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Why Exist At All?

Baba Ku

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If there is any reason for suffering to exist, that I can think of, it is to teach us both humility and compassion - sort of "There but for the grace of God go I". Everyone has their problems. Buddha's first teaching is that "all life is suffering"; he doesn't specify if his statement is restricted to human life, so I'm not sure if he means all of existence, or primarily human social life. Many of his stories seem based on human suffering though, to me at least. Buddha, as someone else suggested earlier in this thread, admitted that while there may, or may not, be gods, he concluded that these superior beings had little, if any, interest in human/earthly affairs. Are we on our own? Is life nothing more than an absurdity? I think so, but fuck it, what do I know? :rofl:

e2a: there's always someone worse off than yourself...

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If there were such a reason we wouldn't exist. There has to be a reason for our existance simply because we do exist. Nothing could possibly exist without having a reason to exist.

I think you're confusing reason with cause.

If not then you're supposing there is a creator of some kind?

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I'm a Buddhist by inclination... the question that vexes me the most is, why the suffering?
With respect, if you are inclined to Buddhism, why not try to practice? I mean, start meditating - if you don't already - and learn a bit about Buddhism, perhaps from the FPMT web site and their Discovering Buddhism at Home series.

As has been pointed out, Buddha taught that suffering is the human condition, but there is an end to suffering that can be attained by detaching oneself from aversion/attraction and accepting All That Is. Nothing in this life has any inherent meaning, except that which we humans bring to it, but we are meaning-making machines. The aim of meditation is to learn to ignore the chattering machine - I don't think it can be switched off, quite - and enjoy one's sensory data without judgement, or even analysis.

Remember that the world is not as you perceive it, but the consensus reality that we inhabit is a product of humanity's co-creation; it's our collective imagining. An end to suffering will come when the number of humans who are prepared to get over themselves - i.e.: set their egos aside and commit to the arduous task of connecting with their Buddha nature - reaches a critical mass. And then, collectively, we will transcend this morbid reality to a new plane of existence.

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Why Exist At All?

'tis a question I oft ask myself in the wee small hours of the morning. Drinking some more usually makes it go away.

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I'm a Buddhist by inclination... the question that vexes me the most is, why the suffering?

With respect, if you are inclined to Buddhism, why not try to practice? I mean, start meditating - if you don't already - and learn a bit about Buddhism, perhaps from the FPMT web site and their Discovering Buddhism at Home series.

I do indeed meditate, and hope one day to achieve an enlightened state. However, given that Buddha taught that we are all already Buddha's and simply need to reawaken our Buddha nature, it leaves me with a question. Why did we choose not to stay part of the one in the first place? Why separate ourselves and create ego, and therefore suffering, if ultimately we are all going to become enlightened and return to perfection? It sounds to me as if it's some kind of exercise, which is a pointless exercise unless there is a reason for it. The only reason that makes any kind of sense to me is that we have an eternity to exist in, so we fill it with different experiences.

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Your question is one of the great imponderables! Probably the main reason why I prefer Vipassana meditation is because it comes with no 'philosophy' attached. Indeed, they allege that Gotama refused to play intellectual games and was only interested in teaching the technique that leads directly to liberation (i.e.: vipassana!) Then, of course, you find out that to progress in the discipline, you have to study Satipatthana Sutra!

I wouldn't describe myself as a Buddhist (because I've not taken refuge) but, as I understand it, we chose to reincarnate for the purpose of evolution - not simply to work out our individual karma, but to advance in dhamma and increase the quality of collective consciousness? Finding one's life purpose is the prime imperative and the greatest challenge, but the place to look is within.

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why exist?

Life is a free gift, we're born into sin and only jesus can free us from it and take us to god (eternal life).

too many people need answers, but if you truly belive in something then you dont need proof, just a bit of faith and belife in god and jesus. :)

Edited by Smokey
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why exist?

Life is a free gift, we're born into sin and only jesus can free us from it and take us to god (eternal life).

too many people need answers, but if you truly belive in something then you dont need proof, just a bit of faith and belife in god and jesus. :wink:

don't take the piss :)

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In a universe this big, when there are things as small as quarks, where string theory increasingly appears to be real, what the fuck are we ? Why do we exist ? Why does moss exist on rocks ? Because it can. What are we ? moss on the rock that we call planet earth. God, Buddha, elightenment. Do me a fucking favour. You're a random growth on an inconsequential rock. Deal with it.

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so we'll have moss-typing interneters?

and roger, i wasnt taking the piss. I have started to turn to religion because im so fucking depressed all the time, and it easing it a bit, or maybe the bible is just opening up my little brain a bit and keeping it occupied.

if u knew the big answer, i guess it would no point in living. Because its the questions that drive us,

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and roger, i wasnt taking the piss. I have started to turn to religion because im so fucking depressed all the time, and it easing it a bit, or maybe the bible is just opening up my little brain a bit and keeping it occupied.

sorry mate :)

have a read of the Tao, it won't cheer you up much, but hey - shit happens: that is life.

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thank u rog mate, will order myself a copy :)

I also posted a guide to religions for you in free4all :wink:

eta: 'the tao of pooh & the te of piglet' is good as well.

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Question: Why exist at all? Answer: He was born in Brooklyn New York City 1943,is a true living angel,has the most true and gentle soul,the musical ability to give light where there is darkness,hope where otherwise is lost,love in an empty heart,honesty in a world of mistrust,the ability to turn a frown into a smile,takes away the tears of sadness and replaces them with tears of joy and to top all of that is the most gorgeous,desirable,adorable human being this world will ever have the pleasure and good fortune of knowing. Hell ain't I glad I was given life at the time I have been to bear witness to such a gift and masterpiece. For those that live without the knowledge of this beauty and need to ask the question then my answer to you is BARRY MANILOW!!!

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