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Why Exist At All?

Baba Ku

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the path that can be walked, is not the true path....

traveler, there are no paths - paths are made by walking...

thats why i despair of the organized religion thing - the people who are famed for spiritual enlightenment usually seem to have got their on their own and following no one. other people usually start up the religion and name it after them later, falsely thinking that repeating another's actions/lifestyle will place them on the same path -but there are no paths...

the road to enlightenment, i believe, is just thick metaphysical underbrush that we hack away daily with out machete of questioning and the stalks we burn on the fire of our understanding every eve as we brew our cup of consideration...

still dunno about why exist at all, but i'm becoming more confident that we don't really :soap:

joint anyone?


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I heard Daniel O'Donnell beat the living snot out of Barry Manilow at a party for wearing the same v-neck - broke his nose in 48 places and ruptured a nostril.

Don't bullshit,it was a crew neck! :)

Wow it's amazing how many of you out there take an interest in Barry Manilow. I sense you are weakening to his powers. Don't be in denial,where his jumpers with pride and be free. You really don't need the closet. It's dark in there and distorts your vision!

im sure its his nose hashy, its big enough to generate its own gravity field. im surprised he never did a jimi hendrix either, rather than playing a guitar with his teeth barry could easily plink away on the piano with his hooter. as for jumpers i have a few, my favourite is the one my gran knitted. nice one gran.

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im surprised he never did a jimi hendrix either, rather than playing a guitar with his teeth barry could easily plink away on the piano with his hooter.
Whoah, Jimi and Barry Manlilove in the same sentence!

It's interesting that you should invoke Jimi, who evidently had a clear idea of his reason for being here - to alter the course of popular music by reinventing the way in which electric guitars can be played - and once he achieved his mission, he split this plane of existence. Some people speculate that Jimi was an incarnate angel, others that he was a brother from another planet. Although Jimi did establish his own Electric Church (check their version of Red House on the Hendrix Blues album), AFAIK, there is no formal congregation dedicated to the worship of JH (unlike the Church of John Coltrane). However, Jimi's very existence, the way in which he was physiologically designed (huge, fret-spanning hands!), and his brief but incandescent career - are surely proof of divine intelligence?

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I heard Daniel O'Donnell beat the living snot out of Barry Manilow at a party for wearing the same v-neck - broke his nose in 48 places and ruptured a nostril.

Don't bullshit,it was a crew neck! :cheers:

Wow it's amazing how many of you out there take an interest in Barry Manilow. I sense you are weakening to his powers. Don't be in denial,where his jumpers with pride and be free. You really don't need the closet. It's dark in there and distorts your vision!

im sure its his nose hashy, its big enough to generate its own gravity field. im surprised he never did a jimi hendrix either, rather than playing a guitar with his teeth barry could easily plink away on the piano with his hooter. as for jumpers i have a few, my favourite is the one my gran knitted. nice one gran.

Hi there,

After 28 years of nose jokes I don't laugh anymore. In fact I don't believe I ever did. My sense of humour has never been set out to hurt another,but to have them smile. I don't even get hurt by the nose jokes as when you have heard them as much as I have it's water off a ducks back. If only those in the world could see beneath the surface then more care would be around us. If only them same people were less critical of what doesn't matter then they could be part of what does.

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Surely existance is its own reward? Not that you get any choice in the matter. :yahoo:

I dunno TLK - I've been in a few places where I've asked myself wtf am I doing here? and then left. :rofl:

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I heard Daniel O'Donnell beat the living snot out of Barry Manilow at a party for wearing the same v-neck - broke his nose in 48 places and ruptured a nostril.

Don't bullshit,it was a crew neck! lol

Wow it's amazing how many of you out there take an interest in Barry Manilow. I sense you are weakening to his powers. Don't be in denial,where his jumpers with pride and be free. You really don't need the closet. It's dark in there and distorts your vision!

im sure its his nose hashy, its big enough to generate its own gravity field. im surprised he never did a jimi hendrix either, rather than playing a guitar with his teeth barry could easily plink away on the piano with his hooter. as for jumpers i have a few, my favourite is the one my gran knitted. nice one gran.

Hi there,

After 28 years of nose jokes I don't laugh anymore. In fact I don't believe I ever did. My sense of humour has never been set out to hurt another,but to have them smile. I don't even get hurt by the nose jokes as when you have heard them as much as I have it's water off a ducks back. If only those in the world could see beneath the surface then more care would be around us. If only them same people were less critical of what doesn't matter then they could be part of what does.

chill out and lighten up mate, its nothing personal. unless of course you happen to be the real barry manilow in which case im utterly sorry for taking the piss out of your conk. sorry.

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chill out and lighten up mate, its nothing personal. unless of course you happen to be the real barry manilow in which case im utterly sorry for taking the piss out of your conk. sorry.

back off man - barry's front door is prolly getting pig size 10s bouncing off it now

no real names (bette midler is STILL fkng with his head)

what goes on tour STAYS on tour yeah?


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When I look at human beings I realize that we are inescapably linked to suffering, our lives would lack meaning and cohesion if we attained any sort of true contentment. Dunno, I was thinking about the OP's question of "why is there suffering?" Why is there suffering? Because there must be, we're just the only species on this planet that creates such drama because of it. We change and we grow because of adversity, because of suffering, to remove that is to take away the very essence of life. Life, death, and calamity all have the same mother and drink from the same source.

The suffering I've endured has always taught me a lesson or has contributed to my individual growth, even if all I was trying to do was escape feeling bad. As incomprehensible as it may be we are in the middle of so much suffering and darkness, and that's okay, for we are human. The cold forces that operate in the universe also operate in us and around us.

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When I look at human beings I realize that we are inescapably linked to suffering, our lives would lack meaning and cohesion if we attained any sort of true contentment. Dunno, I was thinking about the OP's question of "why is there suffering?" Why is there suffering? Because there must be, we're just the only species on this planet that creates such drama because of it. We change and we grow because of adversity, because of suffering, to remove that is to take away the very essence of life. Life, death, and calamity all have the same mother and drink from the same source.

The suffering I've endured has always taught me a lesson or has contributed to my individual growth, even if all I was trying to do was escape feeling bad. As incomprehensible as it may be we are in the middle of so much suffering and darkness, and that's okay, for we are human. The cold forces that operate in the universe also operate in us and around us.

see chapter 13 of the Tao

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When I look at human beings I realize that we are inescapably linked to suffering, our lives would lack meaning and cohesion if we attained any sort of true contentment. Dunno, I was thinking about the OP's question of "why is there suffering?" Why is there suffering? Because there must be, we're just the only species on this planet that creates such drama because of it. We change and we grow because of adversity, because of suffering, to remove that is to take away the very essence of life. Life, death, and calamity all have the same mother and drink from the same source.

The suffering I've endured has always taught me a lesson or has contributed to my individual growth, even if all I was trying to do was escape feeling bad. As incomprehensible as it may be we are in the middle of so much suffering and darkness, and that's okay, for we are human. The cold forces that operate in the universe also operate in us and around us.

see chapter 13 of the Tao

What will that tell me that life hasn't?

Edited by Paranoid-Android
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chill out and lighten up mate, its nothing personal. unless of course you happen to be the real barry manilow in which case im utterly sorry for taking the piss out of your conk. sorry.

back off man - barry's front door is prolly getting pig size 10s bouncing off it now

no real names (bette midler is STILL fkng with his head)

what goes on tour STAYS on tour yeah?


shit, i hope i've not gotten baz busted by accident but if i have he can at least keep writing the songs that make the whole world sing..... from his cell.

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