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Biz Ivol


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Biz Ivol is an MS sufferer who started making and giving away cannachoc to other MS sufferers. She got busted 2 years ago and is finallygoing to court tomorrow. She's already been on BBC Scotland in many papers last Friday - she announced she was going to kill herself after her trial.

(Petition soon to go live on http://www.lca-uk.org for this)

but with her case starting its time for more.

This is an elderly, disabled lady who lives on her own, reliant on home help which sometimes means 22 hours a day in bed. And she's been campaigning for legalisation for years, founded THC4MS, and is still doing her best to help others.

Time for some of us to help her by writing letters to the papers and keeping this disgraceful trial in the public eye.

FWD Message from THC4MS:

Have chatted to Biz again this afternoon, she wants max publicity, The Times are to cover the story and are interviewing Biz tomorrow during which she will tell all she knows about thc4ms. Grampian TV are being told the same.

David Rowan who covered thc4ms in the Telegraph article now works for the Times and hopes to cover the story in the news section!



Edited by shug
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Come on people get and vote. We need thousands of signatures not a few hundred.

It only takes a couple of min of your time. Link in my signature.

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  • 1 month later...

A former high court judge has called for the legaliasation of cannibis. Lord prosser said the sale of the drug should be controlled in the same way as tabacco

His cooments came in the wake of the crowns decision to drop their case against 55 year old multiple scerosis suffer Biz Ivol who uses cannibis to ease the symtoms of her condition. Ms Ivol, of south Ronalsday, Orkney, admitted distributing the drug in the form of specialy prepared chocolate to be used for pain relief, but pleade not guilty to supplying the drug on grounds that she belived she was doing nothing wrong.

The crown office dropped the charges against ms ivol who had threatened to take her own life once the case was concluded due to failing health. She was found onconscious by a neighbour after the cse callapsed but is now recovering in hospital

Get well soon Biz :smoke::smoke:

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The latest is that Biz is over the court case - but still suffering excrutiating pain from her MS.

Teddy bears, cards, reefers, choccy etc to

Biz Ivol

Craigflower Cottage


South Ronaldsay


KW17 2RH

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A former high court judge has called for the legaliasation of cannibis. Lord prosser said the sale of the drug should be controlled in the same way as tabacco

His cooments came in the wake of the crowns decision to drop their case against 55 year old multiple scerosis suffer Biz Ivol who uses cannibis to ease the symtoms of her condition. Ms Ivol, of south Ronalsday, Orkney, admitted distributing the drug in the form of specialy prepared chocolate to be used for pain relief, but pleade not guilty to supplying the drug on grounds that she belived she was doing nothing wrong.

The crown office dropped the charges against ms ivol who had threatened to take her own life once the case was concluded due to failing health. She was found onconscious by a neighbour after the cse callapsed but is now recovering in hospital

Get well soon Biz :blub:lol

IM glad the Court have decided to treat Biz correctly and dropped this ridiculous case !

It saddens me greatly that this brave woman has been treated this way just because she seeks relief from MS. :smoke:



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