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Why Exist At All?

Baba Ku

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If you are feeling down, I wouldn't recommend Christianity. You are told that you are a sinner, must refrain from certain things and must obey rules. To occupy and open your mind a bit I'd recommend reading a bit of Buddhist and Taoist ideas.

Remember - You have freedom to believe what you want. You are the master of your own mind.

cheers Father, i shall look into those books lol

it's not just about feeling down, i know certain parts of my life need some serious attention but really what it boils down to; is fear of losing the one's i love, my mum and dad, family etc - I just dread I will never see them again after death. :dj:

but oh well, i am here now and happy to be alive so yeh cherish what u have, stay positive.

my monk book says our minds are like beautiful gardens, if we look after our garden then we shall reap the rewards or something along those lines.

the book is called 'The monk who sold his ferrari' btw


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Why Exist At All?

It's a silly question if you think about it.

there aint no such thing...

no shy of the big questions baba are ye? :rofl:

according to the book im reading just now, people, the earth and the entire universe is a giant mirage of matter - an orchestration of vibrations that constructs the "reality" which (apparently) separates us from God, and it does this with its illusion of physical actuality, and the seeming absence of God.

but, of course, we were never separated from god, just as none of us are seperate from each other and we are each tricked into accepting the false reality of our "individuality" by our egos. we reincarnate over and over until we learn to see through the "reality" of our universe and finally awake to render the contents of our existence as meaningless by removing all concept of "difference" from our daily living perspective.

this process is all done by forgiveness, forgiving every one of what they are not doing, because no one is doing evil things, because none of us or anything really exists, see.. and we acknowledge this by forgiving everything we would usually judge as negative, as god is love and does not judge, and - ultimately - what we aim to forgive is our own unconscious guilt at the idea that we have of being separated from God.


according to the book, we DONT exist at all, the sooner we realize it the sooner we can get back to being the one thing we all are and have been from the start - and we can do away with this whole messy pretend physicality bullshit.

but then, theres plenty other books out there with some script on what we are and why.

fuck knows really, innit? lol


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Guest dr rockster

"this whole messy pretend physicality bullshit"

Sorry bro,sounds like you are reading a 'book' a piece of information technology written by a MAN and all talk of orchestrations of vibrations(Oh bro you are losing me in airy fairyness)are something I might discuss with you had we taken copius amounts of LSD or DMT or Psiloscibin but we have not...............

So you believe in da wheel huh,da bhuddist one you walk,improving oneself through lifetimes of suffering,experience and onto eventual enlightenment?


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Guest dr rockster
the path that can be walked, is not the true path....

Said the fat bastard I kicked off the path on the way to the mental party I was going to and was well stocked up with

drugs with which to ease the knickers off the ladys that were so foolish as to return my smile.................

Lets face it,theres you lot and theres canna love gods...............

Jus kidding you fucking wall flowers! :rofl:

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maybe :

Drinking beer, it's what we're made for; that is why we're here.

Smoking hash, not time to dash; avoid the pigs & hide your stash.

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Why exist at all?

Existence is just a state of being.

Non-existence is just a state of not being.

However, is a state of not being, an existence in itself !

i.e. The existence of non existence.

Shakespeare i believe wrote :- "To be or not to be, that is the question".

To answer the question one must first understand it, so sorry guys i`m beat before i start!

Time to skin up :rofl: and forget it as my existence will be non-existence before i find the answer.

Of that i`m sure. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

I think

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Jeez Louise! If ever anyone is doing a Phd in Chaos Theory, just point them in the direction of UK420. Is it a stoner thing, the complete inability to keep to the point? From the nature of existence to Barry Manilow in one easy move. how does that happen? Seamlessly too, not a ripple in the pond. Never thought of Manilow as either a religious icon or an answer to life's deeper mysteries, but then I haven't been stoned for a while now, what do I know?

Bazza is of no mistery to me,but is answer to my existence. He is not a religious icon,but when dressed in leather I have been known to scream out Jesus! He is my drug and an addiction I will remain a part of. Barry is the point. No dark clouds will hold me down or take pieces from my soul to break me,for the heavenly spirit I bear protects and continues not to forsake me. By the way the name's Sharon mate.

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Usualy just one Rastajedi, of course he/she has to claim to be God :yinyang:

your name has interesting possibilities for a new religion Rastajedi! :rofl:

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Guest dr rockster
Hmmm interesting how many people does it take to start a religion....hmmmm B)

No,question is,how many suckers does it take to start a religion?

Very few and that is why I presently despair for humanity.

Idiots to the left,idiots to the right...........fucking religion,a cancer of the soul

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my sentiments exactly, excuse my dry sense of humour , heaven forbid Hughie :D

Rj :yinyang:

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