants always revolted ......would love to see the revolting peasants supporting the herb......next general election vote with your heart people

mj offended to the quick

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cheers myh......... still waiting for email.............. :stoned:

well said mj................... :smoke:


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