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Why Exist At All?

Baba Ku

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I heard Daniel O'Donnell beat the living snot out of Barry Manilow at a party for wearing the same v-neck - broke his nose in 48 places and ruptured a nostril.

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Well there is an element of truth in your statement as Barry has been known to wear a white V neck sweat-shirt,but unfortunatley I do have to take away that warm tingly feeling you have inside believing Barry was ever hurt. Daniel has the greatest of respect for Barry and knows there would be no point wearing a V neck shirt as Barry is just too HOT in his and would only leave Daniel feeling inadequate. Seriously I'm in-touch with reality and my previous statement is my genuine belief. I feel honoured and my life has been blessed for knowing Barry. Maybe not in Barry,but I hope that all in this world could have what truly gives them the highs I receive. Can you imagine being lost,alone,afraid and without hope and something comes along and restores that in you? I'm being deadly serious Barry and his beautiful music gave me life and taught me to 'feel'. I was searching for a ruby in a mountain of rocks and never in my wildest dreams expected to find a precious diamond,but I did in Barry.

Edited by Hashybang
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Roger your sense of humour is amazing and on that I can only congratulate you. Beans and handkerchiefs didn't play a part in my salvation,but it gives me an idea for a gift the next time I'm in Vegas for Barry. All these years and the best I could come up with was a book of self-written poetry. I guess I'm just an emotional kinda gal and never thought of being practical. Thanks mate.

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Question: Why exist at all? ..... For those that live without the knowledge of this beauty and need to ask the question then my answer to you is BARRY MANILOW!!!


:yinyang::mashed::yahoo::smoke: :smoke: :D:toot: :toot:

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so we'll have moss-typing interneters?

and roger, i wasnt taking the piss. I have started to turn to religion because im so fucking depressed all the time, and it easing it a bit, or maybe the bible is just opening up my little brain a bit and keeping it occupied.

if u knew the big answer, i guess it would no point in living. Because its the questions that drive us,

If you are feeling down, I wouldn't recommend Christianity. You are told that you are a sinner, must refrain from certain things and must obey rules. To occupy and open your mind a bit I'd recommend reading a bit of Buddhist and Taoist ideas.

Remember - You have freedom to believe what you want. You are the master of your own mind.

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Question: Why exist at all? ..... For those that live without the knowledge of this beauty and need to ask the question then my answer to you is BARRY MANILOW!!!


lol:toot: :toot: :toot: :toot: :toot: :toot: :toot:

dont take the piss percy otherwise barry could come round and peck you to death.

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I belive in God in the same way I belive in aliens,

I have a different respect for God mabey because I was brought up in a christian houeshold.

I'm not religious, dont go church or anythin like that I just belive in God, maybe it helps in my life to think someone is protecting(guideing) me and my famly, I also think things happen in life for a reason, I ve had alot of bad shit in my life but somthing good alway comes out of it.

as for aliens I belive they are out there I just know we are lied to everyday, If we were told aliens exist alot of social control would go out of the window ie, religion!

I belive life is about making the most of it and making it better for me and my fam :rofl:

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I believe life should be lived and the greatest knowledge is to understand how. Your soul is speaking to you and all you need to do is listen. Happiness really is a state of mind and the mind should be protected and not infected. Life is all about balance. Think of it as a pair of scales. Aim for level ground. If at first one side tips and allows the other to rise then search inside yourself for means of a safe return to the horizontal. What can and does happen to us throughout life can appear out of our hands and indeed there are things we have no control over,but the way we feel about them is our choice,so in-fact we do have the control to deal with it. Again happiness really is a state of mind. Take care of your mind and think clearly. As you move forward in time you should look back. You can't know where you're going until you know where you've been. You have all the answers,the key is to understand the questions. Good luck doesn't really exist. Bad luck doesn't either,but you do!

Edited by Hashybang
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I believe life should be lived and the greatest knowledge is to understand how. Your soul is speaking to you and all you need to do is listen. Happiness really is a state of mind and the mind should be protect and not infected. Life is all about balance. Think of it as a pair of scales. Aim for level ground. If at first one side tips and allows the other to rise then search inside yourself for means of a safe return to the horizontal. What can and does happen to us throughout life can appear out of our hands and indeed there are things we have no control over,but the way we feel about them is our choice,so in-fact we do have the control to deal with it. Happiness really is a state of mind. Take care of your mind and think clearly. As you move forward in time you should look back. You can't know where you're going until you know where you've been. You have all the answers,the key is to understand the questions. Good luck doesn't really exist. Bad luck doesn't either,but you do!

thats a hell of a positive outlook hashy and one they i try to live by but do not always achieve .. but because of this outlook i know the reasons why i sometimes fail and thus how to understand the question ... the way we feel about "events" in our lives is an excellent point .. i don't believe "good" or "bad" exists .. its just a tag we apply ... :yinyang:

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Guest dr rockster
why exist?

Life is a free gift, we're born into sin and only jesus can free us from it and take us to god (eternal life).

too many people need answers, but if you truly belive in something then you dont need proof, just a bit of faith and belife in god and jesus. :ninja:

don't take the piss :yinyang:

wot e said ffs!

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Guest dr rockster
I heard Daniel O'Donnell beat the living snot out of Barry Manilow at a party for wearing the same v-neck - broke his nose in 48 places and ruptured a nostril.

Don't bullshit,it was a crew neck! :yinyang:

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Hi there,

Thank you for the compliment and more than that thanks for listening. Like you I too have failed as failure is an easier process than success. Nothing good comes easily or at least it doesn't stay without effort. The price of failure can be seen as the wisdom to learn by ones mistakes. It is harder to do the right thing and only a fool chooses the direction of distruction when they have already gained the knowledge of right and wrong. I fail,but don't consider myself a failure. I have failed with wisdom and been a fool. Repeated mistakes tears at your soul and steals your hope. A broken soul can be repaired and hope can be restored. There is always a way back home,but you have to be prepared to walk as to walk is on your own two feet. Rely upon yourself before you rely upon another. Another has the freedom to leave,but you are prisoned with yourself. You make the choice whether it be death row or a prison of liberty. We can be our own worst enemy or we can be our own best friend. We are all only human and humans can and do mess up,but be kind to yourself when you know you have tried. I measure success by the wrongs I've put right and rights I was able to not get wrong. I have a long way to travel and still have things I must put right,but I work towards them and gain satisfaction for my efforts. I can honestly say when my company is just my own and my thought are heard only by myself I like me. I believe I have come a long way.

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I heard Daniel O'Donnell beat the living snot out of Barry Manilow at a party for wearing the same v-neck - broke his nose in 48 places and ruptured a nostril.

Don't bullshit,it was a crew neck! :rofl:

Wow it's amazing how many of you out there take an interest in Barry Manilow. I sense you are weakening to his powers. Don't be in denial,where his jumpers with pride and be free. You really don't need the closet. It's dark in there and distorts your vision!

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Jeez Louise! If ever anyone is doing a Phd in Chaos Theory, just point them in the direction of UK420. Is it a stoner thing, the complete inability to keep to the point? From the nature of existence to Barry Manilow in one easy move. how does that happen? Seamlessly too, not a ripple in the pond. Never thought of Manilow as either a religious icon or an answer to life's deeper mysteries, but then I haven't been stoned for a while now, what do I know?

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