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We will Vote


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as pot smokers we are a small group of people,

and "straight heads" are the bigger group,so they normally win in elections,

we need them more than they need us,(if we ever want to move forward)

the straight heads are fed so much shit about smokers/growers,that most fear us.

i always vote,

but who i vote for is my busisness................ ;)

and i have no loyalty when it comes to politic's or mp's,

also i've never voted for a single issue party................. :)

you should vote! If you don't then your a sell out!!

i agree



Regardless of what you belive, you should vote! If you don't then your a sell out!!

People die for the right to vote in certain countries, by taking that right for granted your are taking the piss!!

Like twai says "if u don't vote, u don't count"!!

SR, you say by voting we are taking on the "straight heads". Damn right!!

Last voter turnout on .election was below 40%. What if the rest voted???? I'm sure we'd have a different Gov!!!

My GOD im not alone ??

No party can be exactly what we want and no party is GOD or perfect but it can go in the direction that we want especially in our special interest Cannabis !!

WE must normalise MJs use, show another side other than the generally expected druggie threat image ! Show we have brains and are willing to debate, discuss, not shouting raveing anti everything apart from cannabis and to them looking like messily dressed criminals !!

And that is how many see us, as a threat and somat weird !! we have to change those views and explain the stupid historical reasons MJ is ilegal in the first place. We must continue to make the case for non threatening Medical and recreational usage.. persuade the "straight heads" the benefits of MJ use and production in all its forms, and that entails politicians !! mainstream politicians !!

Anythng else is just wishful thinking !!


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I went to the booths and stared at the voting slip for about ten minute, but never thought about putting a big cross though the whole thing, will do next time if there is still a limited choice. It really bugs me because there are people/parties that could have my vote if they stood in my area.

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hi pip,

whydont you still go the polling station and put a big cross across the whole paper...

if those who were disaffected with mp's,would all just spoil there paper,

they would soon have to listern, because at least there no-vote has been counted....



My point was, if everyone voted we probably wouldn't have led into a war we didn't want! By a gov we didn't vote for!

Maybe a better phrase would be

"If u didn't vote, you don't have the right to complain about the state of our Gov."

1 other point!

Were I live in South London, I said at least 50% of peeps between 18 and 25 toke! We ain't the minority in certain places!! Even the non-tokers perception seems to have changed in the last few years!

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"If u didn't vote, you don't have the right to complain about the state of our Gov."

So i have to vote for someone i don't agree with then complain later taht i didn't really want to vote for them is was a best of a bad bunch thing. If there was more choice or it was easier for smaller parties to have candidates stand in more areas, more people would vote, and we may have some change, more voices in parliment arguing different views and not just the big players.

We vote for our local politicians to represent us in parliment, I will not vote for someone because if i don't my vote will be wasted, I would vote for someone because i agree with there policies, they appear honest and capable, and i believe they would do a good job of contributing to running our country. Obviously being pro cannabis helps but if he was terrible in all other respects he still wouldn't get my vote.

Like you say people fight and die for the right to vote and it is important. So should i waste my vote on something i don't agree with. What about countries with only one candidate (saudi for example), should everyone still vote even though they have no choice or should they abstain and show their discontent?

I should have thought of putting a big X through the whole thing at the time, and i will do in future, but i will not vote just because I can.

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If you don't vote: firstly you con't count; secondly you allow votes for people you do NOT want to see in power to go unopposed.

If you vote for a candidate that opposes legalisation: you are voting for people who are prepared to lock you up for growing a plant / using a natural medicine.

LCA have sent information to every MP and every party. They have no excuse for favouring anecdote over medico-scietific evidence, favouring pharmaceuticals over plants.

Tony Blair, the Duncan-Smith twins and most of their parties agree on prohibition. Tony Blair said he was "scared stiff of drugs" DESPITE his background. They tell us that cannabis is a dangerous drug: for the vast majoroty of users it poses no threat to health or mental health. The dangers they list to support their prohibitionists stances are just plain LIES

Would you vote for a liar?

LCA candidates are ordinary folk and I can say that so far I have seen very few with political ambition. They include ex-convicts and medical users, but mostly neither, just people willing to stand up to try to prevent unjust discrimination and prosecution of cannabis users and growers, and to bring about a change in law that will protect, rather than punish, cannabis users.

It may be that some users cannot see past their own prejudices against anyone who stands up politically and wants a change, and whatever we say they will never vote. To them I suggest that they support the CLCIA which is a campaign group.

But at the end of the day, those who cannot bring themselves to vote, or donate, or do something to accelerate legalisation: maybe you'll write to LCA when you're next nicked. not wishing that on anyone.

If we don't push for what we want, we will never get it. Any idea that we will get it by staying quiet, in my opinion, is nothing more than and excuse for doing nothing.


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If you don't vote: firstly you con't count; secondly you allow votes for people you do NOT want to see in power to go unopposed.

This imo is an example of politicians not listening to what is being said and answering with a standard answer instead, you will fit in to the houses of parliment very well my friend.

My point was that there is no LCA candidate in our local or anyone worth voting for.... I'll will go through the choice i had one more time, try to keep up, Tory....NO, Labour....NO, Lib dem.... NO, BNP.... your 'avin' a larf ani't ya.

No one else, 4 names 4 choices all of them a big no from the Pip camp. What do you suggest??????????????????????????????????

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Pip, I get what you're sayin'.

But like u say, like Saudi, if there is a 1 party system you want to show your abstinence!

Ruin your vote!

A no show suggests, no care!

If the BNP were to get in power, wouldn't you want to vote for the most popular other party just to keep the BNP out?? E.g. last French election!

Big up for you p.o.v though!

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If the BNP were to get in power, wouldn't you want to vote for the most popular other party just to keep the BNP out?? E.g. last French election!

even if they started an illegal international war, my hands are clean i didn't vote Labour, though they still use my taxes to fund their war effort.

but I do see where your coming from, good point.

The whole democratic process needs a good looking at it is far from perfect.

Going to go and stick on Rage against the machine, Take the power back. think about starting a rebellion, then have a bong and watch hollyoaks.


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The whole democratic process needs a good looking at it is far from perfect.

Going to go and stick on Rage against the machine, Take the power back. think about starting a rebellion, then have a bong and watch hollyoaks.



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No one else, 4 names 4 choices all of them a big no from the Pip camp.  What do you suggest??????????????????????????????????

Please dont tke this the wrong way. Pip

I suggest u realise that compromise is the name of the game it has to be !!

No party will ever be the pip_cavan party and that if u start one it will only ever have one voter !

I think :

The democratic process we have atm means we all have to work together from differing positions and work on a solution that includes all, not just one view, yes we must have a direction ie/ money orientated or people orientated for example, but if we dont try to do better for the majority of people whilst including the minority groups we will never get anywhere !! if people actually read the manifestos of each party and stop pretending politics dosen affect them, i know we all could find many things to agree with in varying parties and some we might not, and then if u still cant decide abstain but register ur abstention !! dont fall into the apathy trap the neo right thrive on. Look to what happened in the USA with Bush getting in ?? too many people gave up voting and look what happened !! Some may think its political answer to say it but its still true, if enough people dont vote the extreme parties always prosper because their voters always vote !!

Managing the economy, health service and the rest i think would be dam tough, but to getting most people to agree on how to do it, now that would be near impossible !!

look at us here on one issue, try 100's of policys and directions to choose from.

I hear what u are saying about choice Pip and if thats what u really want, check out the Liberal policy of proportional representation which would bring many smaller partys into the mainstream !! I personallly think that too many parties may evolve into loads of different ideas talked about and nothing actually done. but i may be wrong, as many of our European neighbours have prooved it can work, if its worked at hard !! but i think over here in the UK we would rather shout, scream, jump up and down rather than try to sort out our political process and im not talking about just the politicians.

I really think our pathectic neo right wing media backed by people like Murdock mislead our People far more than any politician and thats saying somat. They frighten and outright lie about important events and many far too many believe every word, and no one can disprove them because they police themselves and no one can ever vote them out !! Plus any politicain who dares stand against them would be a condemed person for the press to chew up and spit out !!


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The whole democratic process needs a good looking at it is far from perfect.

Going to go and stick on Rage against the machine, Take the power back.  think about starting a rebellion, then have a bong and watch hollyoaks.





Good choice !!

I also like Prison system by soad !! in fact i like nearly everything theyve done


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dont fall into the apathy trap the neo right thrive on. Look to what happened in the USA with Bush getting in ?? too many people gave up voting and look what happened !! Some may think its political answer to say it but its still true, if enough people dont vote the extreme parties always prosper because their voters always vote !!


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smokin' wrote "My point was that there is no LCA candidate in our local or anyone worth voting for.... I'll will go through the choice i had one more time, try to keep up, Tory....NO, Labour....NO, Lib dem.... NO, BNP.... your 'avin' a larf ani't ya.

No one else, 4 names 4 choices all of them a big no from the Pip camp. What do you suggest?????????????????????????????????? "

All that I can suggest / hope for, is that people all over the country FIND and FUND candidates for the LCA in as many elections as possible: as a candidate one will get a platform, not only for LCA policies but for other issues that the candidate wants to raise.

It's really up to people on a local level: we offer the services and backing of a party for what are basically independents and members of other parties who are allied on the legalisation and utilisation of cannabis policies of the LCA. That makes the LCA pretty unique.

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your the one trying to make money on the back of cannabis, not me.....

i'm a medi user/grower........i wish to make no money at all from my condition or medi use...........

how much do you stand to gain????????

eeerrrr........ good luck with the book....................... :stoned:


Edited by sittingrelaxing
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