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Trichoderma Harzianum & Vesicular Arbuscular Mycorrhizas

Felix Dzerzhinsky

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huh? I bubble to add dissolved oxygen to me water.

eta: I'm actually not too worried about chlorine.

Edited by Randalizer
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then i bring the temp of the water up by adding a little hot water from the kettle to get them both warm, about 31C ,this is just to help the temp while its bubbling for the next hr.,but now is to time to add the molasses/treacle while it bubbles for 1 hr to get any chlorine in the water to bubble off and disperse.

But adding oxygen makes much more sense.


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Quick update on the mycellium

e2a: the hand picture gave itself a black background! go figure.




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well this abomination of a thread has helped many people.

i read your posts in this thread and still dont know what the fuck your doing tbh but that could be because youve been bolloxed when posting or me when reeding. if you want free mycorhizal fungi then cut an infected plant out and leave the soil to stand for 10 days, then the fungi will produce spores, simply cut up the root and add it back to the soil it was taken from, then add it to new soil like you would root grow etc.


above is some coco which i mixed with soya meal to increase the fungi in it, it was about 4 days old by then so some time to go yet. i was going to add it to an AACT but was put off the idea during a discussion on here so i added it as a mulch to a pot growing sunflower which was at deaths door (i have said this before so sorry to bore), it amazed me with its recovery and growth rate and i wished i had added it to an AACT!

for bacteria, worm castings actively brewed for 24-36 hrs will provide plenty of beneficial bacteria.

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Cool, cause i think im about to drop another bombshell lol, surely the effect of bubbling water on the chlorine conect will be nigh on eff all. Also, any chlroine that is "got rid of" will surely form into another compund, containing chlorine, i mean we arent chaning elements here.

Brewing some trichoderma now, think ill just go and add it straight away, see what we get :)


the difference between free chlorine, and total chlorine, the chlorine is still present in the water, but its disinfection qualities become inactivated once it has combined with other chemicals. ie it's neutralised. chlorine forms hydrochloric and hydrochlorous acid in water. bubbling isn't required for the chlorine to die off though, but it keeps the water aerated, and a small portion of the chlorine is lost to air, so provides a larger surface area for this to happen as well

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Hiya evans181

What I do is just sprinkle a fine dusting over the planting hole. I did this with rootgrow and now do the same with 'granules' - I've never been very exact with either, seems to be fine

I'm sure someone will correct me if that's bad practice

All the best man :wink:

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Can I use this NAF Molasses?,Its for adding to Horse feeds but I use it for Fishing.Ive got a 5 litre bottle in my shed it will save me a trip into Town if I can use it.



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Felix Dzerzhinsky

Wow that's a big ol tub of molasses :guitar: , I should imagine that one type of molasses is pretty similar to the others so should be no problem at all. He said confidently :)

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Cheers Felix :rofl:

I'll give it a whirl then,its soo funny,Ive been using this stuff for years I use at least 1 of them bottles a month and it only clicked yesterday when I was making some bait up that it might be the same stuff :guitar: not sure if its cheaper at the supermarket though? I pay £7.69 for 5 litres.


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