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We will Vote


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Hello Everyone,

Colin Davies gets the vote on my card everytime as any toker here would of got if they had done what Colin did and is still doing - Soz not to follow the community stance but it is all I have left which is FREE to support. :) and is nothing personal as I do not really know anyone from the LCA or what they are about as I prefer to stay away. :ouch:

I will never never trust any person that wants to break into the 'UK Political Arena' thats right no vote for any form of UK Political party budding members - no matter what 'name' it comes under.


because I know that when it comes to the hard core 'life and death legislations' which ever party is in power - The House of Lords & the likes - will buy whatever they want to suit there business intentions to profit on us citizens.

Yes Party's do change there stance the more successful they become. - politican's love money and dream power - on us always.

The LCA vote thingy on every page (I think) will not change my views it just makes me a little nervous and sad as a disabled guy as I know the law may be around here in disguise but I have thought that before and am now careful what I talk about here as I do enjoy reading all your posts.

Enjoy the sun where ever you may be today. fae Jimbob.

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hi thc,

your right to say what you mean here m8,

we've all got freedom of expression and thought......................

i personally dont agree with lca's or colin's way,

but that's easy for me to say as my neck isn't on the same line as them........

for me the quickest way to legalisation is get the non-smokers behind it.....

ie working in the surrounding area's breaking down fears and lies

just locking ourselves away in coffeeshops,

just adds to the mystique for the normal bods,

and if we stoners put back something into your local community,

maybe the herb uneducated would be less likely to panic and inform on us......

:( i'm stoned though........................



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for me the quickest way to leagalisation is get the non-smokers behind it.....

ie working in the surrounding area's breaking down fears and lies

Definately think this is one of the best ways to get relaxed laws, we need a battle for hearts and minds, people need to realise that weed smokers aren't corrupt law breakers and have a positve contribution to make to society on any level.

Thankfully we seem to be seeing a slow shift in public opinion around the world (look at canada and american med pot movements) to a greater acceptance and apreciation of cannabis.

Ed Rosenthal gets 1 day in jail :(

mashed :(

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I think your appraisal of the people in the LCA is a little sad since you say you have never met any of "us". Take a look at the www.lca-uk.org site, People's page, and you are most welcome to make contact with any of us.

Get to know us and you may be surprised to learn that we are not politicians at all. We have come from many walks of life with many motives, allied under one party to push for legalisation, that's all. We have no political ambition other than forcing the politicians to change the law. And I beleive that is the only way the law will ever get changed.

Personally, I have watched various aspects of the legalise cannabis campaign in the UK for over 30 years, and I have never seen such progress in both public and political opinion as since elections were first contested by a Legalise Cannabis candidate, Howard Marks, in 1997.

Since 13 people stood for the LCA in 2001, the campaign has come alive again. The Alliance now has over 2000 endorsees, which includes most of the UK activists including people from other parties. So it really is a cross-party alliance.

Colin Davies is one such endorsee, and he also expressed an intreest in standing although he will not be able to. Standing gives one the chance to have one's say and gives others the chance to show their support.

BTW, the LCA has not been involved with the opening or running of any cananbis cafse. Although we support them in principle, that has not been part of the party's political activities, although some of those who chose that route to campaign, are endorsees, and may also be candidates one day.

It would be a great shame if, when the time comes for tokers to go out, put a cross or a tick in a box and show the next government just how much support there is for this issue, on that day people decided not to vote because they don't like politics, or just plain "got too stoned and forgot" it.

People are putting their time and effort, not to mention money, into working in this way to keep everyone free from arrest.

What these people need is encouragement.


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I know the law may be around here in disguise but I have thought that before and am now careful what I talk about here as I do enjoy reading all your posts

Jimmy, the law is every where in disguise, don't dwell on it, it will make you paranoid,

paranoid people keep their heads down, cause no fuss.................. and get walked over , they win :(

If the law really took that much interest in us, then surely I would have been busted ages ago ?

I'm not exactly hard to find, but I'm still here :(

The police only uphold the law, they dont make it, most don't even agree with it ( Ask Eddie)

You have to use the system to change the law, that means putting people who are willing to represent you and your rights in the only place that counts.

Don't knock them for trying


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Hello Everyone,

Soz to upset the community with my words - If you can allow me to explain a little I will try and explain a little at a time.

It's very very sad for me to see a 'banner' such as this on every single page here - as I see that as a direct form of attempted 'brain bashing' by management here.

I learn daily and my position towards other groups may change with that information. No hard and fast from little old me.

You say - We will vote? - who is we? - there are 2000+ members here which I am one off and have never been asked my vote in over a year here - please.

sittingrelaxed - please please stay away from any of my posts Sir as I do yours. They are not for you. You fund Chemical Companies Sir - goodbye to you.

No hard feelings from me. That's my free choice.

And no I won't ask Eddie either as he has spent his life earning bug bucks from causing great harm to our community cannabis tokers - but he has changed now - that's a joke - once a federal agent alway's one.

I lost my best friends here in Scotland - 2 brothers to fucking coppers. killed. - cannabis tokin was there crime - thats real! - yes they kept busting there private homes.

Yes he will have pensions and a cosy life on us forever and so will his family to come. - he's a great friend to have?

Yes I know eddie tries to help people here myself included - but that does not change the truth.

I am not trying to hurt anyone - I have been hurt here with that banner popping up on every page and it has led on to other issues which I will try and explain fully as you seem to want me to do.

I hope this start helps a little.

Peace to you all. :smoke:

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sittingrelaxed - please please stay away from any of my posts Sir as I do yours.

They are not for you. 


tic glasgow,

if you could refrain from reading my post's as you are stuck in some

parallel world where every one must agree with you,

i'll post where i like, if you read them thats up to you,

i'll still read yours as i am open minded and willing to listern and learn....

You fund Chemical Companies Sir

i give to charity, but nice try

(out of each grow i give money to different charity's

i give to 3 local charity's and 2 national charity's

the money i donated to mcrf has now gone to a pain clinic in a hospital

but that upsets thc for some reason)

your the one trying to make money on the back of cannabis, not me.....

i'm a medi user/grower........i wish to make no money at all from my condition or medi use...........

how much do you stand to gain????????

goodbye to you.

goodridance to you sir and have a nice life................. ;)



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What Colin Davies has done, is set back any chance of legalisation by several years. He challenged the judiciary, the rule of law and the massive profits that people like GW will make if they can corner the medical market. Thats not how anything has ever been changed! You get change when something becomes normalised with the majority of the population.

Sites like this help a lot, they encourage people to grow it helps to normalise puff with the general public. The LCA are never likely to become a mainstream party or get a member elected, but in every place they stand a candidate it brings cannabis to the publics attention. Where they get votes other parties will say how can we get those votes.

You may hate politics and politicians, but they are the system you live under and nothing you can do is likely to change that, you can only hate them and taking an antiestablishment line will change nothing.

Personally I support what the LCA and UKCIA are doing. Would I stand up and be counted, no! I come from the paranoid generation that Joolz talks about. But I would vote for them every time. I do my little bit here trying to help people to grow good weed, it may be worthless but I hope not.

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What Colin Davies has done, is set back any chance of legalisation by several years. He challenged the judiciary, the rule of law and the massive profits that people like GW will make if they can corner the medical market. Thats not how anything has ever been changed! You get change when something becomes normalised with the majority of the population.

Sites like this help a lot, they encourage people to grow it helps to normalise puff with the general public. The LCA are never likely to become a mainstream party or get a member elected, but in every place they stand a candidate it brings cannabis to the publics attention. Where they get votes other parties will say how can we get those votes.

You may hate politics and politicians, but they are the system you live under and nothing you can do is likely to change that, you can only hate them and taking an antiestablishment line will change nothing.

Personally I support what the LCA and UKCIA are doing. Would I stand up and be counted, no! I come from the paranoid generation that Joolz talks about. But I would vote for them every time. I do my little bit here trying to help people to grow good weed, it may be worthless but I hope not.

I agreed with every sentance apart from this one

But I would vote for them every time.

For me i have to vote for a party that is going to look after our country closest to how i would, irrelevant of the MJ issue, I would rather put massive pressure on the current gov and opposition parties to adopt pro Cannabis policies so we can actually get legalisation or Decrim especailly for medi use which, because of pressure on this goverment has made steps toward real change. It may be slow but not as slow as a fringe party losing their deposit. sorry to be brutal but its true !! If we can get a substantial politcian to take up the cause, a bigger version of the pro cannabis Newport MP Paul Flynn would do nicely, we will get somewhere in the future. Even the Tories have made some slightly more positively statments about MJ. If we keep on at all politicians, threating to vote for the other side if they dont change toward MJ legalisation .. its likely it will work in the end.

In my opinion:

If u dont Vote u dont Count !!

and if u dont count what u want, will always be ignored however loud u shout !

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I would rather put massive pressure on the current gov and opposition parties to adopt pro Cannabis policies so we can actually get legalisation or Decrim especailly for medi use which, because of pressure on this goverment has made steps toward real change

Surely the best way to put pressure on them is by taking away their precious votes? The only way their gonna take the issue seriously is if it's posing a serious threat to their nice cushy position of wealth and power :ohmygod:


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The only way their gonna take the issue seriously is if it's posing a serious threat to their nice cushy position of wealth and power

i think the opposite,

surely only when they realise we are no threat to there cushy positions,

by taking on the system,you take on the "straight heads" .............

ie-the people that vote........

because of the media and lawmakers "straight heads" fear the blessed herb.....

"change a man's beliefs overnight and he will recant at first sign of trouble,

but to let a man see the truth and let him see the injustice,

let him change himself with-in himself,

then he will stand by you side by side

because as humans we hate injustices,be it friend or foe.........."


sr :ohmygod:

btw thc does that mean the smmco doesn't wish to hear from people,

that give to ....


b/ disagree's with your way of doing things or

c/ anyone who at sometime in there life worked for the government......

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Regardless of what you belive, you should vote! If you don't then your a sell out!!

People die for the right to vote in certain countries, by taking that right for granted your are taking the piss!!

Like twai says "if u don't vote, u don't count"!!

SR, you say by voting we are taking on the "straight heads". Damn right!!

Last voter turnout on .election was below 40%. What if the rest voted???? I'm sure we'd have a different Gov!!! :furious:

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SR, you say by voting we are taking on the "straight heads". Damn right!!

hi ss,

not how i put it,and not what i meant.............:ohmygod:

splan was saying to take away the mp's power by not voting for them....

(i think thats what he meant)

as pot smokers we are a small group of people,

and "straight heads" are the bigger group,so they normally win in elections,

we need them more than they need us,(if we ever want to move forward)

the straight heads are fed so much shit about smokers/growers,that most fear us.

i always vote,

but who i vote for is my busisness................ :ohmygod:

and i have no loyalty when it comes to politic's or mp's,

also i've never voted for a single issue party................. :ohmygod:

you should vote! If you don't then your a sell out!!

i agree


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I didn't vote in the last elections?????? and why not? Because there was no one worth voting for in our constituancy. The choice of Tory, labour, lib dem or BNP. Four choices and not one of them that deserves my vote and i wasn't going to vote for the lesser of four evils. the right to abstian from voting is as big a right as voting, imo the lack of turn out at the poles doesn't show laziness but a growing concern that the people don't believe in the system anymore. That we want change, we need a new major player in parliment and if the LCA can achieve this and bring about change then I will support them

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hi pip,

whydont you still go the polling station and put a big cross across the whole paper...

if those who were disaffected with mp's,would all just spoil there paper,

they would soon have to listern, because at least there no-vote has been counted....


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